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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. All you can think of is Martin Gelinas in the 2004 Stanley Cup Final. Now, why did we have NO forwards on the ice? We need to communicate better to the forwards, seems like they turn on their off switch.
  2. Dodged a bullet. I'll take the win. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  3. What kind of call was that?!?! These refs need to have their heads examined!!! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  4. Now we're participating in the Plaxico Burress challenge, because we're shooting ourselves in the foot. LOLRANGERS! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  5. Bruh. Igor, PLEASE CATCH THAT!!! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  6. LOL!! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  7. Call us Melvin Van Horne, because we're boneheads. Boneheaded penalties. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  8. First time in three years. Welcome to New York, Bitetto! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  9. He was a great player for Herb Brooks. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  10. Panarin and Ovi speaking to each other in Russian. Makes sense. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  11. And I thought Panarin was the ghost. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  12. Take one for the team, Brendan. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  13. Lemieux doing a little chirping at Wilson. Set that goon (Wilson) straight. Brendan plays a game similar to his father, Claude: put up a few goals and can throw the body around. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  14. Game time! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  15. $8 Million Dollar Pylon. Trouba is the Rangers equivalent of Gary Sanchez: piss-poor offense and terrible defense.
  16. They keep cheating death, but the Pens have to come to grips with the fact that their core (Crosby, Malkin, Letang) are nearing their zeniths, and it will show if they somehow make the playoffs.
  17. Now we have no true number 1. Looks like another problem needs to be solved in free agency.
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