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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. If he were just decent at faceoffs….or had a RW that is who’s name rhymed with Matey Killer. 41% this year. Ugh.
  2. Plus the ferry from ct to LI lands in my backyard
  3. Put about as much effort into it as my wife does with…Oh nevermind
  4. Does it automatically. I, just happy if I spell everything correctly without too many typos or run on sentences in between multitasking and virtual keyboards
  5. I’m not sure what personal dig I’m making. I gave an opinion. You called it out as ridiculous. That’s not even necessary itself but I’m sure I’ve said that too in the past. I explained my opinion and you took it to a personal level. I’ve never wavered on my opinion. There is no way to qualify an opinion. This isn’t a case of me saying a puck is square. I said we were so focused on one thing that we sort of missed another issue all together. In the end it doesn’t matter. None of us control the team or have any influence. If you look at the whole pie now instead of just the one slice, it seems we were all bashing ADA and giving a pass to Geo when we see how Geo seems to have his own sort of issues that probably go back to there. Requesting to be moved, kind of/sort of shunning Shesty in the postgame handshake, etc when he’s at best a mediocre goalie that is as Jeckyl and Hyde as they come.. Not a good look. Now, I know you’ll start the conspiracy crap and think Im saying that ADA got a raw deal or minimizing ADAs fault. I’m not. What happened to ADA was because of ADA. But when discussing Geo, I think it’s important to remember his full resume here. Partly revisionist on my part but it seems to me now that there were signs of malcontent for quite a while. Many of us post here regularly. I see plenty of things posted that aren’t exactly my cup of tea or I disagree with, or whatever, but I try to not make it personal. The fact that you seem to believe it’s within your right to “call out” opinions seems a bit off sometimes. You don’t even do it tactfully. You just jump into the deep end with this confrontational style to the point where it leads to just this. So what if I brought up ADA. I was simply saying Geo gained a bit of praise and there was less talk about why the hell was he borderline body checking his D and more talk about how awesome it was to see him slap around person non grata. I think when we though it was Kreider there were jokes to make him captain right then and there. Honestly, I’d rather end this here and get back to Hockey talk.
  6. Ok. And again, as I explained, I'm "upset" because you once again took one simple opinion and extrapolated it into this whole narrative about moving on, saying I bring up ada all the time, hinted at me being some lunatic,, etc. But you're absolutely right. I shouldn't be asking you to chill out. I should just remember who I'm having the conversation with. Enjoy.
  7. Again. Incorrect. I'm getting bent out of shape because you are being the way you are about my opinion. After 15 years of listening to you back and forth. I'd think I dont deserve to be called some tin foil lunatic. It shows zero class and it's uncalled for. And yes, that is exactly what I'm saying multiple times to you. We, as a fan base, weren't spending as much time talking about geo flip flopping between shitting the bed and making saves in the midst of the circus. There was more talk about who to high five, him or Kreider, for punching ADA than there was his abilities to stop the puck. I think he won some points with the fan base for "sticking up for himself" despite being a major reason why we even lost that point in OT. I'm not even sure why that's even debated or even a big deal. You took one part of an opinion and extrapolated some huge narrative about it. My God. Chill the fuck out. The point was more along the lines of being so far removed from that, we now all are on the same page and focused on how badly we need this guy off the team. You think my opinion is wrong. Fine. I think differently. Big deal. How hard would it have been to just say "yeah I cant agree with that" instead of making it personal? In reality, what would have been great is if both guys were off the team for different reasons. I don't mean that Geo should have been cut that night, but it should have been his last season with us. If he can't consistently stop pucks, then maybe we weren't seeing a few underlying issues with him. There are plenty of signs that show he's not exactly the best teammate nor does he want to be here. I'm surprised management didn't address this during the offseason but whatever.
