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'Sons of Anarchy' on FX


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This is basically what Kristin has been telling me the last 10 minutes, trying to console me.



I get it, but I don't care. I'm just too upset for logic right now, as much as it made sense for Opie to give up his life for the club, and more importantly Jax, like that. He had little to live for at this point, beyond his kids, having lost so much already (Piney, Donna, etc).


I just hope like hell they really do find that guard, because I'm gonna take pleasure in watching him die. Not nearly as much as watching Pope burn to death (I hope Tig lights him), but pleasure nonetheless.



He was a great character on that show, will miss him a ton. Hopefully they won't pull a Sopranos and not tie up loose ends when it comes to that guard.


I think Pope is pretty much untouchable. He's got too many connections, unless he gets stupid and really gets in the way of the CIA which I can't see happening, but who knows.


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Well, SOA is supposed to "ride" for another season, so they have plenty of time to get at him. I think he's the final piece for them, based on what's happened thus far. I actually think, at this point, he's more important to the total story than Clay, much as I want Clay rotting in the fucking ground.

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Yet you come into this thread on top of it? View my last post on Facebook for more on this.


Yeah man. What worse spoiler could there be than Opie being dead?


Why hide posts via the spoiler option in a thread about the show, yet post completely unhidden spoilers on facebook? And I read your justification status message. To me, it's just that.. justification for hypocrisy. If I come in here and theres a spoiler, that's my own damn fault. It's a thread about the show. If I scroll down my news feed real quick and happen to see what you wrote... it just sucks. And clearly I wasn't the only one. I also have another 5 or 6 friends that are hardcore fans of the show and who post regularly on facebook. Looking back there now, theres a bunch of banter about the show and all I can gather from like 10-15 people's comments on multiple statuses is that it was a tough episode to watch.


Say what you want. I know you won't turn back on your opinion at this point. A completely fair comparison though would be writing that in The Flying Puck. And how would you spin it then?

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Yeah man. What worse spoiler could there be than Opie being dead?


Why hide posts via the spoiler option in a thread about the show, yet post completely unhidden spoilers on facebook? And I read your justification status message. To me, it's just that.. justification for hypocrisy. If I come in here and theres a spoiler, that's my own damn fault. It's a thread about the show. If I scroll down my news feed real quick and happen to see what you wrote... it just sucks. And clearly I wasn't the only one. I also have another 5 or 6 friends that are hardcore fans of the show and who post regularly on facebook. Looking back there now, theres a bunch of banter about the show and all I can gather from like 10-15 people's comments on multiple statuses is that it was a tough episode to watch.


Say what you want. I know you won't turn back on your opinion at this point. A completely fair comparison though would be writing that in The Flying Puck. And how would you spin it then?


It's not a spoiler if it already aired. Can't say this enough.

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I don't think Tig is capable of emotion


Of course he is. Go back to the first episode of this season. Watch what he did with his daughter. Watch what he did for her when he gave Fawn money in Season 4, knowing she was lying.


I just don't think you can consider Tig the new Opie, because their ties to Jax couldn't be more different. Opie had love for Jax. He died for him. In a lot of ways, he died for him numerous times. What Tig is doing here is the act of saving his own skin covered in a thin veil of gratitude.

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Yep, Ope and Jax were best friends and buddies. Tig is Clays guy anyway so their is really no emotional connection that Tig and Jax have.


Tig isn't Clay's guy anymore. Far from it. You saw that in Episode 2, I think, when he left his place. Clay asked him "Are we good?" and after a long pause, all he could muster up was "I don't know..." before leaving. IMO the relationship between Clay and the club in general is fractured. There's no mending that. He's burned the three most important bridges he had in the show, too — Jax, Tig and Bobby.

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As for Opie, I think what kills me most is that killing the guard who orchestrated his death, the Warden (or whatever level officer was on Pope's take who's office Jax/Pope were meeting in) or even Pope himself simply won't do justice for Opie's death. Nor for me, at least. He meant too much to die the way he did, though I do understand from a storyline perspective why he was offed. His death serves two pretty important purposes:


It galvanizes Jax, who just watched his best friend get beaten to death. If you think you saw "Serious Jax" before that, you're in for a rude awakening.


His character had become too unstable to sustain itself within the club. He distrusted everyone, Jax included, up until the very end. There was just no way he'd ever have lived through the amount of time it was going to take to kill off Clay.


I'd go so far as to say his death, at least for me, ranks among the top 10 of saddest television character deaths of all-time.

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Tig isn't Clay's guy anymore. Far from it. You saw that in Episode 2, I think, when he left his place. Clay asked him "Are we good?" and after a long pause, all he could muster up was "I don't know..." before leaving. IMO the relationship between Clay and the club in general is fractured. There's no mending that. He's burned the three most important bridges he had in the show, too — Jax, Tig and Bobby.


No I didn't mean now or moving forward, I meant in the past. Tig "was" a Clay guy. I was trying to answer to Jimmys assumption that he will be the new Opie. No chance like we have both noted, there is no emotional and brotherly bond that Jax and Tig share like Jax did with Ope.


