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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Hughes just went Covid after the ASG. Kreider had him as a linemate no?
  2. I know the common thought is that the ship has sailed but maybe this debacle has humbled him a bit. Or maybe not. Who knows. Regardless, either way, the best scenario for both camps is an invite and see where it goes. If he’s a problem child on return then his already sealed fate of a dump is just confirmed. If he appreciates the opportunity and maybe surprises a person or two, he increases his trade value or realizes his mistakes and humbles with his role here. our locker room is strong enough with both veterans and a couple of Russians that can guide him along the way that I believe it’s worth the risk. give the invite and if we get stood up then nothing lost in the end. Having this happen with playoffs so early for the khl is a blessing if Traktor gets eliminated early.
  3. I had mentioned Copp elsewhere as well. He would be a fit and is a decent option for a rental. He would likely cost a bit more but he’s certainly an upgrade. I can’t imagine it taking a haul to get him though.
  4. where am I talking shit? By saying I think Domi isn’t much of a good player these days? And yes, if nearly half of a players production comes in 3 games, I’ll look a little in depth with that, especially when it’s been a steady decline for a few years in the first place in nearly every part of his game. If it walks like a duck , quacks like a duck, acts like a duck then I’d say we know exactly what animal he is. Id say we are done here. Im not skipping over your take. I just don’t feel Max Domi is some target to obtain this trade deadline. It’s just that simple. And apparently I’m not alone in thinking this. I’m not even sure wtf the last part of your post is aiming towards accomplishing so I’ll just leave it at that.
  5. He has 19 points this year. 9 of them are in 3 games. If you can’t tell that’s regression then so be it. .88 ppg .69 ppg .44 ppg .57 ppg (but really .33 ppg if you take out the 3 games he’s shown up for this year) Domi is dog shit. He’s a lateral move. Not an upgrade. What you call “versatile and can slot up and down in the lineup” really means “isn’t good enough at nearly 27 years old in a contract year to crack the top 6 consistently on a team that isn’t even remotely stacked.” He’s certainly not a player worth fighting a losing argument over. His only good attribute is that on the rare occasion he does put up a point, it’s at even strength. I could do without the snarky “agsin so you can understand “ jabs when you want to discuss hockey. I get that this isn’t the only transaction you are suggesting, but this is a thread you bumped about Max Domi. If getting 2-3 other actual pieces that could improve us are prerequisites to have acquiring Domi make sense, then I’d probably say it proves even moreso that Domi never makes sense.
  6. Yeah, I would have but on a Sat night at 11pm u didn't have an empty fuel can or funnel to get it in the oil tank
  7. He is declining though. I showed it to you above. His goals decline, how much they trust on the ice declines, etc. he’s at Chytil production last year and mostly this year. he’s on a shit Columbus and still can’t manage more than 13 minutes per game. Like I showed, last year he had identical stats to Chytil and Domi played more. If I’m upgrading on Chytil, I’m not doing so by upgrading to a guy that is basically the same and leaving next year. im not skipping over anything. No one knows if Chytil is going in another trade. That’s just speculation. I’d love it if he does but I’d Peter a guy back that could be part of a future in some way. I don’t care if you average his projections now to what the past was. He has score 17 goals in the last two years thus far. Chytil has scored 12. It’s not really much of an upgrade. you’re thinking is that it’s cheap to obtain. So while you’re thinking Paul Mara type ho him upgrade, some like myself are thinking that if you are going to take a run then really go for it. Don’t go for crap just to go for crap.
  8. JWs is a shot dive bar I guess in Ronkonkoma at 5 corners if you know where that is. john Harvard’s is a shame to be gone. So many good times there. No idea how they weren’t successful except they were fudging numbers from time to time
  9. Further, it’s an upgrade with extreme question marks that will be gone at years end. If we go for a rental, there are a handful of other handfuls we could look at to really upgrade our team rather than mediocrity.
  10. I already explained his lack of production avod. They have identical stats last year. Oth are beyond mediocre. I, not sure why you want to die on this point about a declining beyond average player. I remember his father too. Does ly mean his son needs to be here. id l8ke a real upgrade. Not a lateral moment that is probably either taking a major cut next year or pot territory which we can give him then without giving g up anything.
