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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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The guards beat him badly to get him to the Infirmary. If you ask me, that's where he's going to be killed. When Jax mentioned that he'd make it quick, he's probably going to have Tully have the Doctors essentially put him down.
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You could see somehow where Unser finds a way to get Juice saved by getting him out somehow, but you never know. That episode was one of the best I've seen by far. At every commercial I was just thinking of what is next...Very well done and the final scene left you asking, does Jax go after Gemma or does he let her live?
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I was actually thinking about him giving up people, but he also basically said the world as we know it is going to burn down, so he knows he's dead and everyone he knows/knew is dead as well...Can't wait, don't want to wait two weeks to watch the second to last episode
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It's going to be so hard to figure out how Jax and Gemma end up. There will eventually be some type of face to face you would think. I can't even imagine how that will play out.


Even during his little breakdown with Nero, Jax said it himself that he still loved his mother, and Nero telling him how much of a burden he would carry if he took her out all has to be weighed in. I personally don't see Jax doing it by intention, and even if it does happen I would think it would be during some fit of rage, irony in full play as this was the way Tara was murdered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Penultimate episode tonight.


If you ask me, a shit ton is going to happen tonight to set up the finale itself. Based on Sutter's model of story-telling (using The Shield as a base), the penultimate episodes of the series are always the most action-packed to allow him enough time to loop and tie up the series itself in the finale with one string left dangling at the end.

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MY DVR is saying like 2.5 hrs, I wonder how long this actually is going to be, because I usually don't watch the Afterword.


That being said, I cannot wait for this episode much like Rome, I see this as possibly being the most action packed episode of this series.


I do believe you will have a lot of stories tied up tonight, maybe one major one, with the rest of the big ones left for the finale and a massive one at the very end. Sutter, is a genious when it comes to wrapping things up and I can't wait to see what he does with this. Tonight will show his brilliance in my opinion.

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MY DVR is saying like 2.5 hrs, I wonder how long this actually is going to be, because I usually don't watch the Afterword.


That being said, I cannot wait for this episode much like Rome, I see this as possibly being the most action packed episode of this series.


I do believe you will have a lot of stories tied up tonight, maybe one major one, with the rest of the big ones left for the finale and a massive one at the very end. Sutter, is a genious when it comes to wrapping things up and I can't wait to see what he does with this. Tonight will show his brilliance in my opinion.


That is because of Anarchy Afterword, which is recorded by default. It's not a separate programming note to the network. The episode itself will be 90-minutes. Every episode this season is 90-minutes.

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That is because of Anarchy Afterword, which is recorded by default. It's not a separate programming note to the network. The episode itself will be 90-minutes. Every episode this season is 90-minutes.


Well from what I have noticed, the 10:00 episode usually does include the afterword, but the replay immediately following usually is about 96 minutes, six minutes for commercial then preview. This week, the 10:00 is 2:41 minutes, longer than usual, and the replay which I usually have watched is 1:53. That's about an extra fifteen minutes of actual show if it is correct. That would be awesome to see. I'm really excited about this episode and hope that it lives up to expectations.

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Wow most of the storylines are tied up going into the finale, which on the DVR is set for 3 hours so I expect at least a 2 hour episode. This shit is crazy.


Now the only questions I can think of are


Can Black and Brown coexist?

Will Marx get out and get retribution?

What will happen when Jax goes to the DA about Gemma?

Nero's reaction?

Mayhem vote?


Those will be the dominant issues of the episode as far as I can tell...I'm excited for that and can't wait a week, I'm already dreaming about it.

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One way I can see this playing out is Jax knowing a Mayhem vote is coming, and the "bylaw" he was talking to the Presidents about is the one about race to allow the Sons to fortify with the Grim Bastards, allowing the Bastards into SAMCRO by way of merger where they'd have been rejected on principle simply because they weren't white in the past.


It's the same bylaw that ultimately cost Juice his life.

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There is definitely a Nero factor I would have to believe, especially with the way he acted around Wendy, and then the desperate manner in which he got Unser to go up and try and get Gemma before Jax reached her.

We really can't downplay how much he truly loved Gemma despite all the shit spinning around her and the club. How that's going to play out is anyones guess but I can't see him just bowing out quietly.

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One way I can see this playing out is Jax knowing a Mayhem vote is coming, and the "bylaw" he was talking to the Presidents about is the one about race to allow the Sons to fortify with the Grim Bastards, allowing the Bastards into SAMCRO by way of merger where they'd have been rejected on principle simply because they weren't white in the past.


It's the same bylaw that ultimately cost Juice his life.


Curious if the bylaw is taken out before the vote, and if so, would the Grim Bastards be able to vote to possibly keep Jax alive, I don't see a way Jax stays a live but its just a thought. Great writing and production

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Curious if the bylaw is taken out before the vote, and if so, would the Grim Bastards be able to vote to possibly keep Jax alive, I don't see a way Jax stays a live but its just a thought. Great writing and production


The really interesting thing to remember here is the interview Sutter gave before the season started when he said he'd kill two sons this season. Bobby and Juice are dead. Did he lie? Will Jax also die? I want to believe he will, but I'm really not certain.

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One way I can see this playing out is Jax knowing a Mayhem vote is coming, and the "bylaw" he was talking to the Presidents about is the one about race to allow the Sons to fortify with the Grim Bastards, allowing the Bastards into SAMCRO by way of merger where they'd have been rejected on principle simply because they weren't white in the past.


It's the same bylaw that ultimately cost Juice his life.


Well I guess in a very very round about way it did, but if I remember correctly didn't Juice eventually reveal to Chibs and Jax about his ethnicity and he was still allowed to try and redeem him after that?


The problem with Juice is that after the heroin brick incident he could never be trusted. Eli initially sought him out as the possible weak link because of his black father, but in actuality he found the weak link of the club in general.

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Yes. I'm saying, the bylaw itself is what started that whole downward spiral for him. And clearly it's a stupid bylaw. Sons of Anarchy MC have so many working relationships with non-whites that it's downright absurd to think that men of those races are forbidden from wearing the same patch, simply because they aren't white. They took a pretty clear stance on that with Juice, and if my prediction holds, they'll take an even harder stance, and further step, when they patch-over the entire Grim Bastards and really diversify the Club.
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Yea I agree, I can't see how this ends well or goes smoothly for the Grim Reapers. SOA leadership still has the old guard running the show, I doubt they just easily welcome anyone of color with open arms into their exclusive 'club'. Especially when its being orchestrated by a wreckless charter president, who oh by the way murdered the president of the clubs Indian Hills chapter.
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