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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-playstation-5-console/6426149.p?skuId=6426149#tabbed-customerreviews
  2. Right now on best buy they have some
  3. Maybe I’ll make a video 29 minutes shorter to say how trading Gaborik still is paying off today since we got Mika eventually :)
  4. Well, tbh, we really didn’t lose anyone except Fast really so it was more of a matter of keeping Hank instead of Georgie. Hanks heart would still have come up and we would be scrambling for a backup regardless. Now we’ve moved on and have a good tandem for two years. Unless u buy into that we could have been sitting here and today say “ok now we have money right before Christmas to offer sheet Cirelli” or so,etching of that nature.
  5. Donations donation! I though it was a trash can! So many amazing quotes in that movie. Prince Akeem: I am Akeem. Lisa McDowell: It's nice to meet you, Akeem. Prince Akeem: I have recently been placed in charge of garbage. Do you have any that needs to be disposed of? Lisa McDowell: No. It's totally empty. Prince Akeem: When it fills up, call me. I will take it out most urgently. Lisa McDowell: That's good to know. Prince Akeem: When you think of garbage, think of Akeem. Landlord: All right, here we are. There's only one bathroom on this floor, so you're going to have to share it. We got an insect problem, but you boys from Africa are used to that. And another thing, don't use the elevator. It's a death trap. This is the place I was telling you about. It's real f***ed up. Got just one window facing a brick wall. Used to rent it to a blind man... damn shame what they did to that dog.
  6. Wonder how many jerseys Caps sold of him. Capitals were like 3rd or so leading reverse retro sales and they also had already been selling his jersey on tjr nhl store site
  7. I think they are screwed but I suppose the only hope would be a grievance since he never played a second for his new team. Highly unlikely and would be a messy unnecessary situation.
  8. He couldn't have done with with us? Lol Feel bad for him though in all seriousness
  9. https://direct.playstation.com/en-us/hardware/ps5 Check there in the coming days multiple times. Reading in a few places with them saying Friday and this weekend there wil be supplies released sporadically at all different times. Good luck
  10. Dumping snow outside. Fireplace on with backup cherry wood, everything to make homemade pizza tomorrow, wife is teaching from home, and I have new sweatpants to wear lol Btw, looks like the trend is for kids to not get a snow day in some places and instead remote learn from home. I dunno. A snow day is good for the mental health of so,e of these kids. I’m not so sure it’s a great idea in the grand scheme of things to not allow actual snow days now. I understand if there were a ton but still.
  11. I feel like I remember him preferring Florida life if it weren’t Boston but I could be wrong.
  12. And he’d join the rangers why? With all the teams out there closer to the cup for a 62 year old, why would he choose us at legit league minimum?
  13. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah, or Llamakkah as my wife calls it, Happy Kwanza , or Happy whatever thr hell you celebrate. Just enjoy this time with family, friends, and those who don’t make you miserable lol
  14. I just scored one this afternoon online from Walmart. Anyone looking for one check their website regularly. They often say out of stock but sometimes it’ll say back in stock at 3:30 est or something like it did today. I just spammed add to cart for a good minute or two and it finally added one and allowed me to check out for delivery early Jan. I’ve also heard Best Buy online is getting some as well soon. Ps5 I’m talking about
  15. noaa is saying 9-13 inches for long island by the end, mostl overnight Wed into Thurs morning.
  16. So I got this to grind the beans. Working out very nice so far. Tons of settings for how fine or course you want them and conical burr which is what I prefer. Got it 20% off with the Ned bath and beyond coupon everyone and their mother gets 400 of per week.
  17. I agree with that but I don't want it really just because it'll be forever. When we talk "normalcy" I think a lot of that will work itself out within player salaries. There will be just another version of a cap on top of a cap. At some point players are just going to start taking less money. Think next offseason there are going to be many teams looking to add tons of money in contracts? Probably not so either players will see the writing on the wall and take less, or they'll jump to Europe if there is money there?
  18. From what I understand or at least heard in interviews, it doesn’t affect the gen pop. They simply have a private company provide vaccines that otherwise wouldn’t be made elsewhere. Think they did the same during the bubble with covid testing.
  19. Yeah, it was a horrible trade for the guys we gave up. Really have to hope the pick that turned into Lundkvist eventually becomes a “How we ended up with Nik Lindstrom” lol. Should have called their bluff and held out until they caved and offered Sergachev
  20. I actually didn’t think he was too bad in Tampa. It was a numbers game with him mostly with Tampa. His first end of season after the trade there he was fantastic. One of the best on their roster. Hitting, ppg production, energy. Second one not as much but it still wasn’t end of the world bad. I just thought the trade made no sense. At 23 he had almost 60 points with us so it wasn’t a surprise to many that he eventually flourished in the NHL. Just an utter fleecing by Yzerman. Oh well. It is what it is.
  21. Lol funny enough but my wife did too for Hanukkah from the MSG store.
  22. JT Miller. The only move that really made no sense from a let’s get younger talent perspective.
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