And yes Clay will never have the standing or power he once had, this is Jax's outfit from now on. And like you noted seeing Opie die as he did will only galvanize

Jax. that much more.

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No I didn't mean now or moving forward, I meant in the past. Tig "was" a Clay guy. And yes Clay will never have the standing or power he once had, this is Jax's show from now on.


I don't even think it's about the power thing. I just mean his relationship with everyone with the club is so broken at this point that no one is going to trust him or believe him moving forward. I think the closest member he has left to his vest is Juice, and even Juice is somewhat on the fence at this point.


I also don't think very many of them completely bought his version of killing Piney either.

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I don't even think it's about the power thing. I just mean his relationship with everyone with the club is so broken at this point that no one is going to trust him or believe him moving forward. I think the closest member he has left to his vest is Juice, and even Juice is somewhat on the fence at this point.


I also don't think very many of them completely bought his version of killing Piney either.


I think we both agree on all, I just think I'm not writing my point of viewe correctly.


As far as Juice, IMO he's another one who is unstable. Look how easily he almost broke last season. The only person I truly ever trusted in that show

was killed last night. Maybe Chibs to a lesser extent, but the rest including Jax himself I will never fully trust. There was an air about Opie's character that was pure and brotherly despite him

being part of a murderous biker gang.

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I think we both agree on all, I just think I'm not writing my point of viewe correctly.


As far as Juice, IMO he's another one who is unstable. Look how easily he almost broke last season. The only person I truly ever trusted in that show

was killed last night. Maybe Chibs to a lesser extent, but the rest including Jax himself I will never fully trust. There was an air about Opie's character that was pure and brotherly despite him

being part of a murderous biker gang.


They all have skeletons in their closets. Every one of them. I think that's part of the beauty of the show. Not a one of them is so inhuman to be portrayed as completely honest. It's part of what defines the show and makes it realistic.


I do agree with you about Opie, though. Absolutely the purest soul of the group, and far and away the man who sacrificed the most, including his own life.

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Oh, and to the people who claim they're "done" watching SOA because of Opie's death, all I have to say to you is this:


Are you a child? No? Then why are you throwing a hissy fit like one? The show is called Sons of Anarchy, for fucks sake. It's designed from top-to-bottom to depict the lives and choices of a club that operates outside the law. What fairytale world do you live in where you think that means only "bad people" will die?


The fact that you could be so torn up about the death is a testament to just how powerful the writing is, not an indictment of failure.


I fuckin' hate that Opie is gone, but I also absolutely get why. No character death on the show (including Tara or one of his boys), would have been more solidifying in terms of solidifying him as "King" of the club now. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that Tara or one of the boys dying would have pushed him away from the club, not farther into it, and certainly not into the absolute position he now holds.


Remember the scene following it with Tig "below" him as Jax was explaining what was going to happen? That was no coincidence. Jax is no longer playing king. He is king, despite the cost it took to make it happen.


As the saying goes "Heavy is the crown".

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From what I remember, it was "I got this".


Thats what i thought too,was very hard to make it though.

This Pope dude is an interesting character,he wanted an eye for an eye and got it.In a way you can't blame Pope for wanting to settle the score,most of us probably would have wanted the same thing.Be interesting to see what happens next between him and Jax.I just really hope Jax fucking slaughters that warden dude.

And I can't stand Gemma this season more than ever.

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Thats what i thought too,was very hard to make it though.

This Pope dude is an interesting character,he wanted an eye for an eye and got it.In a way you can't blame Pope for wanting to settle the score,most of us probably would have wanted the same thing.Be interesting to see what happens next between him and Jax.I just really hope Jax fucking slaughters that warden dude.

And I can't stand Gemma this season more than ever.


Pope is likely to go down as the best villain the show has ever seen. I think a lot of folks underestimated just how vile a character Harold Perrineau can play. I made mention of it after the premiere:


Helluva premiere.


Absolutely love the choice to add Harold Perrineau (Oz, Felon, 28 Weeks Later) to the cast as well. His work in Felon should leave no doubts to his ability to play the role he's being thrust into here. Textbook selection IMO. The scene of him burning Tig's daughter alive in retaliation for Tig killing his own daughter in last seasons' finale is all the proof you need of just how vile a villain he can play. That scene was tough to watch. As up and down as Tig is in the love/hate picture, you had to feel for him there.


That said, he's also going to have to die to come full circle, even if it happens at the end of the series.


If the conversation they had in the Warden/CO's office is any indication as to the direction this is going to go, "King" Jax is about to go all in on the most dangerous game of kingpin he and the Sons have ever played.


Pope said it best ? "There you go. Finding the hidden advantage in an unfortunate circumstance. Using pain to take it to the next level. Those are the things that turn players into kings."

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This show has really turned itself around. I almost completely tapped out. Pleasantly surprised with this season.. these last two episodes were far and away the best we've seen. I think it suffered from over-the-top storylines for a while and now that it's dialed back in on the characters, it's really feeling better. I still feel like theres not nearly enough subtly. I also fear that with 2 more seasons after this one, they're going to jack it back up again.
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