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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Right. Your goalkeepers can only do so much when you have defensemen that can't do their jobs.
  2. Exactly. Too many people were blaming Ruff instead of Gorton & Co. for not giving him the proper personnel, and wasn't he a defensive forward? Why didn't Quinn have him with the Forwards?
  3. If this keeps up this season (or God forbid next season), Quinn needs to be given the ax, make Martin the interim coach. The Devils are skating circles around us tonight, and it's a question of preparedness. I don't think Quinn has us prepared and is just coasting off our high-end talent and doesn't make good in-game adjustments. This same crap happened against Carolina in the qualifying round of the Playoffs (Panarin didn't even show up in that series).
  4. We have them for a reason. Give. Our. Skilled. Players. More. Time. On. The. Ice.
  5. I understand, but that one goal just got me upset because he just has to clear the puck. There's a lot of development on the part of Lindgren. Johnson is just a glorified parking cone.
  6. It doesn't matter what goaltender we have in net, if we don't get pieces of defense, then we're not going anywhere.
  7. That's because he actually has pieces on the NJ defense (Subban, Murray, Smith). We have a bunch of sieves in front of our goaltenders.
  8. Just get a good deal for Strome if there are any offers at or before the Trade Deadline.
  9. What is our defense doing tonight? The defense (besides Miller and Fox) is basically a big piece of Swiss Cheese in front of Georgie 1. WTF was Lindgren doing on that goal in front of the net? Staring into Outer Space? Just clear the Damn Puck. That was a free goal for New Jersey. 2. Johnson Sucks. This was the crap that Penguins fans warned us about: Johnson is a massive liability on the defensive side of the ice and is only known for shoving players after they score goals. So, what are your ideas for dealing with the defense come the Trade Deadline?
  10. Avalanche trash the Blues 8-0, Buffalo squanders too many PP chances and fall to the Caps 2-1. Buffalo looked like us: not finishing chances when they needed to.
  11. I know. It would be great because Dubois would be playing with Panarin, who played with Columbus.
  12. Thank you. Sometimes I need to learn about how we really were in the 80's without getting over the hump before 1994. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  13. Right. All the Rangers played poorly tonight and it showed. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  14. It will be nothing for the Maple Leafs. The Ballard curse will live on and will tie the Rangers for the longest cup drought if the don't win it all this year. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  15. Made the same mistake with Herb Brooks in the 80's: you can't hire a College coach, thinking it would translate to the NHL, when it didn't with Brooks and hasn't worked with Quinn so far. The best College coach who made his way to the NHL was "Badger" Bob Johnson, and it helped that he had two generational talents in Jagr and Lemieux when he was in Pittsburgh. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  16. I think Lindy was the least of our issues. If you remember he was a defenseman and a defensive forward. Could've coached the forwards, but I honestly don't know. It was a dammed if you do, damned if you don't. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  17. That's how you lose hockey games: you give your opponent too many chances on the PP, the less you can do on offense. The Rangers played with fire and got burnt tonight by a better Islander team. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  18. And overhyped. Igor has been giving up big rebounds on dangerous shots. The team just looks lost in general.
  19. What a turnaround for this team. Four straight wins and 5-2 in our last seven games! Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  20. Question for the thread: What do you think will happen going forward after this disappointing loss for the Yankees? Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  21. Should've kept in Britton and maybe use Green for the 8th. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
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