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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. 2 goals tonight for Simmonds. 5 on the year. Man I really would have loved to see a 4th line of Lemieux, Boyle, Simmonds here
  2. He doesn’t even give himself a good angle for it. Such an important year for both him and the team so they know whether or not he’s truly worth the ufa money he is going to want.
  3. Yeah people like to say Fox made ADA expendable but I think it was Miller. His emergence and maturity with offensive flashes kind of showed they could get rid of ADA and just use someone defensively reliable for the third pair instead.
  4. When you say hammered you are talking about alcohol right?
  5. Thank you guys. About 25 minutes in. Good listen. Seems like a nice mix of what we all think with a few differences here and there. Very well done.
  6. Correct. He has every right to do so. It’s too bad he only does so when it comes to certain players though but I digress. But my point, and you’re right, the higher ups showed some good will and faith in ADA since he had turned the corner. Must have been pretty confusing then when two periods into the season in a game where the entire team plays like bad guano that he got singled out as needing to be sat down for further games. Like I said, there was zero reason to not just bury that game afterwards and move on instead of saying the whole team stunk but you specifically ADA, you need to watch from the press box because you slammed the penalty box door. Not equal blame but I do think there is blame all around and the guys with 30 and 50 years experience in the league could have done a better job with this mental midget since he clearly needs help and has to be handled differently than a different player. Game 2 of a season really isn’t the right time in my opinion unless you are actually looking to make a scapegoat for the rest of the team knowing full well there’s a chance this happens. His benching for the rest of game 1 was enough to me. Instead the meltdown happened and that’s on ADA.
  7. For those too lazy and only want to know our differences here
  8. It’s pretty painful to try and have conversations about a guy on the team to have another member just minimize it to “right wing” vs “left wing” ideologies about it Just saying. Honestly, is it even necessary to say that?
  9. Horrible management by every party involved. He played what, like 150 or so games for this franchise before this season? Who in this organization didn’t know that he’s mercurial? So you have the opportunity to walk away but you don’t. Why? Because he’s fucking talented. Very talented. It’s 100% understandable to not walk away from that. But Once you don’t, and you sign him to TWO years, drawing that line in the sand after one game is just further mismanagement when you damn well know Quinn and ADA are going to butt heads. They even said ADA couldn’t get over the benching. And apparently they knew it, knew they had drawn the line in the sand, had previously tried unsuccessfully to trade him, possibly BOTH before and after re-upping with no good success. Why, on gods green earth, did the organization decide to NOT step in, sit this guy down long term privately when they knew he wasn’t doing well and it was a matter of time? Listen I get it’s ultimately ADAs fault. It is. But this organization is ran by a nearly 70 year old President in JD that’s been in every aspect of the game over 50 years and a 50 something old GM in Jeff Gorton that’s been in management since the 1990s. Neither of those two knew this was on its way to happening with all that experience ? Quinn I sort of understand. He doesn’t know wtf to do in day to day management let alone how to handle that also, but the other two didn’t see this? ADA is a douche, but he’s 24. Not 17 so he should know better but he’s still only 24 and obviously needs some sort of actual help. To me they almost left him to flounder knowing damn well what was on its way to happening and, if some of you guys are right, almost lost a hockey club along the way from handling this whole thing like a circus.
  10. I think why Josh’s point is, since you keep liking what happens in a hockey club to what happens in “real life jobs” is that if ANY of us decided to clock our coworker even if there was a history of insubordination and he or she was a troubled coworker, we would be likely fired on the spot also. Georgiev isn’t out of a job, thankfully. But you know why? Because the pro sport world isn’t our world so I’m not sure why we keep going back to that.
  11. Isn’t it funny how we see what we want to see? Some see Shesty and breadman as making fun of ADA. Others see it as them making fun of social media for acting like it was a huge deal. But hey, I guess we know what’s in the mind of the players when they joke around.
  12. Pending spinal fusion surgery will ruin any thoughts of shoveling, trust me lol
  13. Had an assist on the en last night so we are 10 games in 1 goal, 2 assists, -4. Took 2 penalties yesterday. Yesterday...... 8 offensive zone starts, most for any forward on the team. 27 shifts, most for any non d on the team Gotta get this guy going ASAP.
  14. Lol great point Yeah I doubt anyone would have taken him. The trade in itself probably wasn?t horrible, but the extension we gave him knowing he wanted to be here was way too high He got to leave Winnipeg to go exactly where his girlfriend he wanted to go and we still overpaid for him in salary alone by a decent amount. I think it was a very bad trade, but that?s in hindsight. Then again, all of these trades we look at are in hindsight. I still think the mcd one was the worst by far though.
  15. Yeah this. He's been bad. It's not even Rangers fans noticing this. Even today listening to Sirius they were mentioning how you can make a great case that Winnipeg won the trade hands down lol. He's been bad. Has his moments but also has his sliding into tjr goalie moments needing Miller to block a goal with his ass. Lol
  16. Miller has been very good. Thank god too because he’s really helping mask a lot of Trouba shortcomings
  17. Yeah definitely and I admit I was very worried especially with the way the first two periods went lol
  18. I mean, we looked like ass against Pittsburgh for most of the game. Pretty much the entire D Corp were taking penalties except Smith who concussed himself and Fox because he's actually good at hockey. Last night I can understand. Very good game, but we still haven't even strung two good games together. We just happened to get two wins.
  19. No one is saying they were committed to him for 5 years or anything. Just his contract signed on one year show me deal isn’t relevant unless u want to say ADA was pretty team friendly by putting up 5th most points and agreeing before arbitration where he could have easily been given more money. My point is very valid about the team whether you want to understand it or not. They are inconsistent. With or without ADA. That “dragging the whole thing down” doesn’t hold water when it’s two games after he’s off the team, one of them against Pitt being a game we looked like crap most of the game. Best game of the year last night lol. It was a good game but let’s not act like it was some flawless blowout performance. Good win but work to be done. If you want to say they look a little tighter defensively, fine. But you’re creating a narrative none of us could possibly know based off one game, ignoring other facts of how well the team was in large stretches of the season last year with him in the lineup. I’m not even sure why we are talking about this anymore. Spinning wheels is the mud is not exactly productive.
  20. Imagine how much better we would be if we waive Zibanejad and his lack of production with bad penalties lately ! :)
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