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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. But those are two very different things. Tanking is intentionally trying to lose. Being a crappy team for several years not not equate to intentionally losing. Telling a team they forfeit the chance for a top pick because thry had one the year before is punishing them. What if their top pick blows his knee out gave 7 of his career? What if he’s being taunted as a can’t miss like Daigle? What if it’s an incredibly weak draft? Etc. Why are we trying to reinvent the wheel here when it’s not broken in the first place? There isn’t some league wide problem where it’s been decades of the same team with the 1st overall every year and isn’t the NBA where you only need 1-2 players to turn a franchise around either.
  2. It's just ebs and flows and there literally is no way to determine a team doing anything with talent x until we are in hindsight territory. You say you have no problem with what Tampa did but they were spoon fed talent too. In 08 they had 1st overall, 09 second overall and in 10 6th overall. 5 out of 6 years then they had a top 10 pick during that time. We just disregard it because it was a good while ago now.
  3. Just ask guys that have been around hockey for decades how mismanaged Toronto was under Ballard. Hell in the last handful of years prior to the lockout we were a freaking mess of a franchise lol
  4. Well that’s not fair at all to say anyway. If that’s the stance and the reason to change, why do we have franchises in Edmonton, Winnipeg, and Buffalo? Might as well drop the league down to like 12 teams if getting elite talent in smaller markets is a problem.
  5. I just mean in terms of tanking. If something doesn’t work and they have attempted to get better, a team shouldn’t be punished saying “well you got top pick last year so too bad.” That’s punitive just to be punitive. I understand the get better part is the key there but get better could just be as simple as letting the kids play and get experience/grow. That might not look it to the casual eyes so where would anyone draw the line anyway? I think the lottery is fine.
  6. I do t k ow if that is fair. I mean if a team sucks they just suck. Can’t punish them further. Rangers winning was just pure luck. Can’t go changing crap just because of that.
  7. Shelley..holy shit I haven’t heard that name in a long time. Wow. I only remember Plaza on Mark Tree rd. I remember playing after it closed off of 347 in two places mostly for roller though. One was next to a lumber yard just east of Patchogue Mt Sinai rd and an indoor place also by there. There was also some smaller indoor rink in Setauket like in a weird dead end area by Sheep Pasture Rd as well.
  8. I’m sure this doesn’t help you feel better but think of how us Bears fans feel. 1985 is all I have. And they yearly celebrate it as if it’s the only time they will ever win. I’m sick of it. I was 10. Plus, since 85 they have found new an inventive ways to always blow. We traded UP to get Trubisky lol. I hear “Da Bears” and Momsters of the Midway and blah blah blahhhhhhh when thry haven’t done jack shit in thirty five god damn years lol
  9. In reality, that package that Dave offered. Do you prefer having Toews for that price, or offer sheet Cirelli at 6-6.5m for 4 years or so and only lose a 1st and 3rd. If you think Tampa matches then call them first, offer that plus one prospect and see if it gets it done.
  10. From our perspective, if we could have our 2nd line center for 5.25m over the next 3 seasons we would be in good shape. However, the other assets would be rough to give up, particularly the 1sts
  11. You can make arguments for and against a trade like that. I just wonder how much better we would be long term if we did that. Adding Toews probably doesn’t really jump the needle full fledged for 2 seasons. At that point we are talking about one more season and a decline in skill anyway, plus the loss of real assets in those picks that we could have used for another piece via trade or draft if things were going so horribly wrong that we still had high picks. Toews fits here, but in his last year with salary retention and as a complimentary piece to a stacked team just missing that special intangible piece, not as a focal point right now imo. If he stays in Chicago, do I revisit this next offseason if we happened to get in the playoffs and go into the second round or so next year? You betcha.
  12. Wonder how many people watched that clip and assumed it was buffering lol
  13. That was brutal to watch. I mean I thought they were going to pull it out when the Eagles ended up like 1st and goal but like almost at the 20 lol. Figured that was it, Giants will not fold. They did. Like I said, I’m not even a Giants fan and I cursed at the tv lol. My dad would have been proud as a Giants fan for my yelling god rest his soul .
  14. Yeah I grew up in Selden so that was the place for dek for all of us. Kings Park or Dix Hills for ice, think Miller Place for roller...lots of memories at Plaza growing up.
  15. I’d do that too but I still maintain, Trouba once we are really a deep playoff team is going to do awesome stuff for us. Just think we are best staying the course.
  16. I’m not even a Giants fan and this game posed me off to no end.
  17. Pat was a fun guy. Still kept in touch with him until he passed, god rest his soul. We had to play together lol although I was about 5 years younger than Kurt, Pat, and Falcon but we all played on so many leagues we had to cross paths a bunch. Good stuff.
  18. Very small world. Unfortunately he actually passed away a month ago in his sleep. We lived houses away growing up along with the Andersons. You might have played with Kurt or Jeff Anderson, or Brian Falcon. We all grew up together houses away. Very small world lol
  19. Lol probably did. You don’t remember a team called the Killer Tomatoes with a Pat Kearney by any chance do you?
  20. Played there many o times as well back in late 80s/very early 90s lol
  21. All team are gonna have a 4th jersey Right? Did we even ever wear our thirds last year lol
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