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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Unser has terminal cancer anyway. I'd imagine he might go this year too, to add to the loss, but not in the same vein as the club members and their associates might go.


Unser would probably be one of the only ones to go "naturally".

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I feel like because of his cancer he is going to be one of the last ones standing to show that the natural way is the way to go and the lifestyle the club lives kills you more than the disease. It would be a really strong play but would really leave a huge impact on people and make people think. If they do play that and make him the only one left.
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He's pretty much pissed everyone off, and now it looks like one the charters could potentially turn on them with that death.


It somewhat sucks that we know that this show mirrors Hamlet, because that ends in complete chaos and blood. I'm hoping Sutter has something up his sleeve for the finale or near the end that's a twist nobody will have seen coming.

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Why? If it's based on Hamlet it should end that way. Why does it matter if it's predictable? Swerving the audience for the sake of swerving them, just so you can say "Ha! Bet ya didn't see that coming!" isn't good writing. It's being a dick because you can. There's nothing wrong with predictability so long as the story is told properly. Breaking Bad illustrated that perfectly.


And yeah, Jury (President of the Indian Hills/Nevada Charter) absolutely knows this was a set-up. He recognized the shot gun he used earlier in the episode when they slaughtered Lin's men at the exchange as the same one he himself put into the bag that was going into storage. How would that gun have been taken out of a SAMCRO-driven van if not by SAMCRO members?

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It's just my opinion. Maybe I'm a sucker because sometimes I liked being knocked off my feet, but in essence I guess you're right because he can stay parallel to Hamlet and still knock us off our feet with the SOA story and all the events that will lead up to the end.


SAMCRO is usually pretty slick and pretty good at their criminal operation and covering their tracks, but I'm so intrigued by what that potential gun gaffe could do and the rift it may open up between the Sons, if in fact Jury is willing to carry out some sort of notable revenge on Jax and the club.

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I have no doubt he'll be out for blood. That's the type of thing that can fracture a club, not just a charter. It's the same type of clandestine shit Clay used to pull off, down to offing SOA members.


Like it or not, Jax is becoming Clay.

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Oh without question he's become him, and maybe even worse. Even Clay it seemed had his limits and knew what lines he could or couldn't cross; now with Tara dead and his emotions in limbo, Jax is heading toward an abyss, and the club is following him all the way down.

That first club meeting when he got out of prison was significant and symbolic when he asked the club for their complete unwavering loyalty. They all essentially signed their death warrants.

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