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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. I missed a lot fucking with my printer for two periods lol
  2. I guess there are two ways to think of it though. Kravtsov hasn’t played enough to justify a top 6 role right this second so Gallant might feel Gauthier has a bit more grind to his game with his size. Or Gallant has seen enough to know Gauthier isn’t a viable option anyway so defaults to Kravtsov
  3. Keirik

    EA NHL

    And you’ll hear half the songs in the pregame skate by November
  4. I feel l8ke I noticed him moreso being used in more situations. Mostly because no one wears #29 so it looks odd lol
  5. I just mean in terms of cracking thr opening day lineup. It’s mostly due to injury but Kravtsov also hasn’t shown much in the limited preseason games he’s been in
  6. I did yeah. I think Gallant likes Hunt and his versatility.
  7. No hunt in tonight def makes me think Blais cemented his role. Still think Gaut is beating out Kravtsov right now, mostly from injury.
  8. Justin Fields looked dons better last week. Still a long project but his arm strength was great and he showed some decent placement.
  9. Probably but you need a head coach to name a captain and we haven’t had one in years.
  10. Losers. All of them. Now clean house. GM and manager. Let someone who knows wtf they are doing decide what players can stay and go because right now I just see a bunch of overpaid losers than can’t get shit done.
  11. I kind of think that would work itself out. I’ve heard Strome mention the contract stuff doesn’t bother him and he has never signed too long of an extension before. That sort of tells me he might be the type lesser concerned with getting tippy good dollar amount and more concerned with seeing how he fits here. Kind of like Zucc did years ago when he agreed to what seemed a bit more team friendly before hitting the market.
  12. It just makes sense. He’s been in the league a good amount of time, is one of the first interviews after every game, center, seems pretty well respected, performs without any drama.
  13. Calculated ballsy with his knee injury. Approved
  14. Change it from Artemi to Strome and I literally think you’d climax ?
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