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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Yeah but what does he think about living in rural PA?
  2. I guess but De Boer is a dead man walking himself
  3. I don’t care! I get credit with a trivia win ! NANANANANANANNANA
  4. It’s easy to defend a 2 v 1 against tbe Rangers. Just take away the pass and let them die trying it anyway
  5. Weird. I can’t believe Steven McDonald has been gone since 2017. Goes so fast.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/StapeAthletic/status/1519081431254765568
  7. Is this a bad time to show pics of my 75k Acura MDX Type S with a twin spool turbo, brembo brakes, massaging seats on Milano leather and a 3rd row that might fit a kid if he’s a baby midget? shit is hella fast though. Twin spool. Lol
  8. It’s funny. I’m from Queens and moved to Long Island at a young age. I travelled earlier in my life all over the place in different countries but always knew Long Island was home. Missed it just for the sheer fact that it really had a little bit of everything. As I’ve gotten older, I often take day trips to Bartonsville just because my parents used to always do that when I was a kid. I have a soft spot for the Poconos area and especially Bartonsville. Parents got married there I believe and had their honeymoon back in the 70s in some cheesy Poconos place with a heart shaped tub I assume lol My wife and I when we were just dating would take trips to that American Candle factory there and specifically go to Red Robins for dinner just because my parents used to take trips there when they were dating and I felt some connection. There apparently was some local breakfast place where they would serve you your eggs in a skillet right at the table. My dad got a kick out of that place god rest his soul lol I used to toy with the idea of getting a summer place there but honestly, there would rarely be more than a day or two before I’d think “welp time to head back home.” moral of the story in my mind. Rural is great, until it’s all you have. Then you wish you had the suburbs just because it has all the rest of what you need most other days.
  9. He was a luxury. Thankfully we gave up very little for him. I’d look to retain him but only if he took Hunt level contract which he won’t. Sorry kid. Business.
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