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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. I'm in month two of high fiber, no dairy, no red meat, very low sodium diet. Today's dinner is air. Delicious, sweet air. Side of beans.
  2. Enough times for us to remember the odor of that pee infested dump
  3. Well I’m sorry if you don’t remember me saying things but many times I’ve had arguments during the year and saying this team should be a playoff team whether in game day threads or elsewhere. I’ve also criticized management not saying it was a requirement. I’ve further BEFORE the season started said they should look at Kyle Clifford, Boyle, and Simmonds respectively. Hell, my opening day prediction included those THREE guys along with trying to poach Cirelli from Tampa instead of Strome just because I figured talent wise it’s close but Cirelli is a bit more defensively responsible and that solves a little bit of well roundedness. Strome was basically our quiet MVP so I’m happily wrong there.
  4. What the hell are you talking about? It’s almost as if you are selectively reading parts of my messages and ignoring other stuff. I’ve said all season this team should have made the playoffs. I said prior to the season even in predicting my lineup that they should be bringing in guys like Boyle or Simmonds. I’m not all over the place at all.
  5. See the thing is, I’m not the GM or coach of the team. I don’t have to pick a lane but I thought I certainly did many times this season and before when I said this team has to make the playoffs and take that next step. I also said prior to the season they needed to address the 4th line. I even named guys I said they should be getting so much to the point, BB was a funny joke. As I said though, I’m fine with either lane they pick as long as they actually choose one. I think their top 6 is up there with most other teams top 6 so I think we should be ahead of where we are. That’s my lane. They dropped the ball by not addressing the bottom 6 in a better way prior to this season and instead tried winning every game with two lines only. The Laf thing holds no water to me. I don’t care if they signed Kreider or not. Once they did though I was under the impression they were committing to a large part of this group already, hence further picking a lane. Having Laf afterwards is one of those great problems to have but it shouldn’t have changed much.
  6. I’m sure we can go round and round forever but we all can agree with one thing. fuck the Islanders
  7. I think it’s pretty easy to keep track of the real issue. The Rangers management aren’t picking a lane. Long term rebuild but bring in a Panarin at 27 and sign him to the second highest cap hit in the entire league. Long term rebuild but retain a 29 year old Kreider. Long term rebuild but play the “veterans” a hell of a lot more.
  8. We’ll if they have limited cap space that is partly due to Gorton himself. How much in dead cap do we have? How much did we pay ADA to sit on his couch? But anyway. Rooney signed for the same as Perry did, 750k. Martin and Simmonds both signed for 1.5, which is the same Lemieux was retained for only to be traded. Let’s just say instead of Rooney and Lemieux, we had Perry and Martin. That’s the same cap hit but it’s not even close to the same look sending out a 4th line. Now let’s just even say Howden was replaced by Brian Boyle (I know, no one signed him so how good could he be). Or even a trade for a Glendening which requires another 1m but still. Now just think of how different even those three would have been on this roster compared to what they had. Hell, if Martin was a pipe dream, you could have swapped another option but you get the gist. I don’t think he was a pipe dream though because he didn’t sign until January but whatever. He’s just an example.
  9. It's Keirik fyi :) And I don't think they should have been traded mid season. I think prior to the season there should have been internal conversations and decisions that said to move on from them and bring in other players that could be trusted as role players and ones you can use in opportunities more in line with grinding roles and specialty players that, every team needs to actually be a team. Even if the role players or specialty players weren't going to be here in a few years, our team cound have learned from a few guys like a Perry or a Boyle, or even a Simmonds or Martin or hey, retain Fast. It's one thing to rebuild. It's another thing to set an inexperienced team up for failure and have the blind leading the blind.
  10. I don't t think anyone believes it's easy to win but something tells me it should be esiser than once every 82 years and counting.
  11. I really don’t think I’m arguing both sides. I really don’t. I would not have been upset if they lost 40 games on a roster without retaining a Kreider or bringing in a Panarin. With Panarin it’s only because of his age. He’s “old” to be given 11m cap hit on a team management felt is nowhere near ready. Trouba I get until you see his cap hit. Again, he’s now 27 I believe. For a “rugged” type d, that’s a lot on a team management felt wasn’t close to competing. Think Gerardi. I’m saying they needed to pick a lane, not try to steer around in both lanes of winning or rebuilding. But whatever. I still til the die I die will say last year’s good 2 month stretch SHOULD have told them they are a hell of a lot closer than they realized. I was under the impression that once they retained Kreids they realized it too. Then they win the draft lottery. However that shouldn’t have made them go back into switching lanes again. That should have been the nice cherry on top, not reset anything. They should have seriously addressed faceoffs, leadership, and grinding roles this past offseason instead of JJ, Rooney, Bitetto, or hell, even Blackwell. They hit a HR with him but he’s 27 and likely won’t be here past next year when he hits UFA. They had some chips like Howden, Hajek, or Gauthier to sweeten a smaller deal for role players. These are guys that will never be given roles big enough to actually develop here. There were pieces in the free agency that we have discussed many times before for guys that would have addressed some things. I bet they were trying to address the pk but you don’t do that at the expense of everything else. I’m not even suggesting they trade the farm. I’m suggesting it can’t just be a team of late 1st round talent that’ll never develop because of their presence of big horses like ziby, Panarin, kreider, Strome, and now even buch. All of them are either right in their prime or just starting it. Are we just going to build for 5 years from now hoping the then 25 year old corps will be in their prime duplicating the prime of the guys right now? We have that right now. Forward wise, Kakko and Laf should be two untouchables of the young offensive core and the rest don’t fit here. We have our goalie. We have our full top 6. We have our Norris guy. We even have two extremely talented 1st and 2nd overall picks. That should be enough for management to have said “ok, now it’s time to add those complimentary pieces” and expect a hell of a lot better.
