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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. The point isn’t that some players fail here. It’s that some do and some succeed just like you can say from every other team. And again, we are talking about a guy for fourth line and role player minutes. I’m not buying some idea that Cizikas wouldn’t be able to be effective here because Bobby Holik was overpaid 20 years ago. I’m also not suggesting the Rangers write him a blank check. I just don’t believe the Islanders cant keep him and that means he hits the market in a flat cap era. Meanwhile we are a team looking to upgrade our 4th line and he wouldn’t even need to move his family. Btw, verbeek scored 40 here too. :)
  2. God I hope so. Nine teen eighty three Last cup you’ll ever see
  3. Jagr, Straka, Rozsival from Penguins, Sykora was fine here in his one year, our cup team had Gilbert and Healy from the Islanders, Lindros was nearly a ppg player here, Shanahan was fine here, Fedotenko was fine here and played for the Isles, Flyers, and Penguins all before being here…… I’m not even understanding the point of this at all. I’m suggesting bringing Cizikas for fourth line duty, not be a focal point of a top line. Hell technically Gomez was a 70 and nearly 60 point player in his two years on our team. I think you’re making way too big of a deal as to what sweater a guy put on before being here, especially in a 4th line role.
  4. I think that’s a bit of a rough take. It’s not like he’s going to come here forgetting how to win a faceoff, hit, or play responsible 4th line minutes.
  5. I'm not suggesting to overpay the guy by a lot but if the Isles aren't going to retain him and he is free to negotiate with everyone else, I definitely make the call. If he has a young family that, doesn't want to leave the area or something like that, we are a good option to him. Flat cap Era there aren't going to be a ton of takers that, are upticking
  6. Career over 50% from the dot, hits, is defensively responsible, takes away from the Islanders that don’t have much cap room, and even has a little offense in him. I’d look at him or Glendening and see who takes a 3 year deal first. Think you cant go wrong either way.
  7. I figured if I say it every game it has to work. Whatever it takes to keep that toilet of a franchise from winning
  8. Of course. Really hoping Germany comes together and wins for my heritage but Denmark would be such a good story with what happened to Christian Erikson.
  9. No still cruel, but my father died of it. Ensophangeal to be more specific. We begged him for years to quit. Was just a rough way to go out and died at 56 while I was in the academy and my little sister was 21. As much as it’s sad, it’s even sadder to think he caused his own destruction (potentially)
  10. Thank you so much guys. From the bottom of my heart I appreciate it. Been a tough couple of days but everyone’s well wishes do help get through it.
  11. Had to put one of my cats down today. I know I know, most automatically say it’s just a cat or being a dog person or whatever but he was my little buddy. We rescued him about 9 years ago when we saw him crawling around my neighborhood as a kitten with its back legs not working well and a broken tail. He just looked like such a fighter and at first wanted no part in our help but after me carrying him around from food to litter to rest for two straight weeks until he healed earned his trust I guess. From that moment on, he was my sidekick everywhere in the house. Hated my wife oddly but loved me til no end. Cats do such a good job hiding any illness until it’s the bitter end so it came so quickly. We tried but just wasn’t going to work putting him through any more pain and he looked ready. Spent my last night with him yesterday and I feel gutted. Next few weeks are going to feel so weird just not having him try to drink my water, or try to lay on my lap on the couch, or find his little niche in the bed. Man o man it’s really funny when you think of a pet. You can rescue them , save their life, or give them shelter but it’s the pet that can really rescue us sometimes and make you feel like your home isn’t a home without them in it. Thanks for listening and I urge every one of you to just do one thing extra nice for your pet tomorrow in honor of my buddy Grant. Thanks for listening. Also got poison ivy in my eye. Fuck that plant I look worse than Lindgren does after a 7 game home stand.
  12. I don’t think I posted I’m this yet and I’m obligated to do so. Yes. Even with a year off yes.
  13. I met him on the elevator once at msg lol. I did not ask for an autograph.
  14. I think this question cannot be answered properly without certain known variables. Most notably what kind of team do you have? A vet team needs far less coaching than our team for example. For us, I’d say 40%
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