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Embedding Tweets


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I thought I had done an announcement for this a while ago (perhaps lost in the purge). Regardless, here's how to embed tweets:


Copy the URL of the tweet you wish to share. If you are on a desktop, select the arrow to the top right of a tweet from your feed and click on "Copy link to Tweet", or if the tweet is already open, simply copy the URL string in your browser.


Paste that URL as a LINK, and then paste the tweet's ID number (the string of numbers at the end) between TWEET brackets, like the below:


Link: https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1088084703184338945


This will allow the tweet itself to embed into the post,
allow mobile users, who cannot see the embedded tweet, a link to view it via mobile.




The end result looks like this:



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Bumping this for relevance. Please, if you're posting tweets, include the link for mobile users. When using the app, tweets do not embed, so the link is very helpful to ensure everyone is able to see the contents.



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk


OK, so with us sun setting the branded app, this is no longer an issue. In fact, Tapatalk's app is so smart that it populates tweets literally through a simple hyperlink.


In order to have tweets render on both desktop and mobile, I'd still ask you use the same TWEET BBcode as illustrated in the OP, but there's no longer a need to also include the link to the tweet beneath it.

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