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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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I did too, until last episode.


At the end of the day, he's in prison right now for firing shots at cops. Not a light sentence if and when he's convicted. I don't remember if they covered it specifically, as to how long he'd be in, but you'd imagine a career criminal will end up with a multi-year sentence. He's in county right now, which would mean once sentenced he'd be moved to an actual prison, but he'd be housed in County indefinitely until that point.


Factor in the bomb Abel finally dropped on Jax and the fact this will all unravel that the war with the Chinese was over nothing... unless Juice manages to get to Lin ASAP, the trickle-down effect will reach the county jail, and his "mission" is now defunct. What use is a rat-traitor without a task to get back into the clubs' good graces? Unless he manages to get to Lin as soon as possible, he's going to be living out the rest of his time in county (at least) as Tully's prison bitch. And even if he does kill Lin, what does that actually solve now that Jax knows this has all been orchestrated by the actions of his own mother, and that the Chinese actually had nothing to do with it?


It's exactly that reason I think he's going to just kill himself, rather than hold out hope that there's any way out for him, or more specifically, any way back into the Club. Who the fuck wants to live out their days being repeatedly raped in prison? I'd find a way to rip my own throat out too.

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I did too, until last episode.


At the end of the day, he's in prison right now for firing shots at cops. Not a light sentence if and when he's convicted. I don't remember if they covered it specifically, as to how long he'd be in, but you'd imagine a career criminal will end up with a multi-year sentence. He's in county right now, which would mean once sentenced he'd be moved to an actual prison, but he'd be housed in County indefinitely until that point.


Factor in the bomb Abel finally dropped on Jax and the fact this will all unravel that the war with the Chinese was over nothing... unless Juice manages to get to Lin ASAP, the trickle-down effect will reach the county jail, and his "mission" is now defunct. What use is a rat-traitor without a task to get back into the clubs' good graces? Unless he manages to get to Lin as soon as possible, he's going to be living out the rest of his time in county (at least) as Tully's prison bitch. And even if he does kill Lin, what does that actually solve now that Jax knows this has all been orchestrated by the actions of his own mother, and that the Chinese actually had nothing to do with it?


It's exactly that reason I think he's going to just kill himself, rather than hold out hope that there's any way out for him, or more specifically, any way back into the Club. Who the fuck wants to live out their days being repeatedly raped in prison? I'd find a way to rip my own throat out too.

All good points ,I mean juice doesn't have much to live for if that all goes down.Even though he was a rat you kind of feel for the guy,I do at least .


In afterword preview they showed jax punching Unser

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Let me just start out by saying that the opening scene of yesterdays episode may be one of the most entertaining openings I've seen on regular TV! :thumbs:


This final season is just getting better and better by the moment with all the twists and turns.


Heres a question I have. With almost all of Mark's crew effectively wiped out, does this mean he's out of the picture now? You never really get a sense of how big his organization is manpower wise, at least I haven't seen it or I missed an episode that showed it. I guess he could get help from other organization he's allied with, but directly he's been cut off for now.


As far as Juice, I think any hopes that he or fans had of him coming back into the good graces of the club was always a mirage. Once you cross that line and become a rat its usually over, you're never going to be loved or trusted the same way again in that fraternity. And I don't think he ever gets to Lin, that would be too easy and clean and nothing seems to be easy and clean in this final season.

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Ah, I didn't watch Afterword. Now I'm really curious about exactly what Unser said/says, and whether or not it's true, or he's just trying to get Jax's goat for some other reason.


Yeah you have to try to watch the Afterword and see the sneak peak they gave...intense

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Actually, I still think Juice is going to kill himself. Regardless of what happens here. It's clear a path is being carved out where Jax will find out the truth behind Gemma and Tara, and invalidate this entire war he's waged with the Chinese. Lin being dead changes nothing in the way of Juice's own betrayal, and there's just no path for him to return to the club IMO. He's never going to have their trust again. I still think he dies in prison, one way or another.
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Yea there was no way I ever saw him coming back. A rat can never be trusted and loved the same way again in that fraternity. He probably offs himself, and for his sake I hope its sooner than later.



While it may leave some people a little uncomfortable, I thought that the scene with Tigg and Venus was maybe one of the best dialogue scenes the show has had.

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The funeral, and Opie's death itself are two scenes I just don't want to watch again.


I welled up good when Nero completely broke down with Gemma, too. His character, you can tell, is almost broken in half. Whatever is left of him is now out to save Jax. Whatever is left of him, that is.

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