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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. Boone made too many mistakes. Why do you take out higgy and you Pinch-hit someone who couldn't get a hit since August and you put in Sanchez as your catcher? At least put in Kratz. Why did Boone take out Britton when he was looking to close out the 7th, only to have Chapman give up ANOTHER heart-breaking home run in the 8th. Boone cost us this game and this series He has to be fired after this "performance". Thanks a lot Voit for that "guarantee". You're no Messier, that's for damn sure. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  2. Do you know what we're hearing? It's the sound of complete jubilation in Pittsburgh, but they're holding their breaths to see if JR screws it up in free agency.
  3. His magnificent save in 2014 vs. MTL and would be the only time he would go to a Cup Final.
  4. Big win last night for the Bombers, 12-3 over the Indians, and are one win away from the ALDS. Tanaka on the mound, which Tanaka will show up tonight? Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  5. He has not been playing well at all. No wonder why Samsonov will take the reins, maybe next season. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  6. I love him, but he's done. It reminds me of Brady last season with the Patriots, both don't look like themselves. Father Time is undefeated.
  7. Yes. Carolina has been eating us alive, all CAR has to do is just intercept the pass and can turn that into a scoring chance the other way.
  8. You just can't go far with that lineup. Huge priorities need to be set in the offseason, starting with the draft (after we get put out of our misery).
  9. Agreed. Given up too many odd-man rushes, can't do anything on the powerplay, star players going invisible when the game actually matters, and he's 38 years old. We might be hearing somethings regarding his situation because I don't think Hank can take this anymore. Shesty, I feel bad for you, this team will leave you to the wolves as well. But let him take the keys to the Lambo and let's see what happens.
  10. They're taking advantage of the matchups and somehow we can't adjust our matchups to their speed. Should've been top line against top line, not that it mattered.
  11. One of the most tragic ends to one of the most tragic careers in NHL history. "A King with no chalice" sums up Hanks' career.
  12. Regardless of who we have in net, we would not win this series. Carolina has more experienced players and went on to the eastern conference finals. We, on the other hand, are showing our youth and inexperience and the Canes are playing that like a damn fiddle.
  13. He still gave us a chance to win, the PP was abysmal. You can't expect to win a game by going 0/7 on the PP. Where was Panarin the Friendly Ghost? The guy didn't even show up. Look at what MTL did, even after blowing a 2-0 lead. Price still gave them a chance to win, and they took advantage in overtime. That's what elite goaltending can do, and if the offense can actually SHOOT!
  14. Both sides. Took too many boneheaded penalties. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  15. I'd also give you a strange look. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  16. Lindgren didn't show up. ADA's been okay. I can't find Panarin on a map, even Staal showed up (even with that own goal) and Hank showed up, as he always does (those 3 goals, he couldn't do anything because the defense doesn't know how to position themselves, excluding Staal and ADA). Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  17. Mika has been the player we needed. He and Panarin will be this team's duo for the next decade. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  18. We couldn't control the puck in the offensive zone and did not do well with the faceoffs. Get that work done before Saturday. Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
  19. Why does this team always good at giving us heart attacks? Sent from my SM-S367VL using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk
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