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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. #Heardle #71 ️️️️️ https://www.heardle.app 2 EZ
  2. Yeah, I’m going to agree with Pete here. It’s not a whipping boy situation to point out a guy is not good here. Does that make Gauthier a whipping boy too because we might all agree he’s the softest 6’4 player or is thatvjust, once again, speaking a truth?
  3. To your point, Domingue owns the Tampa record for consecutive wins lol the point is, if we were facing Georgiev/Somingue/ whoever, we should be forcing Pitt to play a full blown defensive shield like we do whenever we have Geo in net. This shouldn’t be a series of losing 2 out of 3 periods with him. It should be winning every period amd if he stands on his head to a level of hockey god then so be it. We lost game 1 testing him with nonsense. We won game 2 testing hi, for real.
  4. It’s weird because you keep typing Hunt when I, sure your keyboard wants to type Gauthier.
  5. Lol doubt the wife wants a bunch of drunken guys over while she walks around in her fuzzy slippers and robe
  6. And you know what? If they pit him in without playing and practicing? So be it. He's almost a better option for us
  7. Lol you’re half telling the truth. But we met so I hear ya. Unless you met me because I said many incredibly stupid things which is very possible
  8. Yea he did. BTW who are you? You had to have recently changed your screen name right? I missesd the memo lol
  9. Hunts game is a lot better suited for the playoffs than Gauthier. Unless it's AHL playoffs
  10. Wow. Goodrow is week to week. Not good and Gallan5 doesn’t know the score. Thinks the Penguins scored 3 lol
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