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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Was a terrible pass to a guy on the wrong side of his stick fox has to shoot that
  2. Dude refuses to just so,etie me shoot. Needs like 3-5 seconds before any decision can ever be made. brutal
  3. I agree. But in the end, we were screwed out of the lead with 3 minutes left despite playing two horrible periods. That just shouldn’t happen. I like instant replay. But how anyone can watch that in slow motion and take tha5 goal away is mind boggling to me. Kakko literally is trying to do Kreiders move and gets shoved from directly behind into DeSmoth. wtf is he supposed to do? Defy physics?
  4. Correct. The refs just took away the game winning goal on an absolute horrible overturn.
  5. All the guys with playoff experience are doing stupid shit. Kreider icing it, Copp trying to force passes through 3 guys. wake the fuck up
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