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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Lol my god you’re a special person sometimes. Again, thank you so much for the repetition of your opinion. I really really appreciate it. Bye bye now.
  2. Oncwe again, thank you for your opinion on the matter home slice. And I'm really sorry you somehow equate an opinion on good negotiation tactics with biological functions? I'd say we are done here.
  3. Stop. No, I’m giving my opinion. So are you. I don’t get where you have this notion that your opinion is any more than an opinion. I also don’t know why you keep at it. You’ve given me yours. I’ve given you mine. You think it’s a non issue. I think it was a stupid thing to do at the time because we will never k ow if it put him at any disadvantage when negotiating a trade. Is there anything more to discuss or are we just trying to argue to argue?
  4. Like I doubt gms lined up thinking they can fleece Gorton all of a sudden but at the time of the letter they were a game or two above .500. It’s not like they were the bottom dwellers. I applaud the team for seeing the writing on the wall. Just as I said, it didn’t make sense to announce it before like that. It doesn’t help leverage, even if privately they were already fielding calls from some teams.
  5. Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m just disagreeing with one dude on the internet but will do. I’ll just go with the track record of how infrequent it is for teams to do what Gorton did. :)
  6. I get what you are saying. I really do. I just don’t think it’s a great idea regardless, especially when other GMs have a chance to see that weeks in advance. It just adds a layer that never needed adding. I think part of that can be reflected on the Tampa trade. But that’s just my opinion. We can not agree. It’s fine. Not our first disagreement lol
  7. Well, I’m not a fan of painting yourself in a corner when it’s unecessary but it’s all good. We don’t have to agree. Different strokes.
  8. By a lot in my mind. We gave up a 24 year old guy that had 40 points in 63 games, was nearly a 55% win from the dot, was near the top of the team in hits, etc. It just made no sense getting rid of him at that time. It’s not the end of the world. Not even gm wins every trade but I don’t think it’s difficult to see how that trade was a head scratcher even at the time. I even remember us saying it then, especially with Namestnikov. We all were saying he was a product of being on Tampa and not reflective of actually being anything special.
  9. And it’s actually not uncommon for GMs to not announce it to the world but it’s not a huge deal either way. Still doesn’t mean it was a necessary part of a rebuild.
  10. Yeah, don’t do anything Miller. Got rote to someone running your goalie
  11. She’s already in her robe and in bed. The only thing I’m cashing in on is peace and quiet
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