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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Good for him , especially considering he made comments about just wanting to have the best possible team. Happy day and less than he probably would have gotten had it went to arbitration.
  2. To be honest, I kind of was worried arbitration settled in the 3s. Let’s hope this kind of helps take shape to have a couple more stay aboard.
  3. They got to the SEMI FINALS with guys in goal that aren’t superstars and Aho was still a second round pick that’s one of the best young players in the game. Literally pretty much every team in the NHL could have drafted him except us. He’s just on the cusp of superstar level but gets overlooked because it’s Carolina. There combined postseason goalies last year had a .931 save % and 2.18 GAA. They didn’t lose because of goaltending at all last year. You can make a case the year before when they got games away from the finals sure but not last year at all. Skjei was fine for them and Fast is a good veteran pickup. I’m not sure where you are going with this when they’ve had success.
  4. Because they were wildly inconsistent. They wound go a good 8gsme stretch where they were lights out then lose to teams they had no business losing to. Also when push came to shove, they had two crushing defeats to the Flyers later in the season. As for thrm ring a playoff team. I agree with them being very close but it was not a certainty at all. They weren't in a playoff position at the pause and a couple of teams line the Isles had games in hand I think. They were just too inconsistent to trust and say 100% they were making it. They were 2-4-1in their last 7games I think after an awesome stretch where it really looked like they turned the corner.
  5. I think at this point it was pretty clear the team just wanted to move on from Hank. Probably some internal things the organization didn't feel like publicly sharing like that, he wanted a bigger role than sexy haircut backupbut who knows. It's done and dusted at this point. Already have my Lundqvist jersey waiting to be ordered.
  6. I mean it's a bit more than I would have liked. Personally I wish they had dealt him and went with a league minimum backup or Kinkaid so they had more money for others.
  7. I’m not exactly sure what you are getting at here. Ok, so they don’t have the best goalies. No team has a perfect roster. Still got within a few wins of getting to the cup finals in 18/19 and have a pretty solid team. Aho was a late second round pick. What exactly is being a good organization if it isn’t hiring a good coach, drafting intelligently with your given opportunities, picking up a few acquisitions, and having playoff success? No o e is saying they are the pinnacle of hockey but ot say they haven’t a clue is just.......strange...
  8. There are younger versions that might actually want to be here and can possibly play more than one year who’s name rhymes with Mayan Hoyle
  9. 666 See, told ya. Guy is like a baby compared to Thornton
  10. you mean the guy that owned us in the play in round? playoffs this year, semi finals last year, Svechnikov, Aho, Teravainen, Hamilton, et al. I'm pretty confident they have a clue what they are doing lol
  11. Was going to rep u but your rep is 666 and I just figured we should keep it there where it fits :)
  12. Fans obviously. That's where this came from as me saying im surprised he's not more of a fan favorite. I think you're way, way off. I know a good amount of Trump supporting Rangers fans in my profession and I've never heard one person say "man love that Deangelo. Trump guy!" Conversely I've herd very little mainstream political talk around ADA from critics, media, fans, etc. A few times I've heard outspoken but that's about it. Let's agree to disagree.
  13. Yeah i have to agree with Thirty on this one. I'm not so sure it's Trump related at all. I doubt as many people care about that as you think. I've never heard one person mention it to be honest. It's more just because it's one season of this plus being overshadowed by the likes of Panarin and Ziby
  14. He's not. ADA is the more dynamic of the two. Just that Fox is more reliable to remain out there when the pp finishes I guess. I odnt know. I like ADA. I'm so surprised he ismt really a fan favorite. Fights, offense, outspoken. He's like Avery sort of just with actual talent.
  15. I cs. Say it until I'm blue in the face. You have to make a trade for a guy with a friendly cap hit, like a Kerfoot, even if it needs to add a high pick because we cannot commit big dollars to a Strome if you really believe in the younger guys in this lineup like a Chytil to eventually be the 2c. Also, if we are this bad cap wise with bonuses and we believe in Shesh, then cap space shouldn't be "wasted" on Georgiev if it's 3m or so. U signed Kinkaid for two years. He will have to backup. Lemieux is inconsequential money wise so he will stay. ADA is the wild card. I'd really hate to lose that guy and some of his recent quotes makes me think he might be the most approachable to take a tad bit less when u read comments of wanting "the best team possible"
  16. It’s not crying though. It’s the offseason. This is what guys do. Discuss moves that help or hinder our future. Boring place if we all agree lol Agreed. Him being last really makes you think it’s even less likely to keep him. By that point they could potentially not even have enough money for him at all if they retain ADA. Or thry walk from ADA since hrs first if it’s too rich.
  17. To you maybe not but he got the A for a reason and I bet he was very well respected in the locker room. That part is much harder to replace and again, we are talking about 2 million for the ages of 28-31. That’s a bargain for an A that has never said boo, can slot up and down in the lineup, and does a lot of the work many others just don’t. Tell ya what. If he brought so little then why did a division rival and team at a point of competing sign him when they don’t exactly have tons of cap space either?
  18. I don'y know if that's the order i would have hoped for but it is what it is. ADA going first will certainly have a domino effect if they accept the decision or settle prior to, etc. I feel like Id rather have Strome first so they know where they stand as early as possible 2c wise.
  19. I would have thought the re-up of Marleau to SJ would have made Thornton take one more kick of the can and if its not working out there, trade to Toronto at deadline if possible but who knows. Toronto would rather get him for nothing I guess.
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