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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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So I stayed away from this show for the longest time because the whole motorcycle culture is just something I have zero interest in. After watching the finale of Breaking Bad, there was a void in my TV life that I desperately needed to fill. I just started watching this show (about 6 episodes in to Season 1), and I absolutely do not regret it. Excited for the rest of the series.


Quick question that I could probably look up but am in reality too lazy to do: is the entire series on Netflix, or is it still going on in real time on the air? If it's still going, do they have a plan for when it's supposed to end?


First off, awesome! Glad to have another voice to talk SOA with once you're all caught up (keep on chuggin'!).


As to your question, I believe seasons one through four are available on Netflix at the moment. Season five is not yet up, and we are currently in the infancy of season six (currently five episodes into a thirteen episode season).


They also have at least one more season to do after this, so we are likely watching the penultimate season now.

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First off, awesome! Glad to have another voice to talk SOA with once you're all caught up (keep on chuggin'!).


As to your question, I believe seasons one through four are available on Netflix at the moment. Season five is not yet up, and we are currently in the infancy of season six (currently five episodes into a thirteen episode season).


They also have at least one more season to do after this, so we are likely watching the penultimate season now.


I think Season 5 and 6 are on Hulu Plus, which is great because I'll be able to catch up to the discussion before next season.

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Yea she said that.. lol


I think she's soon going to realize that taking on the Sons is easier said than done. I worry for Nero though because he's now in a very tough spot. His affliliation to club has come back to bit him hard, on top of the fact that his old lady is the "mother" of the club. Worried where this goes for him.

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Nero and Tara are both in tough spots

I think I'd trust Nero more than Tara


Oh without question. Nero is a former gang member, he's probably spent plenty of time in the Cali prisons, so he knows how this goes down and the loyalty factor.


Tara is the weak link here without much question. She's pretty much made it known she's done with Jax and is just waiting for everything to fall in place.

Of course with Gemma in the picture, nothing falls into place as intended.



Hey I have a question.


Does anyone else get a little creeped out with the close relationship that Jax and Gemma seem to have? Listen I love my mom and I see her every so often, but they just appear way to close and affectionate to one another. I don't know, maybe its just me. I just find some of their scenes together very awkward and it weirds me out a little.

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Oh without question. Nero is a former gang member, he's probably spent plenty of time in the Cali prisons, so he knows how this goes down and the loyalty factor.


Tara is the weak link here without much question. She's pretty much made it known she's done with Jax and is just waiting for everything to fall in place.

Of course with Gemma in the picture, nothing falls into place as intended.



Hey I have a question.


Does anyone else get a little creeped out with the close relationship that Jax and Gemma seem to have? Listen I love my mom and I see her every so often, but they just appear way to close and affectionate to one another. I don't know, maybe its just me. I just find some of their scenes together very awkward and it weirds me out a little.

I can't stand Tara,she's looking out for her boys but she knew what she was getting into right from the start,and now she acts all high and mighty..GTFO


And nah i don't think see anything that odd about their relationship,doesn't weird me out..lol

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I can't stand Tara,she's looking out for her boys but she knew what she was getting into right from the start,and now she acts all high and mighty..GTFO


And nah i don't think see anything that odd about their relationship,doesn't weird me out..lol


Well hey, we're all entitled to our opinions. I see Tara in a different light. I see her as someone that yes knew her husband is a gangster motorcyclist, but really didn't know the depths of how involved it really was until she was inches from losing her life, and despite all that she still loves the man, love is love. But the breaking point for her was Otto and going to jail. You could tell from the very get go that she was not made for this life. She's not wired to be the "old lady" like a Gemma.


And to me Gemma is the worst of the worst. Yes her heart is with the club and she loves Jax, but she's a downright cold bitch who stops at nothing to get her way, no matter who it hurts IMO. Any person who would want their children and their grand children around that chaotic mess to me is shady. She puts the love of the Sons and her pride over her own grandchildren. If those were my grandchildren andmy daughter in law was trying to take them away from that chaotic mess, how could you be against that, unless you're a borderline pyschopath?


Again though that's my take. Thats the beauty of it, its just a show and we can make our own opinions.

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Charlie Hunnam Teases Sons of Anarchy Bloodshed: "We're Going to Lose a Couple of Cast Members"


"More violence and a lot more blood and some earth-shattering events."


"We're coming up to the end of the show. Kurt always had a clear idea of the story he wanted to tell. He had paced himself and allowed himself seven seasons to tell that story," Hunnam told us. "We're in the sixth season now and in the third act of this epic story he's been telling; traditionally in the third act of a story, particularly a violent story, is when people start to die and when things really start to happen."


And yes, fans can expect to see at least a few major deaths go down by season's end, with Hunnam teasing, "I think unfortunately we're going to lose a couple of cast members this year, but obviously we can't say who!" Coates playfully added, "Lips are sealed, lips are sealed!"

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