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Everything posted by LONG LONG LONG TIME FAN

  1. Now Kreider is a " bonehead "? Got it. All teams would love to have a guy of this caliber.
  2. "I pray to the heavens and beyond " that your attendance @ MSG doesn't cast a dark shadow over the NYR tonite. Wave to me Wizard. H.F! Holy Tony, Batman! My prayers were answered. Thankfully! What else can a true, original and one of the few YAYSAYERS around expect from this young team? Nada, amigos. Only negative in this game, to me? Too, too many shots against. Actually, were it not for a couple of cross bars and the outstanding performance by Shesterkin, coulda very well have been a loss. Until next time all you negative thinkers that want to get rid of Kreider, Fast, DeAngelo, " The King ", et al; H.F! :happy:
  3. I pray to the heavens and beyond that your attendance @ MSG doesn't cast a dark shadow over the NYR tonite. Wave to me Wizard. H.F!:nervous:
  4. I'm still trying to figure out why would anyone pay for a PSL and then pay for a seat. It's a head scratcher.
  5. He asked for more $$$$; they refused so why interview?
  6. Pot calls kettle black. That's hilarious, coming from one of the true NYR fans.
  7. Hey little one. You figured it out and haven't seen the best yet. Check in from time to time, sonny boy!
  8. Try coming up with something original. From the Lead Honcho of the YEASAYERS ORGANIZATION! In case you didn't notice, I didn't mention anyone in particular so I say: If the shoe fits comfy, wear it with pride.
  9. Stick your head in the door jamb, and someone will accommodate you!! Most probably a true :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  10. Hey! Hey! We shall now see - all of us - including the many negatronists that abound here. You know, the ones that want " The King " unceremoniously " ushered off to who knows where. Jesper Fast, Kris Kreider as well. Yeah, good idea to dump those players. I,as the eternal YEASAYER - one of the few that are always looking on the bright side - am looking forward to the game tonite. Hoping for a resounding victory over a so-so rival. See y'all....H.F!
  11. You've been asleep for eons, as I remember. And you're merely a pup.... BTW, you didn't answer my question.
  12. Brassard hasn't measured up anywhere that he has played. Fast has!!
  13. If you call this " dumping ", look up the definition. I simply said - in a nice way - what many others have said. It is evident to anyone watching that the has regressed. Doesn't mean the NYR should get rid of him as many have suggested. " #76 surely has regressed from his stellar rookie season and has become a defensive liability in many situations. Might be time for some reflection in street clothes up in the blue seats where most of the moaners and groaners would have a field day. "
  14. Yeah. Not trying to get personal. " A little off color "? I suppose your sister, if you have one, would really appreciate it on a public forum. Doubt if you would either. just sayin'.
  15. Now it's Igor, the man of the hour after one game. Boy oh boy. Yes he looks more than average but lets not anoint him just yet.
  16. H.F! A comeback victory over a supposedly superior team. Great performance by a nervous rookie goalie after a shaky start. An all around strong 2 1/2 periods by the boys in blue. Showed the long sought after physicality throughout the line up. Moxie, grit, determination by most. Who woulda thunk? So I guess those that are many times debasing this group are back on the bandwagon. Watched from start to finish and enjoyed every minute. H.F!
  17. Really? Except for the exalted few players, more knocks than boosts from many on this NYR " FAN " forum if you read correctly.
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