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SaveByRichter35 last won the day on May 19

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About SaveByRichter35

  • Birthday 08/01/1983


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    Long Island


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    Aviation Communications

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  1. We should all tag them on X. #makeheelsgreatagain
  2. Yea they did it with Designated Survivor and Manifest. I know there are others but those are the ones I know from watching.
  3. Just finished it last night. Fuuuuuuuuck man, they better keep it going!
  4. I see its on Netflix, I'll add it to my list.
  5. I'm on the third or fourth episode of season two. Loving this show. I hope it gets renewed as well.
  6. Watched four of the first five episodes. So far so good. Assuming they will release the rest of the episodes at a later date.
  7. Surprised this one wasn't already on here. This show about Indie wrestling is originally from Starz but now picked up by Netflix. I am absolutely hooked.
  8. Looking forward to the new seasons, I enjoyed this one.
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