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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Alright, just in. How we look? What’s the referee wearing?
  2. Well that’s the crutch of my point. It’s testing the waters and it answers more than just slamming the door does. Krav fucked up. 6 months ago. A lot has changed in the world from 6 months ago. Maybe he hasn’t but I’d like to see where his head is today. I really do like that 900k cap hit he likely gets next year too. Also, I’m sorry Gaut et al fans but if there is an injury, come playoff time or end of regular season time and he’s been practicing with the team and no issues, he has the potential to bring more than other black aces.
  3. No, that doesn’t make it a conspiracy. It means exactly what it means. The organization isn’t over what Kravtsov himself did and aren’t willing to extend an olive branch. A conspiracy means the organization always wanted to hold him down intentionally regardless of anything and that’s just silly. And again, the olive branch means inviting him back to the organization even if it means press box until an injury or something changes where Gallant wants a different look or a spark. No one is saying to invite him back and gift him top minutes.
  4. Agsin, I don’t get why you are saying conspiracy. No one is saying conspiracy. Some, like myself, are saying 6 months have passed. If the organization is still holding a grudge, then they are doing a disservice only to themselves because he either can help this team and be that exact low cap hit after this year or we just trade his rfa rights. Its time to see where his head is especially considering if it’s in the right place, he’s still currently playing hockey rather than an entire offseason going by. At the very least it would answer some questions internally with his future and set up to either deal him or not during the offseason. Waiting until the offseason isn’t going to change anything except tell him he still isn’t valued more than a camp invite. You still have to revisit it at some time and we still have RW depth issues at this very moment.
  5. Technically, he refused to help Hartford because the GM refused to let him help the NHL club.
  6. Him not making the team out of camp isn’t being debated at all. He was hurt. No one is disputing how he handled that and it’s irrelevant at this point. The two sides got to where they are. Regurgitation isn’t necessary. It’s about what to do now, not just keep bringing up something from 6 months ago every time his name comes back up. As for him being better than Alf or Kakko, I never said that. I don’t think I’ve read anyone ever say that. I said they’ve given incredibly longer leashes to quite a few prospects yet refuse to revisit the 9th overall pick because he threw a temper tantrum at 21 years old.
  7. I think you’re confusing shrewd with hard headed. His cap hit is a god send if they extend him next year while he has zero leverage, I get it. Whiny bitch. Cool. Us fans like to throw hard stop lines to show our position. The organization however shouldn’t. It’s not in our best interests. Did Kakko help us get to the playoffs when missing 31 games? Did chytil help us while doing nothing most of the season? Etc. yes they didn’t quit on us but still. Just man up and be the big father figure for the kid. Hard lines in the sand when there are guys currently on this roster that have given fuck all for most of the season is just…weird. For two to three years in terms of Kakko and Alf this organization has bent over backwards because they are “special talents” when they’ve proven to be a heck of a lot less than that along the way but they’ve taken a hard stance for Kravtsov. It’s just an odd position. He’s too good for the KHL. Let him prove he’s too good here too. My god, it could mean the difference between winning and losing. I guarantee you it won’t crumble the locker room with this group and coach.
  8. Still think the Rangers need to extend the olive branch first. Regardless of who’s at fault, the organization benefits from trying. If it’s a hard no, he’s dealt this offseason regardless. If it’s a positive and he possibly gets into a few games, it’s a win win. The locker room is strong enough to not have his presence affect anything and he either increases his own trade value if he shows something or it remains exactly where it currently is if he doesn’t.
  9. You spelled loveable wrong
  10. Every time I read NOQUITINNY my brain reads it as no Quinn in NY lol and by our standings, I can see that
  11. Man this arguing. It really stinks we dropped this one tonight. Lol
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