  11. Lake grove I hung out more when John Harvards was there. Miss that place. There’s J & Ws, Millets Alehouse, Village Idiot, or even Millers Alehouse.
  12. More important to think who u have a better chance at. Hotness is fleeting
  13. So I take care of everything in our house. Every bill, every maintenance, every upgrade. Whatever. I asked my wife to deal with one thing. I asked her this because we got the mirror for her workouts in our home gym in the basement. Expensive piece of equipment but it keeps her butt lookimg nice and I enjoy that lol. However……the one thing she has to do? Look in the infinite half of our basement and check the oil tank to make sure we aren’t low. lookimg back, I knew this was a mistake. Last late fall/ early winter she made her first mistake. I woke up after she left for work to a freezing house. Realize right away “oh shit we are empty.” So the mench that I am, I find an oil company. Pay for their delivery, bleed the line of the system to accept it and boom, problem solved. I get the usual promise that it won’t happen again. she goes up to sleep tonight at like 9pm or so. By 1045 I’m thinking I, getting sick. Man I feel really cold. Ugh. Look at the temp gauge? 54 degrees. Walk into the basement? Tank empty. I’m pissed. It’s bad. This is sat night into Sunday. One place wants a 400% increase of price to deliver. I have space heaters everywhere for the night anD will use the wood fireplace tomorrow but ffs. Why did I get married?
  14. Where I'm getting my info from regarding his diabetes? The internet. Just Google it. Wikipedia and other sources. It's easy to find. And no, I'm not saying anything about Kakko. I've never mentioned him so I'm not sure why you are. They have different conditions. I also specifically said, it's not his condition that is the main reason. It's just one reason. His lack of production is the main reason. I've also never said a word about Hunt or wanting to stick with Chytil. I'm simply saying your "target" is a shitty one. We shouldn't be targeting marginal upgrades. We should be targeting real upgrades.
  15. I'm mostly an Xbox guy but there are a few exclusives I like on PS. Namely Horizon Zero Dawn series which is one of my favorite games and Gran Turismo. Also different group of friends. I played The Division series but the friend I used to run with was a Ps guy.
  16. Yes seriously. He has to be tested every game before the game, every 15 minutes during the period so he leaves the bench even if his shift is up next to test, every intermission, and at the end of regulation. His time on the ice has decreased every year for the last three years. 17:06, 15:13, 13:13 this year. The diabetes isn’t a huge issue but when you combine it with the fact that he’s just not actually that good and it’s just the final thing that would make me stay away. His goal total has also seen a steady decrease. 28, 17, 9, and 8 this year but I’m sure he’ll score 4-5 more goals this year for a slight bump. Obviously last year was a shorter year but he scored exactly 1 more goal and 2 more points last year than Chytil and played 2 minute more per game. He’s not good on faceoffs, he’s not especially good at scoring these days, setting anyone up, or really much of anything. Chytil 20/21 season 42 games 8 goals 14 assists 22 points 13:14 TOI Domi 20/21 season 54 games 9 goals 15 assists 24 points 15:13 TOI so our upgrade to Chytil is to trade for Canadian Chytil that has an extra obstacle?
  17. They are doing video review in an all star game lol
  18. Yeah, it’s brutal. I have both a ps5 and series x so I’m lucky on that side for console gaming. My gaming rig is a good 6 years old though so I don’t do much newer pc gaming and I’m certainly not looking to pay oit the ass to upgrade it right now.
  19. Wordle 231 5/6 totally drew a blank. I had to intentionally put a word in at column 4 just to give myself a second hint
  20. God no. Guy is trending down, isn’t good at faceoffs, had one career year, and has health problems that while admirable to play through, affects his ability to remain on the bench sometimes.
  21. Oh yeah, I was confusing that with the newer mini pcs. My bad. arecthey even in stock anywhere?
  22. Toying with the idea of hosting a super bowl party for the in laws and also the village administration so about 15+ people. od hire a butler and All that jazz but need some good super bowl recipes. . Anyone?
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