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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Was KAndre adopted? All seriousness. They flashed the Miller family and friends booth and I didn’t see any African Americans at all. Looked it up on wiki and it didn’t say much except single mom and apparently he was a child actor for Target and Honda
  2. Yet this guy was kept over the best goalie to ever dress for the Rangers and punched a teammate last year and the organization had his back. Thanks for the pride in playing for the sweater Geo.
  3. Fuck it. Say that in front of him. See if it gets through his head that a professional needs to be a professional whenever his number is called. Rise up or stfu.
  4. At some point is has to be discussed that Geo has the mental makeup of a 7 year old who got his Xbox taken away. I get being rusty, but that’s just an average shot attempt.
  5. The one time Gaut probs ly could have used his speed to drive to the net on a partial breakaway and he pulls up for a pass
  6. Cant believe Kaprisov didn’t shoot there. Think Geo would have been toast.
  7. Oh it definitely is interference on Broberg. Neither guys have the puck. While Lucic is going for the puck, Broberg strops before touching it and instead is trying to interfere with Lucic from retrieving it. I understand why but if he’s worried about oncoming traffic, maybe he should stay off the freeway
  8. Clean. Bromberg even sees him and tries to lower his shoulder. Plus they weren’t even close to the boards. I see no issue at all with this.
  9. Yup exactly. I also think they did a very good job increasing the mood of the game and even the music is just done better than last game and multi leveled and varied depending on where you are in the map. Just don’t so well.
  10. It’s funny, I thought of you tonight watching the game. I mean we all know Goring is brutal but you said it so much that it’s made me focus on his every word. My lord he’s so oit of touch and bitter. I actually love it because of how bad they are but my lord he’s a tough listen. We give Sam so much shit but it’s not even close. Butchie sees nothing ever wrong in anything navy and puke orange.
  11. Isles starting to do a little winning. Loving it. Let the, screw up a chance at a high pick. They aren’t making the playoffs but I’d love for the, to be that meaty middle where they think they’re ancient team has another year in them and no good 1st round pick this offseason.
  12. Yeah no. That wasn't a barage of scoring chances type of game by any means
  13. If they say, got swept, in the playoffs and he didn’t get to do much I think he returns for a valued term over dollar. If we went further (god willing), then I worry he might be Goodrow’d by another team looking to pluck a character guy for more than we can pay.
  14. If cap weren’t an issue I’d do it. Edmonton is Edmonton because no one wants to be there, not because they have McDavid. I’m sure we could find an all star replacement at the goalie that won’t be generational, but can get the job done. Guys want to be in NY. Edmonton, not so much.
  15. Great. Rangers trivia still found a way to make the answer either Messier, Leetch, Bathgate, Gilbert, or Howell. 4 years of trivia. Same 5 answers lol
  16. Yeah I’ve been saying that and at some point I wish Gallant would chew him oit for it lol. It’s not costing us yet but it’s going to st some point.
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