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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Remember the scene following it with Tig "below" him as Jax was explaining what was going to happen? That was no coincidence. Jax is no longer playing king. He is king, despite the cost it took to make it happen.


Yes thats a very good observation and spot on! Tig basically looked like he became Jax's little lamb. That scene had tremendous symbolism to it.


The only thing I could still see being a thorn in his side when it comes to being the full fledged super kingpin of Samcro is the dynamic between Gemma, him and Tara. I know that sounds silly and small given all the other outside chaos that surrounds the club, but anyone who is married and has a wife and a mother knows that dynamic and how it can become a lit powder keg, and especially with Gemma who is manipulative bitch who will do whatever it takes to get her way. Look at what happened with John Teller and his struggles with Clay and the club towards the end of his run; and in life things really do go full circle without one even realizing it.

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Yes thats a very good observation and spot on! Tig basically looked like he became Jax's little lamb. That scene had tremendous symbolism to it.


The only thing I could still see being a thorn in his side when it comes to being the full fledged super kingpin of Samcro is the dynamic between Gemma, him and Tara. I know that sounds silly and small given all the other outside chaos that surrounds the club, but anyone who is married and has a wife and a mother knows that dynamic and how it can become a lit powder keg, and especially with Gemma who is manipulative bitch who will do whatever it takes to get her way. Look at what happened with John Teller and his struggles with Clay and the club towards the end of his run; and in life things really do go full circle without one even realizing it.


Absolutely, but beyond just Gemma, Clay still stands in his way, even if "standing" requires the aid of an oxygen tank. Ride or not, never underestimate the guile of SAMCRO's biggest piece of human trash. There's no way he's just going to roll over and die, "half dead" or not.

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Yes thats a very good observation and spot on! Tig basically looked like he became Jax's little lamb. That scene had tremendous symbolism to it.


The only thing I could still see being a thorn in his side when it comes to being the full fledged super kingpin of Samcro is the dynamic between Gemma, him and Tara. I know that sounds silly and small given all the other outside chaos that surrounds the club, but anyone who is married and has a wife and a mother knows that dynamic and how it can become a lit powder keg, and especially with Gemma who is manipulative bitch who will do whatever it takes to get her way. Look at what happened with John Teller and his struggles with Clay and the club towards the end of his run; and in life things really do go full circle without one even realizing it.


Disagree. I disagree 100%. They have the ability to influence him, but the only person that can truly get in his way at this point is Clay.

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Absolutely, but beyond just Gemma, Clay still stands in his way, even if "standing" requires the aid of an oxygen tank. Ride or not, never underestimate the guile of SAMCRO's biggest piece of human trash. There's no way he's just going to roll over and die, "half dead" or not.


Yep. Just looked at what he pulled in the brothel. He knew exactly what he was doing and what nerve it would strike in Gemma. He even smirked and laughed at it, effin scumbag.

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Clay is obviously behind the invasions. And behind the raid. My guess is he stashed guns/drugs under that bed he was sitting on. Maybe even stashed some evidence from the invasions to make it look like Nero is behind it.


Not a bad theory at all.

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On ?Why Opie??: In addition to feeling as though it was an organic conclusion to Opie?s tragic history with the club and the ?circular dynamic that was happening with Jax and Opie,? Sutter knows where he wants to take Jax by the end of the series and the road he wants him to travel. ?Jax, I felt, just needed that emotional upheaval, that one event that happens in a man?s life that can change the course of his destiny, and I think the death of his best friend was that event,? he said. Sutter filled actor Ryan Hurst in on Opie?s arc as the writers were breaking stories for season 5, before they?d written any scripts. Though it was difficult for all involved, Sutter says after reading scripts for the episodes that follow Opie?s death, Hurst understood the importance of it in the mythology of the show. ?[Fans] know that I don?t do things arbitrarily and that I don?t do things for just shock value. I think there?s a sense of how deeply committed I am to the show and to the fans as well. I knew obviously this would be a gut-wrenching episode and difficult for people to wrap their brains around?. It?s incredibly sad, but the death of Opie will color the rest of the episodes for the rest of the series. It?s not a death that will happen in vain. I would hope people still stay plugged in. Of course there?ll be a sense of vengeance, and there?ll be something that drives our guys to retaliate. It?s not even so much that, as it is the emotional impact that his death will have on the rest of the series, on the rest of the characters.?


On the brutality of Opie?s death: ?Look, that?s what we do on the show. That?s part of the big storytelling. That?s part of the absurdity, the pulp nature of the show. It?s a bloody show. It?s a violent show. And yes, sometimes it does cross into the absurd, but when you have what I feel is really good writing, and when you have wonderful directing and wonderful acting, you can make those big absurd violent things still be moving, and still be emotional and still be powerful. That?s really what we were trying to achieve last night and hopefully we did,? he said. ?I wanted Opie to go out a warrior. I really wanted him to go out with nobility and a sense of feeling like I may not have a lot to live for, but at the very least, I?m gonna go out doing something noble and protecting the people I still love.? Sutter wasn?t on location that day, ?But I do know that Ryan had requested that the guys be there for those final moments so he could actually look out over the guys that he?s been working with for the last five seasons. It was very emotional.?


