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Everything posted by LONG LONG LONG TIME FAN

  1. Relenquish your job as a prophet. *************************************************************************************** The YAYSAYERS are in their glory after this unbelievable victory against what many consider an " elite " team... On the other hand, the bandwagoners and the NAYSAYERS are crying in their collective beers and vodkas because their NYR played a spirited and exciting game. In spite of giving up a late goal on a power play because of a needless penalty, the boys rallied in a short OT to nail the coffin shut in Toronto. Who woulda thunk?? Oh, the positive thinking YAYSAYERS, that's who. Now for the real test in the up coming games. Oh yeah, let us not forget those that want Kreider, Strome, Georgieve and the like dumped for supposed assets. They always show their true allegiance to the Blueshirts. Ta-Ta boys & girls... This game deserves a real H.F!
  2. Well, well now. My boys did a complete reversal, for the most part, and skated away with a much needed victory... Strong performances by the big shots and a great performance, for the umpteenth time, by " THE KING "! The supporting characters did their fair share in contributing to this win. The moaners and groaners, naysayers and negative nellies, complainers and the like don't have much to say after this sweet victory! Or do they? Big game coming up tonite vs. the Leafs who themselves, have reversed their mostly mediocre performances. Will be glued to my HUGE TV for this one as my sweetie and I are diehard NYR fans, unlike some of the turncoats who hop on and off the bandwagon at will! In the meantime, always remember; H.F!
  3. Some people surely can stretch the meaning of " free speech ". So I suppose that it's OK with you for people to yell FIRE! in a public place.
  4. Some people on this board are actually dismissing, and in some cases condoning this kind of talk in public for the world to hear and see? Must not matter to them but if it was the female members of their family, or for that matter, friends as well, probably be taking a far different tack. How can some be so ignorant, I wonder. A$%#!S!!!
  5. Oh Boy! The negative " Nellies " will be out in droves trying to prove the YAYSAYERS wrong! Time will only tell as to who is headed in the right thought process. I say, as always, that the YAYSAYERS have the right mindset. Too bad the team had a huge flopperoo against a team ahead of them. Gives the NAYSAYERS plenty to carp about. Ah well. It's time to say ta ta for now and Happy Holidays to all! H.F!
  6. Many naysayers are hopping on the ole bandwagon once again; just craving to be considered for membership in the YAYSAYERS CLUB! Typical response when things are going the way they see fit... " oh the irony "... as it turned out, the team from Anaheim " Ducked " when they couldn't keep up with the young 'uns dressed in Blue, or #20 whom many want given away when, instead, he should be re-signed and made Captain. Solid performance by K.K. as it is on most nites...Huge game coming up tonite against an old friend and a team ahead of the NYR in the standings... Hoping for plenty of grit, moxie determination and the like from these up and coming guys; the vets too, especially " the King "... Adios, amigas and don't forget; H.F! :clap:
  7. Hockey tonite @ the Garden... Just thought everyone would like a reminder. H.F!
  8. Out done by a no name goalie once again. But, hey! I'm still a and not one to denigrate the entire team. I say! BTW: H.F!
  9. The naysayers have now introduced the notion that Georgiev is not worthy of being an NHL regular. Gotta actually dig deep to believe that nonsense. The guy is a mere youngster thrown into the mix and has done more than an outstanding job. Ridiculous to say the least. H.F.
  10. Naysayers galore will be piping up with their predictions based on ????? Yaysayers will never get off the bandwagon while so many jump on and off. Sooooooo... http://everydayshouldbefun.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/YaySayerMagnetLg.jpg and, as always; H.F.
  11. You are SO brilliant with your use of the " King's " English; a true scholar in every sense. 79,000+ posts and this is what you put up for the world to see? Have a nice holiday and try and enjoy the game today if you have a way of viewing it. Oh, I almost forgot: H.F. & Go Rangers!!
  12. Hey! Hey! Victorious once again. Yaysayers are happy! Always on the bandwagon! Naysayers?? Heading to " Quack Quack " land for another try at adding to the win column. On the march towards respectability. At this stage, who woulda thunk it?? Signing off for now. H.F.
  13. Uh... 2 bad this group decided not to score... oh, shooting the puck is essential to scoring... Mr. Quinn has yet to implant that thought in many of these guys.. Oh well, this loss gives the naysayers another opportunity to wail and moan... me? I went to sleep before the game even started but I'm still a yaysayer... Bye, bye 'til next time... oh and, H.F.
  14. This is pure fantasy!!! Don't his performances resonate with the naysayers? The guy is heading to be the #1 NYR goalie sooner than later. Anyone that thinks otherwise is in la-la-land, immho. BTW; H.F.
  15. Not quite there yet, chum. One day you might be able to be a fan of 60+ years. i'm damn proud of that and the fact that I've probably witnessed, in person, more games than you ever will. Ta Ta little one.
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