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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Kurt Sutter on the shooting:


Jax is a father of two and deals guns. Says it was almost be irresponsible not to go this route. He's wanted to do this story arc for years. Said he had trust they'd do it the right way. Promises the fans concerned about the use of it that it really is the catalyst that takes us into the final act of the series. Not just done gratuitously. Not just shock value. It is "the last straw" for Jax in terms of his push to get out of this life.

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Well there was certainly some foreshadowing to that with him nailing the blonde, who took his shoes off and "played wife". You could really see the desire in him for that family life (again). With Tara pushing him away (from his point of view), it sorta makes sense. They'll need to flesh that out though.
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On a Sutter-related note, it's about time C.C.H. Pounder made it to an SOA screen! Seven year character with The Sheild, Sutters former series. So many of the Shield's cast followed over:


Jay Karnes ----- TS: Dutch. SOA: Creepy Agent Kohn

Benito Martinez---TS: Aceveda. SOA: Torres

David Rees Snell--TS: Ronnie. SOA: Agent Nicholas

Kenny Johnson----TS: Lem. SOA: Kozik

Emilio Rivera-------TS: Navaro Quintero. SOA: Alvarez

Lobo Sebastian----TS: "Doomsday". SOA: Armando

Jeff Kober------------TS: Statutory Rape Guy. SOA: Jacob Hale

Kurt Sutter----------TS: Margos Dezerian. SOA. Otto


Walton Goggins made his (her?) debut a season or two ago, and now C.C.H. And of course Katey Sagal.

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According to Nielsen, the Kurt Sutter-created drama about an outlaw motorcycle club averaged 5.87 million viewers for its premiere, up from 5.37 million for its year-ago premiere and 4.93 for its fourth-season bow in 2011. It was cable’s most-watched program of the night.


FX says that last night’s debut episode of the penultimate season of “Sons” will likely become the #1-rated single telecast in FX history when Live+7 data becomes available in approximately three weeks.


Makin' records.

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Looks like Tara's at the end of her rope. Nice call on that, Erik. Really wondering how that's all going to play out. The marriage is certainly fractured. I think Tara's just had enough. Even with Jax finally making moves to get the club "legit", she's lost too much standing by waiting for it to happen. Her career is gone, she's lost her job and the prospective job that'd have got her back on track in Oregon. She went to prison and now has to stand trial in an accomplice to murder case that could, theoretically, send her back to prison. Makes sense that she'd crack at some point. Frankly, she never had the strength of an old lady anyway. At least not one like Gemma.


Bobby definitely seems to be putting together a list of names to re-open the Nomad charter, but part of me also thinks this might all be a big red herring since Juice already noted in the opener that he thinks he's going to patch out. Either he's going to do exactly that, or the names he's writing down are for a bigger plot.

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Tiggy's ticket just got punched. Next weeks' previews show the club dousing a cut—his cut—in gas, and Chibbs dropping a lit match on it. There's a final shot of them lighting a pine box coffin to boot. I know his past had to catch up to him at some point, but he kiss of death and final 'I love you' he got after Jax found out he was lying about not killing the Persian's brother was pretty much the final nail in the (his) coffin. I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any less painful to have happen.


The title of 603 was 'Poenitentia', after all, which is latin for "regret (for act); change of mind/attitude; repentance/contrition".


Rest in peace, Tig.

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I'm not ready to count Tig out just yet. If he was going to die, i think it would have happened today and not been left on a cliffhanger. I'm also curious as to the box of sex stuff that was left behind that Tig found. I dont think Kurt is done fucking the Sons...literally. I also like the parallel of Tig and his dog. Tig fought for the abused dog because he is one.


Things i got from the preview. The coffin we see at the end is in three pieces. As for the cut, it looks brand new. I dont think its Tigs. We also see Otto, and it appears he breaks down in tears. IMO, i think Otto dies next episode, and the burial is for him.


Also, Robert. Fucking. Patrick. That is all.

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Yeah dude. T-1000 v. Robocop — SOA style.


That's an interesting point about the coffin being for Otto as well. You think they'd transfer the body over to Jax or someone from the club, because he's killed in prison? That makes a little more sense, as does the burning of his cut, but we know Tig is on borrowed time regardless. I'm not sure how he escapes this.


The box of toys thing... honestly, please no more rape. It was hard enough watching it with Otto the first time around. I don't know how much more of this I can take (no pun intended). I have a very weak stomach for rape scenes, or even the insinuation of it.

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I don't see how Tig walks away from that ending. It was so obvious with the kiss that Jax was done with him, and honestly if he doesn't get whacked out right there, than to me the show's writing will have a gotten a little too cute for its own good, and I dare to say could for me make the show jump the shark. As much as I like his character and will miss him, he got caught in a lie to his prez and was a liability to the club ever since he accidentally killed Popes daughter. You end it right there.


Fmr. US Marshall Toric, now that character is fuckin twisted! I guess that's the kind of guy he needs to be to fight the war he's about to become entrenched in, but man that guy has some serious skeletons in his closet.


Clay, still trying to figure out what his end game is. He wants to be protected, then he ultimately comes to grips with his fate, and then doesn't get killed and decides to live and is willing to do dirty work for the brothers that were about to kill him?? What is your deal Clay!?!? I like where its going though! ;)


And did anyone else catch that quick scowl Tara gave Gemma when she had her back turned? I know the two have a lukewarm relationship that can turn bad at any moment, but I found that interesting. Both are obviously playing nice to each other, but its all an act.


Very interesting season though to say the least, everything is up in the air and in flux. Personally if I was a member of that club, take my patch now! The whole drinking beer, riding bikes and having some strippers ride you is long gone, they're a club way too deep into some crazy shit.

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