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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. The most disgusting I ever had are those ice beers. Molson Ice . Yuck
  2. Oh Fuck them. Their fans are trash, their arena smells like pee, and did i mention their fans are trash?
  3. At least now we have a better idea how he stays in the lineup.....
  4. Pepperoni although I gave up pork in 2013. If has to be current, beef meatball. Delicious.
  5. 1. Clever! I'd go Woke Up Coffee Co. I bet there would be some people that dont even get it lol 2. I'd go back to science. I was a Biochemist before but I think if I could do it over again non Police wise, I'd go Astronomy or Archaeology. Easily my two favorite fields. 3. Starbucks. It's craptastic to me and sugary AF but there still is something kind of romanticizing about a Caramel Macchiato on a cold day. 4. No way. It's so much better than a sandwich. Must have sauerkraut though on it. 5. Deaf. At least i can still see wtf I'm doing and i'd enjoy my wife's company so much more when shes having one of those days.
  6. 1. I'd guess Alaska or probably more accurately, Nanhai China right outside of Southeast China. Lived there as one of the cities when I lived in China and for a lot of people, I was the first white guy they had ever been around. Keep in mind, first time there was 2001 so China wasn't exactly a hot spot for tourism outside of Beijing or Shanghai. 2. Signed up for the test on a whim the afternoon I moved overseas. My dad didn't agree with me leaving so he kept hounding me to sign up for the test as a backup for a union job. Took the test in 2003, was called pretty quickly but i said i was not interested since i had a career in China. PD deferred me since i had scored high so right before the list expired in 2007 they called me back to see if i had changed my mind. I had come back here to visit family and was going to the Rangers home opener. That morning my father was diagnosed terminally ill with cancer. I had to make a decision to leave China and help my family or return there and never see my father again probably. I made the right choice. He got to see me graduate and passed away 3 weeks after I graduated. Bittersweet but he was happy to know I made the decision i did. 3. Thankfully I've never had to fire it. It's been close a few times scarily. 4. Nope, but I've been called for indecent exposure before. Kids will be kids lol 5. Someone with certain mental issues/anger/drug use. It can get scary because they literally feel no compliance pain and you learn pretty quick how to survive until backup arrives. Nothing worse than that by far.
  7. Suddenly the Rangers become must watch tv. Here’s to hoping some of our trade bait have career days since u figure most of the NHL will be watching this....
  8. In all seriousness, this is awesome news but I’m shocked the team is allowed to play tonight. An entire coaching staff? Fairly dangerous for the players to be honest. That and I predict 5 minutes after the game Howden gets escorted by the new staff back to Hartford... Come on Brett. You know you don’t belong here.
  9. I honestly don’t see a way Kreider waives his NMC so early into his deal.
  10. 1. Greschner. He really should have his number retired and long before Graves. Sorry but it’s true. 2. I’m actually a Manchester United fan. Late 80s/early 90s there were only two teams available to watch on tv here. Liverpool and United. Liverpool were the kings and United were the up and coming team that hadn’t yet fully been what we know now. Class of 92 just cemented my love so much. And Roy Keane. Such a warrior. Miss those days. 3. Dog. Yeah I tried it. Would not recommend but it is what it is. Once and never again. 4. Three things stand out. One was bringing back a teenager from an overdose that was about 30 seconds from death. He finally cleaned up his act after and is doing well for himself now. Those moments feel good. Another was being first on the scene for a shooting murder and arresting the suspect without any further violence. Whole day was a whirl because there is so much to the whole scene but knowing that I handled it correctly and remembered all the training, testified, and he was prosecuted. Third was an armed robbery suspect wanted for a string of robberies over months chase where I was able to find the fleeing car, coordinate to shut down the highway trapping him, and chased him down after he bailed until he jumped over the overpass and got caught down below. Wild stuff.
  11. 1. Great question. I think I could see myself being a Colorado fan and living there. Mountains, snow, hockey. Perfect 2. I feel like I could have a few choice words for DeAngelo right now for ruining his own career and thus part of our season. 3. Hmm....I’m was gonna say Vigneault since he can get to the finals but I think Torts. Yeah definitely. This team could use Torts. 4. Szechuan spicy peanuts. Leftovers from the Chinese food we got Monday. Great snack.
  12. 1. Tikkanen just so I can laugh my ass off. Gaborik because he was my boy. And Greschner because he never got credit for being one of our best D in our club history. 2. 12 seconds, and only because his sexy beard would have distracted me. 3. Funniest story I can think of is in China. So i didn't speak a word when i was dropped off there. Everything I learned was from a travel book I carried with me and just from interactions along the way. Obviously mistakes were made. At a traditional dinner with about 15 people sitting at our table of extended families and soccer friends, I proudly kept saying in Cantonese how delicious everything was for about an hour or so......until my teammates finally explained to me "hey, you are actually saying horny every time and not delicious." Now i know why Grandma kept trying to sit closer to me. 4. OH god no. Not unless Uber eats or Grub Hub get there before me. 5. It's probably the only thing that arouses me more than Henrik's persona 6. Can you just imagine if the next bathroom stall says out of order? Hopefully they left some Drano behind.
  13. 1. Keenan. I mean, some of us that are old enough to really remember the 1940 chant know there really is no other answer than the guy who stopped it. 2. That fans in suits that don't even know wtf it means still whistle Potvin sucks in the middle of important games where the Isles aren't even there. 3. First transaction would be to meet with the team and ask if they want ADA and if so, honestly ask him if he's willing to apologize and be a man to continue his career here. 4. Oh i think we would make it quite a while. Better chance of falling off the bar stool than getting kicked out for another reason. 5. Besides any of the 94 games since my dad always had season tickets with his company and i used to go to a shit ton of games I'd have to say Richards tying it up with 7 seconds in the playoffs against the Caps and Staal winning it in OT. That was a super fun experience.
  14. That’s a good plan. Just light a candle and let the Rangers aromatherapy do it’s magic lol
  15. I don’t know. I think we will still see players signing smaller dollar value contracts in these flat cap times. Just very few teams can spend right now. There are probably like 4 or so players in this league where a team wouldn’t blink before giving a blank check and 2 of them are on Edmonton for a while. Players, agents, gms, everyone pretty much knows contracts signed pre covid times really aren’t that comparable right now to ones coming up in the midst of this.
  16. I suppose. I’d think they would keep him on in some capacity for the health insurance if it’s that but who knows. Doesn’t look good. Hope he’s okay.
  17. Lol I hear ya. He literally did little to nothing for the team and couldn’t even make it a full season with an already decimated defense. He’s not gone though but somehow still couldn’t even manage to keep himself dressed even with an assistant coach that was trying to vouch for the guy.
  18. Not good...if this were health related I imagine he would have been retained.....
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