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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Yea there is no going back, Jax is on the fast path to destruction and he's not slowing down. Was kind of ironic too when Bobby said to him about anytime wanting to slow things down. The whole club feels it but what can they really do?


The Jury/Nevada angle will be interesting. Although I wonder if its really going to take off, or if it just becomes some small attempt on Jax or a few members of the club that never pans out or just fails?

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I just have to simply say wow...I loved this episode...everything is starting to slide out of control on Jax and Gemma is realizing it is her fault, I believe this final season is 13 episodes...9 left...going to get crazy, even though it already has been. I love this show. I love the comments about the kids because it almost opens up for an opportunity to bring the show back for a movie or something after they do a spin off of either Gemma's story or John Teller. They have opened up a lot of future avenues but this is well written and well played.
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The spin-off talk is for the Original 9, which would be a prequel to this series, leading up to the death of John Teller and the rise of Clay Morrow.


As to the episode, I agree, it was another solid kick in the face, and just another hour+ reason to hate Gemma more than you already do, because all of this is her fault. Directly. Everything you are seeing now is a result of her murdering Tara, and Juices' willingness to help her cover it up.

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Probably the best episode so far this season.


This is why I always harp on how much I hate the Gemma character and what an evil person she really is. All this is because of her doing. Everything is really of her doing, from what happened to John Teller to Clay and his time with the club, her actions have destroyed so many lives. And she will be the death of her own son.

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Probably the best episode so far this season.


This is why I always harp on how much I hate the Gemma character and what an evil person she really is. All this is because of her doing. Everything is really of her doing, from what happened to John Teller to Clay and his time with the club, her actions have destroyed so many lives. And she will be the death of her own son.


More like the death of the Sons.

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Shooting that bitch would be too easy. You know something will stop him from pulling the trigger.


I like how Juice apparently next week is shown attempting to off load some intel on his old crew to the Mayans. It was about time that Juice got a set of balls on him. I know being a rat has zero dignity and little in rewards in it, but you were dead anyway so you might as well get something out of it.


I wonder if and when that moment does eventually come that Jax realizes that it was not Lin and the Chinese who killed his wife?

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Every single scene with Abel is torture. That kid has to be the worst actor of all time.


I thought the same, but honestly, he's a kid. I tend not to get too hung up with the performance of kids in shows/movies. Especially 3-5 year olds.

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That whole time he had the gun to her head, i was yelling at my TV "SHOOT HER, FUCKING SHOOT HER YOU IDIOT"


Guess ill have to wait a week. I can probably guess the outcome though.


Shooting that bitch would be too easy. You know something will stop him from pulling the trigger.


I like how Juice apparently next week is shown attempting to off load some intel on his old crew to the Mayans. It was about time that Juice got a set of balls on him. I know being a rat has zero dignity and little in rewards in it, but you were dead anyway so you might as well get something out of it.


I wonder if and when that moment does eventually come that Jax realizes that it was not Lin and the Chinese who killed his wife?


Yeah, he's not killing her. If he was going to, he would have. That ending reminded me of when Juice "hung himself" at the end of an episode a couple seasons ago and as it went to black, you heard the tree branch snap.


I'm still not totally convinced he's going to rat on the club yet either, though. I mean, maybe, but it's hard to get a read on his motives right now.

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Yeah, he's not killing her. If he was going to, he would have. That ending reminded me of when Juice "hung himself" at the end of an episode a couple seasons ago and as it went to black, you heard the tree branch snap.


I'm still not totally convinced he's going to rat on the club yet either, though. I mean, maybe, but it's hard to get a read on his motives right now.


Same, or he might even give them bad intel. Who knows at this point. Juice has always been a weaker minded character.

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Wouldn't have made much sense for Juice to off Gemma anyway, so I'm glad they ended that question right out of the gate.


I'm fascinated to know as to what happens or to what is said since next weeks previews showed Juice back in his Jacket and running? How would he have gotten himself out of this doomed scenario he is right now?

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Tons of movement this past week!


Juice carries more demons than Jax actually knows about. For all Jax knows, he's been running because he's terrified Jax wants him dead over his drug-induced blabbing about whats-her-faces death to Nero. Jax still has no idea about what Juice actually knows, and why he's actually running, though that won't be long now with the Nero now linked back.

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He's already lost it, and with Abel now knowing the truth about who killed his mother, that's only going to make tensions/matters worse with his relationship with Gemma, and her ability to keep the truth from Jax and the club. I have a feeling that'll ride out into the final episode, but it's going to explode when it comes out — whether it is the cause of all-out war, or the final note of it.
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I know I was just amazed when that happened. It was always the rule that no one rides alone and as soon as one rides alone look what happens...This should turn bad fast, because now JAX is going to lose it


Yea man,just had that oh shit feeling :/

How many episodes are left?

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