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Pistol Pete

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Pistol Pete last won the day on December 11 2023

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About Pistol Pete

  • Birthday 05/09/1969

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BSBH Hall-of-Famer

BSBH Hall-of-Famer (13/14)

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  1. Kreider a little silent too…his best asset is scoring on the PP and he’s not even doing that…
  2. Rangers are playing scared to shoot since Bob has his A game…they need to crash the net, screen him, and scramble and get some garbage goals…he knows the passes, and where everyone on the ice is…they aren’t fooling him.
  3. WOW…Can’t do anything but tip your hat to Bob on that…everyone did everything right…
  4. Zib has 100 feet of open ice and decides to dump it in the corner from the high slot instead of turning and gunning it…nice.
  5. don’t worry….he’ll unleash his lethal one timer on the PP! LOL….
  6. If Chytil had a scoring touch he’d easily score 50 a year…he gets the most chances of any Ranger…
  7. That was Laffy’s guy…off side wing’s assignment is the back door guy….strong side D is on the puck, off side D takes the next guy in front…
  8. Laffy still needs to work on his D….loves to roam off his side to the puck side…did it last game too…and the game before…
  9. Dach picked wisely with Kakko knowing he wouldn’t get his ass kicked.
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