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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. If you bring in Eichel, it’s to replace Ziby. You aren’t affording Eichel, Panarin, Trouba, Ziby, Kreider then think you somehow have future money for any breakout players. The only way is if u are literally penny pinching them until there is enough bad blood that when they hit a position of negotiating strength they say “fuck you pay me.” Then where are we? Rangers have to sit down both Strome and Ziby and have the same conversation with them. “We see you both are vital to our next 4-5 years. We need you both but we need a value to achieve that. We’ve stuck by you when times were tough (Ziby) or we’re one team away from being khl bound (Strome). It’s time to put the cards on the table and win a cup here. Ziby, we are offering 8.5x5. Stromer, we are offering 6.5 x 5. Let’s shake.”
  2. Soooo.... Didn't get to see one second of the game and had to listen on the radio. How did we look?
  3. I don't know. I'd say most of us here watch enough current hockey to give an educated opinion. We are talking about tjr guy that benched Laine like 4 periods into his Columbus career. He's evolved for sure but he still has some flaws.
  4. And that's what im saying. I'm not saying he's the end all be all reason some players come and go but he's a reason. I guess you can say that for every coach techically but some coaches perk up a player's radar more than others. Torts is the more.
  5. No but more recently a guy like Gallant won it and was fired a season and a half later so i don't take too much stock in that award specifically. It's just moreso of an award to say who's had the biggest surprise of a year half the time anyway. Hell, AV was a finalist last year and he's having a rough year this year. I don't think Torts is a bad coach one bit. Think he's one of the best American born coaches ever but I do see some flaws and a shelf life coming near the end. Hopefully he gets extended. The league is better with him in it than not.
  6. Keirik

    MAN RULES!!!

    My wife does that with the toilet paper. She will leave the cardboard empty tube on the holder and put the new toilet paper on the bathroom sink. I don’t get it. This is a woman that is a neat freak with everything except two things. Toilet paper and the dishes. She will literally put an empty dish in the sink right next to the empty dish washer.
  7. I’m not sure how much that really means. Of the last ten that won the Jack Adams, only 3 are still even current NHL coaches. I don’t think anyone is saying he’s a bad coach. Just his schtick wears and everyone has a shelf life.
  8. Be careful with that laced weed my friend. Lol
  9. IIRC, Bob and Torts had plenty of differences. I’m not so sure that was a case of Ohio being bad. Columbus actually isn’t a bad city at all. Panarin I’ll give you. PLD was a problem with Torts. I think we can see that. Laine is a baby but he left Winnipeg and was benched like a game into his Columbus career. Let’s not make it seem like he was welcomed with a big warm Torts hug.
  10. 4-1 buffalo tonight with 3 left in the second !
  11. I think with Torts it does go beyond Laine though. He's not thr first to come and go. Panarin, Laine, PLD, Bob, etc. And u have Jarmo not extending Torts as well....yet. But yes, as it's alreadt been said, it didn't take a genius to see Laine and Torts were going to be a bad mix. In this care, it probably is moreso Laine, but Torts being in his final yeah and not maximizing this trade kind of speaks volumes.
  12. It was a pretty stupid question but he came off like a bit of an asshole there. Especially considering how little he's done recently.
  13. This offseason will be very telling around the league when it comes to contracts. Quite frankly, thr money just isn't there lime normal league wide. There's a decent chance players sign undervalued contracts and take a little less in favor of term and security. Rangers probably will be smart enough to start negotiating with both ziny and Strome before next season is over and get might be lucky enough to get a slight discount.
  14. Selling at this point wound only set us back since at some point we have to say "OK this is our core going forward." Maybe you can sell me on selling Buch but he's rfa so we still can get him a bit more affordable and kick the can down the road. Likely they settle out of arbitration since that's been the trend lately.
  15. Lol he would have fit perfectly but alas, it just wasn’t meant to be. :(
  16. He’s just an older dying breed style. The rumors were always that he was run out of here too by players but who knows. The fact that players make pit stops instead of destinations in Columbus kind of shows that too. Maybe it’s partly the city? Possibly but Columbus Ohio isn’t exactly a slum.
  17. I think we need to stay the course with what we have talent wise and just add the complimentary pieces that allow our talent to focus on being the talent they are instead of trying to fit into 5 different play styles at the same time. Am I usually asking for big names here?
  18. Just sign a Luke glendening . He’s a ufa this offseason coming off an under 2m cap hit. He’s regularly 55%+ in the faceoff department, is a bottom 6 guy, kills penalties, blocks shots and hits. 31 so he has some experience around the league without being too old to play the game. Just that alone would give some structure and u hope he knows a trick or two that helps others in the f/o circle
  19. It’s just that specifically Torts being the guy to say so just doesn’t seem right. Torts is a fantastic coach but he’s a 5-6 year type guy before he wears out his welcome usually or his style just gets too hard to consistently do. Plus having him be a lame duck resonates with the players whether they admit it or not. Laine is immature. He’s always been immature. But he also knows he’s an rfa and torts is not under contract next year. Recipe for disaster for an immature player who probably still thinks it’s the rest of the NHL and not him that is the real problem.
  20. Agreed. I don’t think they know but if ziby and Strome are 1/2, and they had an actual defensive/faceoff c for a 4th line, just let Chytil develop untouched in a kid like/energy line role until we know exactly where he is.
  21. Nope. They only have a checking or 4th line center problem that can win faceoffs in big defensive spots.
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