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Everything posted by Rangers

  1. Had an Oculus 2, that thing was so blurry, made me noxious and gave me headache. It went back to bustbuy.
  2. RIP, tough to see people go. Lost my Grandmother today also. Sad year.
  3. Maybe GM knows something we don’t. Like the concussion he sustained I playoffs, or maybe how worn down the body is.. I’m sure there was a reason.
  4. I think there are two reason we weren’t able to trade him. 1. Being a special Covid year and a cap staying at what it is for few years. 2. GM’s understand what strome bring and what he doesn’t. Definitely no long term future on this team, need something better on second line.
  5. You must be older then I am. :)
  6. I’m not disagreeing with you on all this time off, and that’s is hard to come back after period of time. I also agree with you that it’s a team effort. What I don’t agree with, is that Strome is the right type of player for playoffs. He is not resilient, he is not hard to play against. He does have some skill. I would probably take him for another year just because we weren’t able to trade him, but I wouldn’t want him for the future. I would cut the loss now, and get someone that is in long term plan, this way the team can use the next year to gel together.
  7. Well no, we played 4 playoff games. Besides the fight, Strome didn’t do anything. Yes, the whole team didn’t do anything, but he played for a contract, should have done more.
  8. This production was during regular season, which is important, but it’s more important to produce in playoffs.
  9. He did ok in regular season, but playoffs... needed much more out of him! Yes I know we needed more from everyone else too. If you can’t perform In playoffs you can’t have the cup. I know we tried trading him, no one wants him. Jus get what ever you can for him and upgrade at what’s it’s going to cost. The sooner we cut the loses the better.
  10. Strome is traded along with 22nd to move up the draft. Ada is traded for left D and 2nd rd pick
  11. 2.85 4 years. No to NMC, Take it or leave it. Cap is crap, if he gets a better deal, it will be marginally in today’s NHL.
  12. This is idiocy, no one protested when a 10 year old boy was shot in the head. I don’t support this!
  13. Just a thought, Hank wants to win the cup with the Rangers.. I would tell him go play this year back home, and next year we will sign you as a backup for 1 or 1.5 mil for two years. We are not winning the cup in 20-21, even if everything goes good with trades and getting players that we need, team will still need a year to gel together. Good for the Rangers- no 8.5 mil against the cap for 20-21. Good for Hank - still gets a chance to play in 2021-23 and a chance to win the cup. Both Hank and organization show loyalty to each other and everyone is happy.
  14. CK is going to have to go at some point, just because of his contract.
  15. As much as we all would love that to work, I see a cartwheel on Mercedes Benz here. I bet coaching staff wouldn’t even try that in practice. But hey, I’m no coach.
  16. I’m not an expert, but I don’t think Kreider hands are good enough to be a center. Talking specifically and about his pass skill here.
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