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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. It'll be interesting how this plays out. Hopefully the cancel culture doesn't get a hold of him and run with this stuff claiming abuse. He already had a claim of an insensitive "racist" comment in Russia so any attention will dig up his past. Not good at all.
  2. North Babylon isnt bad, but it can get a bit sketchy here and there. For that area, including Lindenhurst, the best parts of them are south of Main street and the closer you go into the middle of the island there, the sketchier it gets (at least in my opinion). There are great areas though which is the case for most towns tbh. Lindenurst is the same way. Problem with that south shore too is that its more prone to flooding than the North Shore so a lot of those areas make you pay for extra flood insurance and its not very cheap. If you are looking North Babylon, I would suggest also looking Sayville, Islip, and East Islip. I would look at areas south of rt 27A for the best areas in those towns/villages. When it comes to LI, like most places, school districts are going to really rule whether or not an area holds its value. A good house in a great school district will hold its value better than a great house in a bad one. Heres a link where you can search higher rated public school districts just to get an idea. https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-school-districts/?centroid=41.1206,-71.80127,40.5261,-73.41108&map=true https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-public-high-schools/s/new-york/ Ill pm you the guys info. LI is a weird place because its so hard to judge what is a good area and what is not because some areas are great with pockets of crap and some areas are crap with pockets of great especially the south shore and areas from the Long Island Expressway south up until southern state or rt27A.
  3. Oh for fucks sake..........when are any of these athletes going to learn that on social media every pro athlete is bait for some version of “oh I’ll get this guy” if they are outspoken in any way. Just stay the hell away from social media. My god.
  4. Jeff Skinner, Jonathon Cheechoo, David Clarkson, Brian Gionta.....sometimes a guy falls off the planet. Fro the record, I think Ziby will be fine. It’s just a prolonged tough stretch, but he’s hardly the first that performed above and beyond other years, only to fall down to earth.
  5. It’s. O thing like drugs. Let’s be realistic. There just are no signs at all to point to that, especially in a time where players are on lock down so much on the road. He’s not the first player to go through a major regression and slump. He’s always been about riding a wave of momentum. Last year was all momentum, but just in a positive way for him. This year has been all negative momentum. Covid didn’t help at all and now he’s playing catch-up.
  6. Pretty hard to track the puck on tv when Boston was shooting the first 10 minutes or so. Better now
  7. Just stay the course. Don’t gut your team creating 4 holes to fill one.
  8. Great post and welcome to the site
  9. I agree that every player has a role and you do need the pluggers especially in the fwd ranks because they allow your best players to focus on being your best players rather than the mundane work. Can’t all be the same dimension. I just think specifically to say Bitetto himself is bringing the team together is a bit of a stretch. It could be part of it but he hasn’t been some revelation. He’s been decent. A few good games mixed in with a few not so good games. Brings a decent energy and probably positive vibes since he’s just happy to specifically be here. I think though the glue we are talking about, comes from getting on a roll with wins. That smoothes out imperfections a ton more than everything else. Ortmeyers glue mostly came to me because of the Jags, Straka, Nylander of the world but I do understand your point. 100% agree with getting to see a local guy with pride putting on our sweater
  10. Well, im not trying to bring it to ADA at all for the record. I just think obviously the Rangers are looking for a good story out of this considering the recent past right before he played. Thats all. The players rarely are going to ever not say something positive about anyone if asked "What has Bitetto brought since his insertion in the lineup" so yeah. Either way, nice journeyman local kid getting a chance.
  11. He doesnt do any of that lol. It's just trying to force a feel good story after the mess of the ADA situation. Hes had a few decent games, scored a nice goal, but he's not transforming anything. You know what, would be some awesome glue? Zibanejad scoring, ALF starting to take over, and Kreider to start his reappearance. All happened yesterday so let's hope it's a start.
  12. I’ve been cooking since I was 14 so that’s over 30 years worth. I don’t need belle fresh specifically but we wanted to find a way for my wife to learn just freaking something. Woman can’t make cereal correctly. It’s just turned into me making them though lol but it definitely still helps in a busy world. Besides not being able to boil water she also doesn’t know how to make a freaking food decision ever. Instead of spending 30 minutes discussing what we are going to eat each day, now at least 3 of the days we have it all set. The Wednesday before after dinner we just look at the following week choices and decide “together” from the 30 or so choices. Speaking of food prep and all that, I’m going to start dry brining my chicken breasts before making grilled chicken. I’ve also seen a tip I might try but unsure about using Mayo instead of olive oil to grill the chicken. Supposed to help with browning. Anyone ever try?
  13. Glad you are enjoying it. We’ve really been as well. Today we did grilled harissa chicken with tabouli with a feta cream sauce. Was very good.
  14. Dude the game looks sick. Beautidul Loving the diques jersey so much.
  15. He will be back in the NHL by the 22/23 season. Just re-establishing a rep here.
  16. Very. Whole team was solid and a lot of important things happened today. ALF score, ziby score, kreider score.....couldn’t script it better 3 guys that really need to get going
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