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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Yeah like I said. At some point there has to be a trophy for the Ole era. Especially if it’s one from Europe.
  2. Did u expect anything else from LOL Spurs? I will say, thry find new and exciting ways to screw it up
  3. I’m on the north shore of Suffolk in port Jefferson. :)
  4. Awesome you’re handy. Move near me please lol
  5. I look forward to a few more games of this so we can add the K back in his name
  6. 1. Absolutely. I'm married now so I need that thread. 2. Sadly yes. The original pair but in the blue and black not the MJ colors. Womp womp. 3. Nah. I get that they are being used by the schools but in many cases they also get that letterhead to say they graduated from X, Y, or Z when they had no business going there either. How many Harvard grads have played for us? Think any are splitting the atom? lol 4. zero. I don't see the point. 5. In honor of Dan Girardi
  7. 1. Top for sure lol 2. It's definitely tougher being a Rangers fan. I'm hoping Howden reads this and changes careers for all of our sake. 3. Cop. She's a Rangers fan with me and athlete so she lives and dies with us every game as long as she doesnt pass out during the game lol 4.Mountain for sure. I hate hot weather. 5. Jackson Hole Wyoming. Nice giant rustic log cabin with property. It's on my bucket list of places to be.
  8. lol god i wish. Another funny story. I used to share my patrol car with a reall anal retentive dude that would complain if there was a speck of dust anywhere. I'm clean but holy shit he was another level of nagging about it. 2016 we finally got a brand new one and i was the first to get the car. I got a good 10-15 texts from him telling me what to do to keep it clean to the point i was annoyed as hell. Later the same day I got called for a loose bulldog in traffic.I volunteered to keep the dog in my car until we found the owner. Proceeded to take tons of pics of the dog drooling everywhere and spam his phone with all of them. Even chewed a bit of the steering wheel. Good stuff lol.
  9. 1. Honestly, not giving us every bit of information that the general public doesnt exactly need. They may be a bit over the top but its better than this idea we all think we deserve to know every detail known to man to pick apart from our couches. 2. Sort of yeah. But i try to remember no on calls 911 on a good day. Small story. I keep an unopened Poland Spring bottle with me I got from a random person. I had the road closed during rush hour for an emergency and the amount of angry people screaming "I HAVE TO GO THAT WAY YOU CANT DO THIS" was nuts. It was about 95 degrees and humid and there i am sweating my ass off directing every angry person screaming at me. One person driving by said "Officer Officer" and i was about to rip into him when he threw me that cold water bottle and just said "Be safe, thank you" so I never opened it and just keep it as a reminder. If they see me, its probably because they are having a very bad day or situation. Dont take it personally. 3.Home improvements. I'm not handy at all and it ends up costing so much extra money since i have no idea wtf im doing.
  10. 1. liberals 2. Just checked and nope lol 3. In China i definitely do 4. Wait, its not? Next thing you're going to tell me is to sell my stock in Limewire :( 5. I know exactly what you're talking about. I sprout mung beans on a damp paper towel. Very nutritious but they smell like death
  11. It was actually March 6th against the Flyers when he had 4 goals. Close though.
  12. Happy Birthday! Shes gorgeous. Awesome job making that!
  13. And that’s why many of us don’t see this team as turning any corners until they turn the page on this coach
  14. For those with NBCSN still on, I really do enjoy when they don’t add in too much or any crowd noise like this. Just hear the normal game sounds is fine when there is no crowd there
  15. I want to see a vision cone. Maybee eyeballs glowing where they look. Looks like we all dropped acid at the concession stand tonight
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