On the moment in the episode that Opie decided he?d be the one to sacrifice himself: ?I think he put it together when they were in the prison cell together, when Jax told him the truth about what Pope wanted and seeing Jax?s frame of mind. I think he realized that Jax is put in this situation where he would be forced to sacrifice one of his guys. And I think Opie knows Jax well enough to know that he would rather take the bullet himself than say, ?Here, take this guy.? That?s where we wanted to go?. And then I think in that moment in the room, if push comes to shove, Jax was gonna be the guy that was gonna get dragged into that other room. He wasn?t about to give up any of his guys. I think Opie knew that. At the very least, even if he didn?t think Jax was gonna take the hit, he knew Jax would be put in a position where he would have to choose. Rather than put Jax through that agony, he gave himself up.?


On whether Opie was also, in a sense, giving up: In short, yes. ?I just felt like we had done so much damage to Opie and his family over the course of a few seasons ? it?s why I couldn?t wrap my brain around bringing him back to the table at the end of last season. That didn?t seem right. To me, there is a sense of him having this tremendous loss, and yes, I do believe some of it was definitely a sense of here?s an opportunity for me to go out doing the right thing and perhaps this is how I can be of best service to my club and in a weird way ? and maybe it?s a selfish way ? also to [my] family. I always got a sense that Opie struggled with those kids ever since he got out of prison. He never really felt connected to them?.?


On how Opie?s death affects Jax?s opinion of the club: ?I think events like this tend to make you reevaluate who your friends are. His commitment to the club will stay true in terms of taking the reins and wanting to get them on the right path, as he promised to do at the end of last season. But definitely the death of Opie has a lot of emotional weight for him and will force him to make decisions and perhaps choices based a little bit more on emotion than perhaps logic and reason. My intent is that we see a changed Jax this year, a guy who?s very much been influenced by his early tenure as president.?
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LOS ANGELES -- Johnny Lewis, an actor who played Kip "Half Sack" Epps on the cable TV show "Sons of Anarchy," has fallen to his death after apparently beating to death his elderly landlady at a hillside home, authorities said.


The Los Angeles County coroner's office on Thursday identified the bodies as those of Lewis, 28, and Catherine Davis, 81.


Coroner's Watch Cmdr. Larry Deitz said he could not identify Lewis as being the actor. But the name and date of birth match, and both victims lived at the same address.


The causes of their deaths were unknown pending autopsies.






Half Sack... :disappointed:

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On the moment in the episode that Opie decided he’d be the one to sacrifice himself: ”I think he put it together when they were in the prison cell together, when Jax told him the truth about what Pope wanted and seeing Jax’s frame of mind. I think he realized that Jax is put in this situation where he would be forced to sacrifice one of his guys. And I think Opie knows Jax well enough to know that he would rather take the bullet himself than say, ‘Here, take this guy.’ That’s where we wanted to go…. And then I think in that moment in the room, if push comes to shove, Jax was gonna be the guy that was gonna get dragged into that other room. He wasn’t about to give up any of his guys. I think Opie knew that. At the very least, even if he didn’t think Jax was gonna take the hit, he knew Jax would be put in a position where he would have to choose. Rather than put Jax through that agony, he gave himself up.”


I must be a terrible judge of diologue and or characters because I really didn't get that sense that Jax was putting himself out there as the "sacrificial son" when he was talking with Ope in that holding cell.


To me the last sentance rung more true in my eyes;

"At the very least, even if he didn’t think Jax was gonna take the hit, he knew Jax would be put in a position where he would have to choose. Rather than put Jax through that agony, he gave himself up.”
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I must be a terrible judge of diologue and or characters because I really didn't get that sense that Jax was putting himself out there as the "sacrificial son" when he was talking with Ope in that holding cell.


To me the last sentance rung more true in my eyes;


Watch the scene again (as tough as it may be to do so). Jax makes note, just as the CO is walking into the isolated room, where he says something in the vein of "we control our own destiny", then turns abruptly and begins to wind back his hand/arm as if he's going to throw a punch. Opie immediately steps in front of him and delivers the head butt to the CO, and ends up being dragged out.


Jax was definitely going to sacrifice himself, as one last "fuck you" to Pope and the CO's in his pocket, that he wasn't their pawn. He wasn't just going to give up one of the Sons because Pope demanded it.

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Watch the scene again (as tough as it may be to do so). Jax makes note, just as the CO is walking into the isolated room, where he says something in the vein of "we control our own destiny", then turns abruptly and begins to wind back his hand/arm as if he's going to throw a punch. Opie immediately steps in front of him and delivers the head butt to the CO, and ends up being dragged out.


Jax was definitely going to sacrifice himself, as one last "fuck you" to Pope and the CO's in his pocket, that he wasn't their pawn. He wasn't just going to give up one of the Sons because Pope demanded it.


Yea you're right. For some reason I had it in my head that the whole time during that conversation in the room that he was giving Ope some subtle signals that he (ope) would have to be the sacrifice, but going back now

and understanding Jax's character in the show and his past actions as well as his love for Opie, that he would never do that to him.


With that nudge part I'm going to rewatch it tonight. I know when the encore came back on at 11, I watched the show again but I couldn't stomach watching that scene for a second time and i flipped away to another channel.

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Yea you're right. For some reason I had it in my head that the whole time during that conversation in the room that he was giving Ope some subtle signals that he (ope) would have to be the sacrifice, but going back now

and understanding Jax's character in the show and his past actions as well as his love for Opie, that he would never do that to him.


With that nudge part I'm going to rewatch it tonight. I know when the encore came back on at 11, I watched the show again but I couldn't stomach watching that scene for a second time and i flipped away to another channel.


I did the same. I was going to watch a second time, and then turned it off when they started the fight with the blacks to head into solitary. I just couldn't watch it again.

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