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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. All somewhat accurate yet very skewed but as mr workplace violence, you forgot the detailed part where ADA was punched over a comment by the goalie starting the physical part of the altercation. Very colorful description of everything else though. I really like the part of ?given the chance to play his off side? for a a couple of days in a season with no preseason games as if it was some privilege to switch positions just like that ignoring the parts where he specifically said he just wanted to do whatever to help the team. I think we all have our set opinions on both sides of the fence here and nothing is going to change any of this. Hopefully whatever the solution is, it comes much sooner rather than later. The circus won?t leave town until this is 100% over.
  2. From what I had heard , it was more homosexual in nature and not race related but who knows. Shit goes around the internet. In the end, ADA is a douche from time to time but he’s a flawed person. I’m personally tired of hearing what he did in juniors in that aspect. Why? Because he was brought in here knowing that, and retained twice over in that period. Whole thing sucks. I do think ADA is his worst enemy though.
  3. I still to this day have not seen one shred of evidence that it was even racist in nature. Been all speculation.
  4. Welp, coming down hardcore. Only thing left to do is drink for two days and post here. What could go wrong?
  5. Yup. I’m well aware it’s not beer league. I’m also well aware teammates fight from time of time. Please spare me the workplace violence stuff. It holds zero meaning in sports. I’m sorry but I think you’re reaching. Anyone can google nhl teammates fight. YouTube it. Same stuff. It happens. This isn’t the same thing as me walking up my buddy in a cubicle and punching him in the head. Not even close.
  6. Im not sure. In the entire nhl ? Who knows. Shit isn’t usually put out there for us to know but today’s society is a bit different. Plenty of YouTube vids of teammates fighting it I’m not sure why it matters if it were at practice, bar, tunnel, locker room, whatever. It’s what happens from time to time. I think we can agree to disagree that it matters if it were in the tunnel or not. I think that’s splitting hairs to make it sound like it’s worse than another situation but that’s just me.
  7. Dude. Come on. Tempera are high after a game. Shit happens. I'm not justifying it but didn't kreider punch as well? Who cares? I really believe this happens more often than any of us think, or at least used to.
  8. I agree with all except I didn't think sitting him two games was necessary. Benching him the rest of that, game was fine especially considering how many other players have routinely gotten away with bone headed plays. Admittedly, they aren't behavioral so that may be the difference but still. Game 2 of the season sitting him was a bit much to me and I think he was pretty lost right there. Thats mostlynon ADA but I think Quinn was looking for that reason too more than it being deserved. What I'd love is for him to clear and have to take stock in these crossroads. Maybe possibly return to the team with a new attitude. Won't happen but I can dream. He is still offensively gifted and that Pp1 with him and fox in Buffalo looked nice back there slinging it around..
  9. Yeah. His role in all of this. What's wrong with thinking this isn't just about one thing, one day, and one person?
  10. Could it even remotely disagree more. A fight in practice is just as bad as one in the tunnel after the game. They are ilat "work" either way.
  11. Fair and I partly agree. Honestly though, can anyone with a straight face say they thought his benching and sitting in the press box 2 periods into the season was going to be met positively at all? I get that's on ADA too but to me that shows your history is bright in even if it's a new season and clean slats (at least that how I would treat it if the Rangers came calling to me lol). I just think this was an inevitable path once that happened. I'm sure ADA took that contract instead of going into arbitration as a signthey were going to possibly push forward with him and see him dogged 2 periods into his season. Just a thought. I think this year Quinn has missed the mark too with ADA.
  12. Well I do believe there are differences in the sporting world than there are in the work force. Boyle and Dubinsky got into a fist fight in practice before. Plenty of other nhl teammates get into fights
  13. What comments did he make? Does anyone actually know? Not justifying anything but there is a big difference between racist comments and some other ones that, have zero to do with race and previously were used in every day society before we realized that certain comments aren't acceptable.
  14. If this helps the team then so be it. LGR. I’m a Rangers fan first and foremost. What I better hear though is that there was a closed locker room with every player including ADA to hash out all of this because the team is a mess and that goes well past ADA. I want to hear that Quinn had it out, said this is a team and you live and die here that night. Something with passion that shows me not only that he’s in charge which he’s done, but that he knows wtf he’s doing along the way. I bet we likely won’t see that but as I said in the postgame, he’s a handful of games away from losing the team. I personally think he’s not the right man but whatever. We are currently a circus. I don’t think that’s all on ADA. I think the handling of ADA is an example of his incompetence. ADA is done here largely due to ADA. However, The sad thing is I think 20 games from now we will see it wasn’t as much that ADA was a cancer as it is that Quinn is a clueless nhl coach that still hasn’t figured out the difference between coaching 19 year old college players are 19 year ol NHL ones. Sure hope I’m wrong.
  15. God I love this though...lol.
  16. You’re not the only one in this thread to throw that maga glasses stuff. I think you’re taking a leap when someone says no one mentions his good play but it’s a silly point. He’s been shit defensively so I don’t care if he makes one damn play. I do think though there is a huge difference between that comment and Saying maga glasses is the only way he’s obsolved here. None of us know the full story regardless but this isn’t the first teammate fight in the history of hockey so whatever. He’s a polarizing dude. I don’t see how this is good for anyone but whatever. We now helped make a circus. Quinn looks like he’s way out of his league. Random benching, guys fighting, utter lack of any system, not knowing how to manage ADA better, accountability only when he feels like it, etc. Gorton brought him back knowing who he was. He’s got some stains on him too for ADA among other things. 4 people fell in his lap. Fox, Kakko, ALF, and Panarin. Hell, 5 if you count Trouba who he overpaid for. But I digress, this is about ADAs actions. If he’s been shopped and no one wants him, it’s partly due to Quinn’s handling of him and Gorton not dealing him last offseason too. Once you sign him though, I think you are saying he’s a continued project. Send him home, fine. Tell him to get his head right. Work with him. Don’t bench him after one game and make him a martyr which given ADAs fragile personality would damn well be known to do anything but help.
  17. Why not? It’s now factual ADA was tweeting from the shower 10 mins after a game since someone on Twitter made an account in Pittsburgh Not like people live there....
  18. Oh I did. It’s not that big of a deal. I’d prefer we leave the politics out of it here but clearly that won’t happen. Fine then have at it. Why even bother allowing the comments to be open in the thread? Some might just prefer to talk about how we got to a point where the 5th leading offensive d in the league is at a point where waiving was the best answer. Shit show. It’s not just on ADA in my opinion regardless of who the fuck was or is the President yesterday or today.
  19. So who said this? I guess I quoted you wrong? Hon3stly, it makes it really hard to ever have a conversation about hockey with posts like that. This whole team is shit. But whatever. Keep saying this. It really adds to the conversation. Honestly, I think you’re better than this but whatever. :cheers:
  20. You have to stop that crap. We all can have different opinions dude. Relax. It’s hockey.
  21. No that’s not what in saying. You implied anyone that might not agree with this is due to Maga colored glasses.
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