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Everything posted by Keirik

  1. Welp, buy bye Yanks and hopefully buy bye Boone.
  2. That’s fair. All we know was Jack saying “ holy shit someone wants me? My god I’ll take it”
  3. On day one? Probably not many, but I?m not sure if that?s a point in your favor or not. He?s literally so bad that on day one even he himself agreed on a salary that is near league minimum. What was the rush with him? If you went shopping for a used car and first dealership you won?t to found the shittiest car with the worst reliability, would you buy it or look elsewhere for something reliable instead? What?s the worst that can happen? Someone else buys the hunk of junk in the meantime? So be it then. Their problem when it breaks down. There will always be plenty of used cars out there.
  4. That’s just it. Signing him means they aren’t going to sign another D man that could actually have provided leadership and be an NHL defenseman along the way. And to do it hours into the FA period just seems....odd. I highly doubt teams were knocking his door down. There were better options. A lot better ones.
  5. Just informed the better half that if we ever get fans again we are taking a weekend trip to DC to see him play. She’s excited lol
  6. Think about this....we just signed 107 scrubs for the pack but not someone like this that might surprise us.
  7. Gives new meaning to when JD said we are not even close......
  8. hell, i would rather have had an Andy Greene on our 3rd pair, or just waited to see who was left after the frenzy and might be willing to come cheaper on a one year deal. What would have been the worst, JJ signing elsewhere? Not likely and would have been better for us anyway lol
  9. Thats all fine and great but the point of acquisitions is to trend up towards making the playoffs and building. He, in no way. does that. Also, these couple of seasons of flat cap are the time you might really be able to get lucky on a piece for the next 2-3 years you might not get otherwise.
  10. Maybe the thought process is "don't worry boys, Shesherkin had a .950 save percentage. We're good"
  11. He's definitely playing and the rational probably is "put him in situations to succeed" but it's utter BS. Literally he was one of if not the worst option out there. I'm confused. It's day one, but we didn't address bottom six in any way unless you say a guy like Rooney as a 13th fwd, nor did we address any possibility of veteran leadership. Still early, but a bad day 1 for us. This expansion draft fodder is a stretch. I highly doubt many of them are even of interest to Seattle.
  12. I’m not saying he is ADA. I’m saying he replaces a guy they feel is in a log jam , Fox is pp one RD, Trouba is pp2 RD. There are already reports and plenty of rumblings they don’t consider ADA long term and bringing in another D that literally adds nothing except offensive mindedness gives me the impression they are likely moving on and figure at least we get a sort of cheap replacement that fills the correct side. Just think if the reasoning is that, it’s a mistake. I can’t see why on earth else thry would bring in this trash of a player no one else wants.
  13. Because previously he was a puck moving D known for offense rather than defense. They aren’t bringing him in to shore down the left defense pairing and they already have a 3rd LD in Smith (well he should be 3rd pairing). Now you move ADA and u have the cheaper 2nd pp pairing on the correct side.
  14. I think we were expecting a couple of veterans role players, not career AHLers and Jack Johnson who should have been in the AHL for the last few years
  15. I swear, if they think this is a cheaper, LD version of ADA I’m going to lose it.
  16. My god no. Just no. I don’t care if he played for free. No.
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