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Stepping Down; Thank You Everyone

Cash or Czech

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lol, might as well. We have practically the same mod crew here. Plus, I had a lot less warnings over there


There you go again purporting to know things you can't possibly know.


1. The crew that is on Staff here is not even close to the crew that was on the old forum. In fact, the only three users here who held a Staff position on the old forum were myself, Chris (Mr. Smith) and Dave (NoControl). Pete, Alex, Jules, Respecttheblue, etc. were never moderators there.


2. The forum rules are quite clear on what is and isn't allowed on the forum. If you don't like it, you can respectfully message myself or anyone on Staff over the matter and discuss it like an adult. Or of course, if you are looking for a forum experience where you can call another member a pedophile and get away with it, you can open your own and run it how ever you see fit.


I'll kindly remind you that there are three Forum rules in place that work against you in continuing this though, all of which can be viewed here:


A. Acting Like an Idiot: If the Staff feel you are not contributing to the forums and are simply a nuisance poster they have every right to infract or ban you. These are privately owned forums and it is our judgment as to who can and cannot post here, not yours.


C. Stirring Up Drama: Don’t do it. If there is some aspect about the BlueshirtsBrotherhood Forums that you do not like, rationally make your case and discuss it in a mature fashion. Do not be immature and cause a massive fuss, as it will only work against you and may result in an infraction or you being permanently banned.


D. Ignoring Staff Warnings: This will not be tolerated, especially if you make it known publicly. Whether you agree with the warning or not, be smart about your objection and discuss the matter privately with the Staff member who issued it. This goes for both warnings, infractions and in-thread warnings issued publicly. Warnings are given out to prevent you from escalating things to the point that infractions would/should become necessary. Heed them. Be smart.


You're a great user when you want to be, and I'd hate to see that taken away from you because of your insistence on telling it like you think it is when you have zero insight into the matter. You see nothing that happens back stage, so insinuating you do and continuing this type of behavior is something you'll do at your own peril.

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Can we call it the North Pole Waiver?

I had to plead ignorance in regards to all things non minor hockey related.........and of course there is that spelling/grammar issue I throw down with





How is Cim Fawlur doing, by the way?


Better than Kredier.

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