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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. The other part of this too is just how little Kakko has contributed to one of our best regular seasons in team history. Is Kakko someone we ever will be depending on to take the reigns in terms of production ? Ziby, fox, kreider, Trouba, bread, et Al are here until 2024 or longer, Do we not also have other prospects in the pipeline that probably need chances or already here also that have shown more? (Cuylle, Alf, Othmann, Kravtsov if that gets straightened out, etc) Chytil falls into the same conversation. I don’t see a world where guys like Chytil and Kakko remain and the above mentioned guys get chances along the way. I know this kind of goes against the idea of keeping a Copp, but if he were willing to do a 3 year deal in the 5m range and it cost you a Chytil 2.3m + 2.5m Kakko, you actually open up one roster spot for the next entry level talent or lower cap hit that doesn’t have a large performance bonus potential too.
  2. But I’m not sure what that has to do with the point. Both guys were trending up statistic wise, regardless of what people on a message board said. The only thing Kakko has added to his Arsenal year three is the ability to be injured. year three for Ziby was 80 games 20g 26a year three for Buch was 64 games 21g 17a We would be over the moon right now if Kakko was anywhere near that. kakko 41 games 7g 9a
  3. By that time, a few of our bigger contracts have modified trade options so Trouba, Kreider, Goodrow all are options to clear cap space. Also flat cap world should be a thing of the past hopefully.
  4. At the end of both Ziby and Buch’s third NHL season they were 20 goal scorers trending up. I, not sure those are good examples to use.
  5. Believe it or not they held tons of problems til we finally beat them before the playoffs….
  6. I hope he comes back. It'll be more fun to best them with him playing.
  7. I think you’re overestimating this offer sheet idea. There’s a chance but he has 17 points last year and 16 points this year. Unless he does some wild shit this playoff year, I’m not so sure many teams are lining up to scoop him away. Realistically, the team I could see doing it would be Carolina since they have that trolling mentality a bit and we did benefit from the Fox situation so there’s a small gripe. I believe they could not offer more than the 4m or so threshold because if they offer more, they don’t have their own 1st round pick for 22 as compensation which they must have.
  8. And Kakko is the only one of that three that really matters. Motte is a nice player but not a necessity and redundant on this roster. Rooney won’t command much and if another team wants to swoop him away for more than 1m then so be it. Kakko has been a non factor all year but we want to retain him solely based on draft position and “potential.” I don’t want to lose Kakko but of that three, he’s the only one that holds a potential to care about.
  9. I just personally think his first year here was more dominant than he is this year. Doesn’t mean this isn’t a fantastic year, but his first year here was a bit more dominant on a lesser team. I’m sure playoff time he’s going to shoot a bit more when everything is amped up and space is squeezed.
  10. And you’re entitled to that opinion. It’s not even about him being successful here or not. No one would say he isn’t a great signing. He’s an elite player. Doesn’t mean no one is allowed to voice an opinion or small criticism though here and there. It’s a message board. I highly doubt he’s going down the wing thinking of you or I regardless.
  11. it didn't affect the goal but why is Gauthier cross checking Schneider ? Lol
  12. I have a Simpson gas. No issues at all. Works very well. I'd stay away from electric
  13. Lazy line change by Panarin. My God. Coast a little longer dude.
  14. Devils are so useless. lol. Couldnt even hold a 2 goal lead late. Damn them.
  15. Zib definitely took a little less than he could have. It’s a beautiful thing. And Kreiders deal is a steal now too although no one thought he would do this.
  16. I never understand the point of responses like this. So are we not supposed to discuss anything? I don’t think anyone believes players read what any of us write so Im not posting my opinion for him to read. I’m posting my opinion because that’s the point of message boards in the first place.
  17. Have to say, I cannot wait to break Passover Saturday evening. No beer, no carbs is a rough way to go for 8 days lol just need to decide what meal to have with the wife
  18. Still going to need to shoot more come playoff time. Different game. I’m confident he will though. He is an incredibly intelligent hockey player.
  19. I don’t know man. They have 27m but only 12 people under contract next year. If they drop 20m on those two, that’s a whollllle lot of filler to put out a team.
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