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Everything posted by LONG LONG LONG TIME FAN

  1. Well hello there. It's your favorite and most trustworthy YAYSAYER!!! You all know, the young man that always has a positive attitude re. the NYR. Tonite may be the defining moment as to what this team is actually made of when it comes to determination, intensity, physicality, grit, smarts, no stupid penalties and even dumber plays, and energy. Oh, I almost neglected to mention the all-time favorite, MOXIE!! Assuming that most people have TVS, we shall all get a chance to witness first hand whether or not this group has the mental toughness to withstand what quite probably will be an Islander onslaught. Those viewing in person, as one NAYSAYER mentioned, will be witness to, what hopefully will be a watershed event. H.F!
  2. Nick Fotiu.. Born and bred Staten Island native was one of the best of his time. However, imho the best that I ever saw was #9 Gordie Howe. Not many tangled with him. Andy Bathgate was no slouch either. Wasn't a guy looking for trouble but not many tangled with him in his hey day. John Ferguson comes to mind. Leapin' Lou Fontinato was also one of the best although #9 destroyed him in a fight and it essentially led to fontinato's demise.
  3. One more groaner that couldn't get the idea. No ear flaps needed by you, that's for sure. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  4. Not KK # 24...KK #20... I mean, a guy like you that can surmise almost everything couldn't figure that out? Oh boy!!
  5. One more super-intelligent post in a long list of super-intelligent posts by a super NAYSAYER!!!
  6. Wrong! You are an F-SAYER; one of the best. Must be interesting around the family dinner table with all present.
  7. :palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::palm::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::
  8. H.F! The NYR swamped the NY Islanders.!!! Who would've thunk? So, the boys in blue surely must've read my post! As an aside; As many have said: " get rid of Kreider, Fast, The King, & #76" for assets..... Dream on you pessimists! Looking' forward to the rematch on L.I. Should be " velly interesting". Keep your negative posts a' coming all you proverbial Negatronists!
  9. You, sonny boy are correctomonde. I'm the founder, CEO AND one of the very few prominent members of YEASAYERS AMERICA! See ya' around the campus,chum. H.F!
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