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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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What did you think of Juice's meltdown and his revelation to Nero? Nero has also been handed a pile of tough cecisions to make, and this now doesn't make things any easier.


Juice a goner?


Tough to say on both accounts.


Juice has gone down this path before. He nearly killed himself years ago because he didn't want to lose his patch, and now that script has flipped and he's nearly killed himself for remaining one. On paper, he betrayed the trust of the president of the club. I have no idea what happens there, to be quite honest. It all depends on the mercy of Jax, who hasn't been too merciful since taking on the club presidency. As I noted earlier, he deals with the vast majority of his problems by killing them. Tara's old boyfriend, Clay, the Chinese, Gaelan, various Irish, various Mayans, various Niners, etc.


The Nero side of it is what I'm much more concerned over. Nero, in a lot of ways, has taken on a father role for Jax, who lost the one he had in place there for years prior (Clay). He betrayed that trust in having what's her face killed, but at the same time, can Nero really afford to walk away? He's in love with his mother, who I think we all would agree won't leave Jax, her grandchildren or the club for that matter. Is he really going to force her to choose?

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If SOA follows Hamlet, Tara (Ophelia) would take her own life, and Gemma (Gertrude) would die due to something put in motion by Clay, before his death. This all if it follows it to a tee.


The latter seems far less likely. The first I could see happening. She is, after all, painted into a lose-lose corner at this point.

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I like it when we're all a little wrong in some way.


I'm beyond speechless with this show. There is so much to bite into I don't even know where to start or end.


I'll just say that I love the subtle symbolism in the show, and because I'm a dumbass I've only started to pick up on most of them.

Jax runs over the pigeon dove to start the episode, and in the end Gemma with her Raven, just so fitting.

Still haven't picked up on the homeless woman yet though...:confused:

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I like it when we're all a little wrong in some way.


I'm beyond speechless with this show. There is so much to bite into I don't even know where to start or end.


I'll just say that I love the subtle symbolism in the show, and because I'm a dumbass I've only started to pick up on most of them.

Jax runs over the pigeon dove to start the episode, and in the end Gemma with her Raven, just so fitting.

Still haven't picked up on the homeless woman yet though...:confused:




Same with the "everything I do, I do for my sons" line from the opening monologue. Was that sons, or Sons?

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Yep, thanks. Good stuff!


Btw, is the host really drinking a beer?? I guess it doesn't matter since its not on TV. In any event we know its a marketing prompt.


Yup. They're sponsored by Miller and Mercedes. SOA in general is sponsored by Miller. Watch every scene where they drink beer. It's always Miller Lite.


They also have no filter. You'll hear them curse plenty.

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That segment was heart-wrenching. When you really see her whole story arc, and the struggle. Honestly, I feel so sorry for the Tara character.


That's why I never got why some fans disliked her character so much. She was the wife of an outlaw biker and she loved him very much, but she was still a good mother, and in the end an outsider to that world. She was only trying her best or what she thought was right to shelter the children from that life.

The Gemma character has always been the wicked soul and the whore. She may still have a heart and show compassion in moments, but to me there is simply little good in that woman.

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That's why I never got why some fans disliked her character so much. She was the wife of an outlaw biker and she loved him very much, but she was still a good mother, and in the end an outsider to that world. She was only trying her best or what she thought was right to shelter the children from that life.

The Gemma character has always been the wicked soul and the whore. She may still have a heart and show compassion in moments, but to me there is simply little good in that woman.


Other shows should take note,now that's a season finale.Im still speechless,this season was just full of the unexpected,I don't think anyone in the world saw it playing out like this

I didn't care for Tara,I see she was doing what she thought was best for her boys,I always got annoyed with her when she acted like Jax forced this life on her,just like when he told her she came back to him ,he was thinking the same thing .She chose the life.And I feel bad for her character as well,just when it seemed like her and Jax made peace with everything,Gemma goes and trashes it all.Fuck.

I was almost crying when Jax was saying goodbye to all of the MC.

What more can Jax lose,fuck.

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Oh, I definitely shed a tear when he was saying goodbye to the club, and I shed two when he just held Tara and completely collapsed.


This finale was destruction. Utter, utter destruction. Who is coming out of this season, let alone the finale, unscathed? Lives are ruined. The club is fractured. It's all gone to shit.

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Oh, I definitely shed a tear when he was saying goodbye to the club, and I shed two when he just held Tara and completely collapsed.


This finale was destruction. Utter, utter destruction. Who is coming out of this season, let alone the finale, unscathed? Lives are ruined. The club is fractured. It's all gone to shit.


Felt more like the second to last episode of the series. Juice makes the worst decisions. What a cruddy human being.

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Supposedly the next season will pick off right after what just went down.But we have to wait so long,fuck.I really thought this season was amazing,maybe even my favorite.Wonder what happens from here,we know Jax is going to be in a whole lot of trouble with Patterson,will he be in jail next season,what will become of Gemma,what happens when Jax finds out ans confronts here?what about Nero and the Mayans?Nero and Jax?already so much set up for next season,can't wait!

And Juice seems to always get himself into bad situations somehow,trouble follows him I guess/He's definitely a goner next season

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yea I'm going to be glad when he's gone. Any empathy I had for that piece of scum went flying out the window when he gunned down Roosevelt in cold blood.


To help fucking Gemma, of all people.


You already betrayed Jax as it is. Now you do this? Fuck that.


All in favor of Juice meeting Mr. Mayhem? Aye!

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