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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. I mean, we need to get together in round one at some point right?
  2. Spot on. And as I sad to Adam, I say to you. If you ever need an avenue of communication, my door is always open with no judgement.
  3. Hey bud, I can't pretend to know what you are going through or your struggle, but this was the equivalent of a preseason game and stretch for the playoffs. Friday will be exsctly the same. I can't tell you to have faith but thos team is leaving it all out there most nights. If you need someone to vent to by all means send me a private message. There are battles and there are wars. Don't ever lose the war.
  4. I agree. I actually think Alf has turned a corner. Hisngrowth is still sort of stifled by lack of opportunities but I have a he'll of a lot more faith in his ability to take the next step than Krappo
  5. Vegas loses in the shootout. No playoffs this year !
  6. I thought Alf looked okay. Kakko passed up shooting opportunities a few times. I didn’t see anything there to make it move.
  7. I could possibly live with Kakko. Chytil though. Fuck that dude already. He’s incredibly overpaid. Maybe somewhere else he can be serviceable. I don’t care. It’ll never be here. He’s not a center and he doesn’t have the shooting mentality of a winger. He’s useless for us.
  8. It seriously amazes me how much our youngest guys pass up shooting chances to try for an assist instead. Zero chance they were taught to do that
  9. I feel like you can tell that KAndre wants the puck, wants th3 big minutes, wants the responsibility. It’s fun to see.
  10. Seriously this offseason. Kakko and Chytil to clear space and allow us to keep someone. It’s so painful.
  11. No one is playing. This is worse than a preseason game. I sure hope they know what they are doing. It’s not that easy to just turn it on again next week.
  12. This gam3 has been so boring I actually shaved for the first time in like a year
  13. After his 55th goal against Washington, have him switch sweaters to one with a C
  14. That threw me for a loop. I assumed Fox was getting it
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