  12. I’m not exactly sure where you are going with this to be honest. I was a young adult when 1940 chants were actively going and talks of curses by burning the mortgage in the cup. And yes At that time in 94 I didn’t give a shit that we won several cups from the late 20s- 1940. While I certainly don’t believe in voodoo curses, I do believe in futility. I believed we were a piss poor managed team for decades resulting in a 54 year drought. Then we win. Once. Then still not again for 27 more years and are in the midst of our second nice extended drought. Those lists you provide just prove that it has nothing to do with it being so hard to rebuild in NY and everything to do with piss poor management made by us and many other teams. The difference is, while some teams fanbase will discuss a cup drought, we can discuss two cup droughts that bookend one damn cup. ONE. In 82 years +. It’s pathetic. Why are we discussing it here? Because one of the shittiest fanbases in the entire NHL are coached and managed by a top tier duo and look damn close to ending their own drought while we are all over the place. Since I’ve been alive I’ve watched 15 cups be handed out directly to our real rivals to our one. I think it’s justified to vent a little frustration about that.
  13. Come on. We have been around since 1926 and we have 2 cups since 1940 lol. I don’t know how old you are exactly but the 1940 chants were very rough for a very long time. Bringing up the Canadians in that list is just silly too lol All those teams on your list pale in comparison to us having one 54 year drought and a second of now 27 year drought that isn’t exactly on the verge of being ended.
  14. Well if you notice I didn’t put laf in the convo part of saying drafted before. I know that wasn’t something they could predict. Kreider just shouldn’t have been retained because, well, the 10 or so reason many say all season long. A deadline deal pre covid Kreider would have brought back a good amount. He had a long enough run here filled with inconsistency to see who he really is. As for the cap space. I’m not so sure. There are quite a few big guys on our team that are going to be ready for pay increases. Even if you assume Strome leaves, you still have Buch rfa now, ufa the following year, ziby ufa, Fox and Kakko bridge deals and obviously have to leave room for laf as well the year after. Flat cap really hurts a lot.
  15. It’s not jealousy based. It’s based on how horrible of a coaching decision we made for a guy with very little NHL experience along with a few head scratching signings for big money, buyouts, or retainings when we publicly are saying it’s a long process. It’s not like this is the first time I’m even remotely saying this.
  16. Really? Waiting 54 years for a cup and another nearly 30 years for a second isn’t patience? If you were fortunate enough to see two Rangers cup wins you likely are someone’s great grandfather.
  17. I understand alll of that with some disagreements. However, I also think there needs to be progress, not just a repetition of in inconsistency. I don’t agree this year was “play the kids” type of year because the guys with top ice time were not the kids at all. The top forwards in terms of ice time are Ziby Panarin Buch Strome Kreider Defense is a little trickier since obviously guys go out in pairs but yes it is a more youthful showing Fox Trouba Miller Lindgren Smith Hodgepodge of others This idea of it being so difficult to rebuild in NY is just something we make up. The Knicks have been rebuilding for 50 years. The Jets for the same. Hell, we have one cup in 80 years as you said and since 1926 we have only appeared in the finals 11 times. While I get that isn’t exactly the same as tearing it down to the studs and starting over, we aren’t remotely close to a team with a winning tradition like the Yankees. The fans are plenty plenty patient. Thank god for the Leafs because without them we would have the most pathetic franchise in terms of winning anything in the last 60 or so years. We upped them by 1. Yay us ! The problem is we have a legit dominant top 6 but one we overuse. The bottom 6 is made up of hopeful top 6 guys. Now I’m not remotely suggesting getting rid of Kakko or ALF but I am suggesting that it’s 100% time to cut ties with he likes of Gauthier and Howden. Bring in guys for set roles because right now this roster is made up very very one dimensionally. Free up the top 6 to rest instead of being out there always. The “play the kids” notion is fine but we don’t exactly do that. If you want to say we can’t jump to step 6 then why did we bring in Panarin? Why retain Kreider? Why Trouba if he was going to cost that much? Those are three big money deals on a team saying “we have to go through a long process.” While no one could have predicted a flat cap, we all still could have said tying up 26m for three guys pretty unmovable until 2024 probably isn’t the greatest idea if you believe your drafted talent will take the next step eventually and also need to be paid. Kravtsov, Lundqvist, Miller, Buch, Chytil, Shesh, Barron and I’m sure others were all drafted before. While I’m not saying they were NHL ready straight out, if you believed in them, why bring in or retain others that will be obstacles they have to try and hurdle if they want to take the next step? How are they going to take the next step if they can’t even get the playing time at all? Honestly if we were doing the long haul type rebuild in the first place some of those signings and re-ups shouldn’t really have happened at all. Chytil needs to play a hell of a lot more. Kakko, ALF. Krav, etc all the same.
  18. Proof that all you need is to buy a ticket to try and win the raffle.
  19. Well that also completely ignores losing Tavares and not missing a beat. It’s also conveniently missing that we also were a playoff team prior as well and only a few years removed from the finals and semis. We tore down to hire a coach that didn’t know wtf he was doing. “Developmental” is being very generous for someone that had extremely minimal nhl coaching experience. I’m not sure there is no point in rehashing the past. Wtf else are we to do this summer? Talk s out how amazing it’ll be when we are one cog away from a cup with a 34 year old Panarin that gives less of a fuck to what whoever the coach is at the time asks?
  20. That’s a sweet list if we are saying top excuses for 100, Alex.
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