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Everything posted by LONG LONG LONG TIME FAN

  1. Hey! You revived the long dead name of Tricky Ca$h. Forgot all about the " elite power forward " who lived on the perimeter. GGGGGGone on back to Columbus where he played as Capt. then moaned and cajoled his way out and came to our beloved NYR. The well overpaid playoff non performer. H.F!
  2. http://m.quickmeme.com/img/d0/d0467d94b834027549fa6f1074c0d95fb19a08fbcd1b3132f3d0bc4cf7eb7f5c.jpg
  3. OK ? What to do with Strome Now? Uhhhh, keep him, obviously. Used the right way, he's more than most expected.
  4. Didn't play a very good game defensively, either. Several glaring errors, one leading to a goal. Luv his offensive qualities but gotta play defense if you're a defenseman, as my sweetie-pie so adroitly emphasized during the game. Ciao, baby H.F!
  5. It's difficult for many. Give it your best effort, try harder, work on it continuously, stay optimistic and you may get there.
  6. Oops. My boo boo. Even the best make mistakes. Grand prize winner dethroned.
  7. For $$$? The NFL allowing this to occur is a slap in the face, to all fans. Just another way to extort $$$ from people so the owners can line their pockets even more. Disgraceful.
  8. Grand prize winner! :thumbs: Antoine Vermette — Traded to Blackhawks, signs with Coyotes Chicago made a splash at the deadline in 2015 by going out and acquiring Vermette. The move was made to bolster the depth down the middle, and the hope was he could be a difference maker both offensively and defensively for the Blackhawks. For much of his time in Chicago, that wasn’t quite the case, and his biggest use through the 20 regular season games he played was as a faceoff man.
  9. You just can't leave it alone. Keep scratching that itch. And, just so you know, I didn't call out the mods. Bye.
  10. @ Keirik. I'm a fraud? A clown? You just don't like my opinion unless it pleases you. That's too bad, I feel for you. Thanx for your insight. Much appreciated. And.. I surely will take your advice and enjoy the game, as I always do no matter who plays or how much their paid. If you are so upset about my comments, why read them if you only want to bash me? You think I enjoy each and every post you have made? Hardly, my friend. See ya'.
  11. Oh stop with your nonsense. I suppose you know it all about contracts, etc.
  12. Rangers are up against a tough opponent tonite. This game can be one more step in the right direction with an all out, all around effort. Win face-offs, play defense and do it physically, stay out of the penalty box and shoot the puck. Rooting for a victory for " The King ".
  13. I'm not interested in your sniveling comments towards me. I don't know and could care less about who should get what in compensation. I'm not a GM, agent, coach, president or the like. I'm not whining, as you say. YOU are, immho, one of the pretenders that are quick to criticize and quicker to determine - in your mind - who should stay, go, get bought out, benched, etc. You seem to know everything about the $$$$ each and every player should receive and for how long, and who should become a NYR or leave. Jeez. give it a break, will ya? To answer the KK ? I don't have a clue what he should or shouldn't get in a contract and as I have said over and over; don't give a rat's behind. All I really care about is watching this team perform as constituted and rooting for them - each and every one - to succeed. Understand??
  14. Well, the real negativists are back and showing their true colors. Get rid of Kreider is now the flavor of the day, week, month, year. Should have figured that many want to get rid of a guy that those same NAYSAYERS want to replace with a guy with the same qualities for much, much less $$$. Dreamland is filling up. Some of the reasoning is astounding. He's not physical enough?? Right on. Doesn't have all that much speed?? Right on?? Only good on the PP? Right on. Etc. ad nauseum. Do people actually want the NYR to vie for a chance at the S.C. or is it all hogwash when they say they do? Makes one wonder. As usual I will refrain from getting into who should stay or go. I'm not the GM or coach and surely am not gonna waste time predicting the future. I AM going to root for the NYR no matter who is on the ice; win win or lose lose. Tonight's game against the Blues will give an indication as to how these guys hold up against an elite team on a roll. I will be fixated on my HUGE Hi-Def TV with my sweetie-pie at my side looking for an all-out effort for at least 60 mins. Ta Ta kiddies; H.F! :pbjtime:
  15. The simple answer to your question, immho, is that there are so many peeps that consider themselves true fans, but are complainers, moaners, groaners, negatrons, carpers and above all NAYSAYERS!!! They know it all about everything. Get used to it here. Some would get rid of a player because he doesn't fit the mold that they think is appropriate. #89 is young and has plenty of talent. Some actually believe that a player steps out of the shadows and establishes himself as an overnight super star. Dreamers all, as there aren't too many that do just that. H.F!
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