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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Had me worried about Chibbs there for a minute. He's probably my favorite character.


Perfect episode. Loved it. Last scene gave me legit chills. I'm not even watching clips from the next episode. I still just wonder how Juice plays into all of this. Also hope Nero isn't pushed completely out of the picture now.. again he's one of my favorite characters and I love how he finally butted heads with Clay.

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Yeah, I found that out myself a few months ago. Weirdest thing seeing photos of them together:




The Conan thing is hilarious — I can only imagine what kind of role he'd have had.




As to the episode, I think the most interesting thing that's in motion now is the business with Roosevelt and Jax.

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Pretty much looks like that's the end of the line for Juice. Feel bad because I liked him, and he was cornered, got scared and blinked last season, but he did the ultimate no no, and

as Jax said, guys like Chibs would rip their hearts out before talking to the cops.


Another solid episode. I had hope for Gemma, but as they showed us in the end she will always fall back to her old ways and will always be the "old lady" and a junkie.




I have been meaning to note this for a while, but I guess I forget to bring it up. Its really one of the only silly pet peeves I have with the series. Jax was the 2nd in command up until last season and now is the leader at the table, not to mention his wife is a doctor. Now I know a lot of the cash that gets tossed around goes back into the coffers of the club itself so members don't always see the riches of it and maybe thats what the writers wanted to show us, but is there a reason why Jax and his family live in such a tiny little home? It almost looks like a shitty little bungalow. I would figure they would have a little bit nicer of a place. Maybe its just me.

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My guess is that Juice will flip on Clay, and confirm what Franky Diamonds told him in those last moments he was still breathing, and that will help Jax with his search for evidence, having someone else there to back him, but ultimately Juice is going to have to fall in line with Jax, the way Tiggy did, or he's gonna get voted out for talking to the cops. It can go either way, honestly.
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What in the hell was that all about with Tara and the perfume? I mean I know it was some kind of foreshadowing.. Tara is to Jax as Luann is to Otto. Still seemed out of place. What did the rest of you get out of that scene other than a semi?


I couldn't really get a read on it at all either.

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Jax going a little off the deep end here. This shit between all the major parties involved is heating up, and heating up fast.


Another 90-minute episode next week!


The scene with Otto was incredible. It's hilarious to me that you can show someone brutally stabbed in the neck with a crucifix, repeatedly no less, yet a nipple, or the word "fuck" are taboo. :rofl:

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Jax going a little off the deep end here. This shit between all the major parties involved is heating up, and heating up fast.


Another 90-minute episode next week!


The scene with Otto was incredible. It's hilarious to me that you can show someone brutally stabbed in the neck with a crucifix, repeatedly no less, yet a nipple, or the word "fuck" are taboo. :rofl:


Yea Jax is going a little overboard, either he's trying to solidify a reputation now as the new no nonsense ruthless leader of Samcro, or he just doesn't care who he pisses off at this point. I understand it was the guy who killed his best friend, but he has to show a little care in these matters especially with how fragile the alliances are right now.

I like the scowl he gave when Pope walked away. You know its just killing him that he has to play nice with him and plays Popes boy at this point. Not much he can do about it either which is what makes it funny.

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Yea Jax is going a little overboard, either he's trying to solidify a reputation now as the new no nonsense ruthless leader of Samcro, or he just doesn't care who he pisses off at this point. I understand it was the guy who killed his best friend, but he has to show a little care in these matters especially with how fragile the alliances are right now.

I like the scowl he gave when Pope walked away. You know its just killing him that he has to play nice with him and plays Popes boy at this point. Not much he can do about it either which is what makes it funny.


The business with Pope is the toughest pill to swallow for me, because it's all contingent on Tig ending up back in prison, or dead, and that's just not a thought I want to entertain at all. I know Jax is playing Pope as best he can, but you also can't deny that he's learning from him as well, and I'm just not certain you can say beyond a shadow of doubt that he doesn't actually intend to hand Tiggy over at some point.

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