  8. No you're wrong. I expect my opinion to be reacted to and discussed. I don't expect to be insulted along the way for it. When you learn that, get back to me. You tell me I'm wearing a tin foil hat and then you double down making it seem like I'm always making Everything about ADA. I'm one of the most positive people about this team these days. And again, you're putting words in my mouth. I've never said there is some idea of "man geo sucks but I love him for a fighting ada." I'm saying the circus surrounded that whole situation kind of masked over the other underlying hockey issue that he should have been upgraded on. Not just should have. Criminal that they didn't. I'm not sure what "receipts" I'm supposed to show here. I suppose someone who cares enough can probably look back at the board last year and see how little we talked about geo and how often we talked about ADA. I dont think management kept him around for fighting ada. They kept him around because of bad talent assessment. There were plenty of goalie upgrades out there.
  9. The problem is he doesn’t actually perform well when given the chance. Shesty got hurt March 4 last year. Geo comes in for the last 5 minutes. Makes 3 saves. starts the next three games .889 .500 (pulled in the first) .714 (pulled in the 2nd) Then Kinkaid gets a chance… Right there should have been the hint this dude won’t work here.
  10. Wasn’t there a stat showed at some point Geos stats go down if he starts more often? I feel like I remember that
  11. You’re paranoid about this. ADA could have been anyone. He had a fight with someone. It just happened to be our lightning rod so for a good bit there last year, thoughts were more about how idiotic ADA was and less about Geo being a sieve. 19 games he appeared in last year with 9 being sub .900 save %. The fact he wasn’t upgraded on after last year is criminal, especially on a team with a starter that isn’t exactly durable. And stop, I do not make EVERYTHING about ADA Rangers related. He was on the team last year, so sometimes his name will come up here and there. I didn’t say people ignore his play in some intentional thing. It’s human nature. We had a circus around us last year for parts of the year. That tends everyone to focus on that a bit more rather than some on ice issues. Geo was bad. You never knew wtf you were getting out of him. Every time he was on the ice it was a roll of the dice. A backup isn’t typically spectacular but they at least need to be experienced and be dependable albeit less spectacular. People can see things differently. There is zero reason to ever act the way you act anytime an opinion you don’t like happens. Tin foil hats. Totally unnecessary. Just don’t reply to me if you don’t like my opinion. It’ll save both of us some time.
  12. Stop with the insults. You’re better than that. All I’m simply saying is that last season for a while, a lot of us were forgetting just how bad Georgievs play was and focusing more on what happened off the ice. Hell, the morning after the fight no one was even talking about how idiotic it was for him to come out and basically interfere with his own player. Why? Because we were more focused on the circus around ADA. Nothing tin foil about it. I’m talking about last year, not anything else. You’re extrapolating this into way more than it is.
  13. What does that have to do with the fanbase and criticism?
  14. I’m sorry you feel that way. I don’t. He got a lot of bonus points from the fanbase for punching ADA so I think some of his underwhelming play was overlooked.
  15. Let’s face it. He got into a fight with person non grata so he was spared a lot of criticism last year. He should have been replaced before the season started.
  16. It's absolutely amazing. And next year they will be a year older and a year slower. Lol. Love it.
  17. Please, my wife is in bed by like 7pm every night lol
  18. Look, some of us have been saying on paper this team even before this year is a very good team. They are a high end sports car. Let’s say Ferrari. Panarin, Ziby, Fox, Shesty, Trouba, a 1OA, and a 2OA, Kreider, Strome, etc show that. A large problem before was that we had a guy using that Ferrari to take his road test. Now we have an experienced driver that remembers the smell of fine leather seats and says “let’s see how fast this can go.” It’s amazing.
  19. Dallas is in that weird spot where they have four goalies. Bishop, Khudobin, Oettinger, and Holtby. Holtby would be the man out but as you said and I agree, they won’t move him as much for futures as they would to bolster a cup run. Pavelski just won’t happen imo.
  20. Sometimes we have to go 1/2 and every second counts when u have all that gear to take off
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