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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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Neither did I, though Sons has had quite a number of cameo celebrities on the show the last three years. This season alone has like five or six, including Manson, Courtney Love, etc.


Biggest question I have now coming out of last nights' episode is if Jury really didn't rat out SAMCRO, who the fuck did — Nero?

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My biggest question is...how far back do Gemma's wrong doings go. If JT killed himself instead of Clay tampering with his ride...then Gemma lied about that...also if JT was trying to save his family and his club then it seems the link between all of it is Gemma and instead of killing her off because of her evil he ended his own life because he knew if he killed Gemma then Jax would kill him...there are so many different running pieces right now...The rat is I believe someone within Jax's inner circle someone that is a prospect or wears the reaper
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Carmelo Anthony cameo..




The rat has to be someone in the inner circle or on the table. Maybe Montez? I don't know.


And yes JJ, Gemmas evil goes way back. Now who knows, that could have just been Jury's opinion that JT killed himself, but it would make some sense when we are told how much he wanted the BS out of SAMCRO.

Everything that appears to touch her turns up wicked or bad. To me there is nothing more symbolic of a wicked women than one who kept ravens in her room as pets.

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Gemma's evil past was summed up perfectly with her conversation with what's-her-face — the black woman who was married to the Preacher who they are helping ween off drugs. When the woman asked Gemma if she thought she was a bad mother, Gemma responded back — and I'm paraphrasing — with something like "Thta's not my place to judge. It's not what we do that matters. It's why we do it".


Uh, no, Gem. What we do matters. You're seeing that clear as fuck, yet again, with all this death and destruction caused by the fact that not only did you kill Tara, regardless of why, but that you lied about it and blamed innocent people for doing it! So yeah, your heart may have been in the right place, but your head sure as fuck wasn't, and everyone is going to pay with their lives over the fact you don't think what you do matters so long as you had the right intentions.

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and now they are growing the child as being as evil as her and she is okay with it and supports it...Dark ending to a great show and I appreciate it. Yes the crows were great symbolism. I'm not sure this show could have been better orchestrated. I just hope the final five episodes answer questions rather than leave a lot open. I don't think they would consider leaving some sort of a cliffhanger and I hope they don't because I don't want some sort of conspiracy about a possible movie or something. I hope they end with everything or almost everything tied up and answered
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If he concludes this series in a similar fashion to the way he concluded The Shield, there won't be any major cliffhangers. There may be a slightly open-ended sequence, but generally speaking, you'll get the answers you want. I trust Sutter's vision. I can't see him wrecking this just to try to keep everyone guessing. There's no payoff in that.


He did say he has discussed the idea of producing a prequel to Sons, however, about the Original 9. That might be fun.

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Yeah he had spoken about a story revolving around Gemma which was Mother of Sons and then he spoke about a prequel...both would be great...I'm trying to remember the end of the shield I watched it religiously so I have to go back and watch that now to remember...seems like forever ago
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Neither did I, though Sons has had quite a number of cameo celebrities on the show the last three years. This season alone has like five or six, including Manson, Courtney Love, etc.


Biggest question I have now coming out of last nights' episode is if Jury really didn't rat out SAMCRO, who the fuck did ? Nero?


It would kind of make sense seeing as how he wants to get away from everything and move but I just don't see him being a rat

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Honestly, I knew he was going out the moment he was taken in. There was just no way they were getting him back. Not from August Marks. Another enemy of the Sons from seasons past? Maybe. Not Marks.


That conversation he had with Jax earlier this season, talking about how he got to where he is by being the most brutal guy on the streets was something impossible to forget in this situation.


On a related note, when Abel reveals Gemma's secrets and horrors, it's either going to be sweet, sweet justice, or one of the worst moments in SOA history based almost entirely on the acting qualities of the kid playing him.

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I have no reason for this but I actually don't mind the kid's acting. He plays a mentally disturbed kid that is quiet due to all he has seen and gone through in his short life.


That episode, you knew that Bobby was being killed off. I know that they said that they would only kill off a couple of Sons this season, now they have killed two if I remember correctly.


The situation with Black just got real serious and now you have what 4 episodes to finish all these fights...Gemma/Jax, Black/Sons, Asian/Sons, Juice, whoever is ratting...Lot of stuff to get solved in not a long amount of time. Can't wait to see how crazy this gets

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Ah, but is that the number of "Sons of Anarchy" members who will die, or the number of SAMCRO members? They are not the same.


I believe one Son was killed earlier, in the warehouse, though he was from Nevada I believe, and now Bobby, who is SAMCRO.

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Chibbs, honestly. Just because of the gut-punch it would be.


I see Jarry maybe being killed off, and him dying because of his love for her in some way. Like taking a bullet for her or something tragic. Chibbs won't go out like a punk. He'd end up being killed in a really sad way IMO.

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