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Bang Your Head to the Heavy Metal & Rock Thread


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New BOYSETSFIRE single "One Match", with accompanying video:



Also, for fans of BSF or their vocalist Nathan Gray, check out his much heavier project I AM HERESY that really dives into the more Satanic elements and themes of his real-life Satanism views/beliefs:


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More power to you, dude. It's awesome that you're into it. It's just not for me.


BSF is fantastic though. We share that in common for sure. Tomorrow Come Today and After the Eulogy are two of my favorite records of theirs. I listened to After the Eulogy religiously in high school.


You should check out While a Nation Sleeps.... It's really good.

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will do.

and now i'm looking through my music catalog for something "hard" to share...

but i don't fuck with "hard" shit.../

the metal i really like is just technical as fuck. not sure if that makes it "hard" though, you know? and by no means to i want to have a discussion about the million sub-genres under the metal umbrella, i'm just...typing.


i guess...the bled? pass the flask was one of my favorite fucking albums when it came out. but that's not that hard.

calico system? the duplicated memory has its moments. and that will always be one of my most favorite albums to listen to.

fear before (the march of flames)? i think they got rid of the "the march of flames" part of their name - odd how people shake will forever stay with me. there are some SOLID fucking tracks on that album.

circle takes the square? not hard, but definitely not soft - as the roots undo.

can't go wrong with converge, eh? but they're not really metal...they're more hardcore, i suppose. there i go again though...talking about genres.

what about into the moat or curl up and die?

WE BUTTER THE BREAD WITH BUTTER? some weird german shit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGuj-PeWbpY

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I used to love Boy Sets Fire, but they softened up and got way too political. Their first and second albums were awesome, the third they really changed their sound, and I couldn't get into anything new by them. Their shows were like 75% political bullshit talk and 25% music. I hate that shit, I dont pay money to hear their political views, I want some talk and mostky music.
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will do.

and now i'm looking through my music catalog for something "hard" to share...

but i don't fuck with "hard" shit.../

the metal i really like is just technical as fuck. not sure if that makes it "hard" though, you know? and by no means to i want to have a discussion about the million sub-genres under the metal umbrella, i'm just...typing.


i guess...the bled? pass the flask was one of my favorite fucking albums when it came out. but that's not that hard.

calico system? the duplicated memory has its moments. and that will always be one of my most favorite albums to listen to.

fear before (the march of flames)? i think they got rid of the "the march of flames" part of their name - odd how people shake will forever stay with me. there are some SOLID fucking tracks on that album.

circle takes the square? not hard, but definitely not soft - as the roots undo.

can't go wrong with converge, eh? but they're not really metal...they're more hardcore, i suppose. there i go again though...talking about genres.

what about into the moat or curl up and die?

WE BUTTER THE BREAD WITH BUTTER? some weird german shit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGuj-PeWbpY


None of that is really (traditional) metal to me. They're all variations of metalcore and post-hardcore.

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I used to love Boy Sets Fire, but they softened up and got way too political. Their first and second albums were awesome, the third they really changed their sound, and I couldn't get into anything new by them. Their shows were like 75% political bullshit talk and 25% music. I hate that shit, I dont pay money to hear their political views, I want some talk and mostky music.


They've been political from day one. They did soften their sound though. If you're still looking for that harsher sound, check out I am Hersey. I posted a video above.

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Some of the post-hardcore I did like would include Refused, Glassjaw, Snapcase and At the Drive-In.


refused's the shape of punk to come and ATDI's relationship of command are in my opinion two of the best albums ever written.

i don't think i've ever listened to snapcase.

and i don't think i appreciated glassjaw until way after i should have.

on a side note, not metal at all, have you listened to head automatica?

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refused's the shape of punk to come and ATDI's relationship of command are in my opinion two of the best albums ever written.

i don't think i've ever listened to snapcase.

and i don't think i appreciated glassjaw until way after i should have.

on a side note, not metal at all, have you listened to head automatica?


Yup. Love it. I'm a big fan of Daryl Palumbo's work in general. Head Automatica is one of those catchy-as-fuck bands that caught a lot of flack from Glassjaw "purists" who wanted more of that raw, screaming energy. They hated the dancy-nature of the songs, but I thought both records were fantastic. Just good, fun-loving music.


If you think ATDI is great, I think you'd dig Snapcase. Here's a few suggestions:


"Typecast Modulator"








"Synthesis of Classic Forms"




The last video is actually how they do/did a lot of their live shows. Tons of smoke, and a back-lit stage with lights pointing out into the crowd so the band is often silhouetted. It's fucking awesome.


They opened for AFI years ago at Irving Plaza. One of the best shows I've ever been to.

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i'm finishing up listening to miss machine (DEP) and then i'll check these out. thanks!

and yeah...lol @ glassjaw purists...i used to post on a lot of music boards and noticed the same thing.

some of that head automatica shit was awesome.

but for the purists, there's no removing glassjaw from head automatica because of palumbo. but they're just such different projects, the only thing the purists can grasp and hold onto is palumbo's name.

in being that kind of a purist, they're shortchanging only themselves.

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I mean, I've almost always been supportive of bands changing their sound. I've been dealing with this my whole life with Metallica. There's Metallica stuff I can't stand (cough*St. Anger*cough), but I never rip bands for changing or altering their sound as they evolve over time. Purists bitch, but my response is always the same... you really want them to release Ride The Lightning every other year? You really think you wouldn't get tired of it? Bands can't put the same sounding song out 100 times and expect to make money, and at the end of the day, that's what they're in this for, even if they really, really, really, really love it for the music. Most bands do this as a career choice, so they have to make money, on top of making music they also enjoy.


I'll never fault an artist or a group for at least trying something new or different. Sometimes it falls flat, sometimes not, but I'll never rip a band for trying to explore other sound avenues.

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I mean, I've almost always been supportive of bands changing their sound. I've been dealing with this my whole life with Metallica. There's Metallica stuff I can't stand (cough*St. Anger*cough), but I never rip bands for changing or altering their sound as they evolve over time. Purists bitch, but my response is always the same... you really want them to release Ride The Lightning every other year? You really think you wouldn't get tired of it? Bands can't put the same sounding song out 100 times and expect to make money, and at the end of the day, that's what they're in this for, even if they really, really, really, really love it for the music. Most bands do this as a career choice, so they have to make money, on top of making music they also enjoy.


I'll never fault an artist or a group for at least trying something new or different. Sometimes it falls flat, sometimes not, but I'll never rip a band for trying to explore other sound avenues.


yeah. i agree.

i used to write a lot of music. the evolution of songwriting is exactly that - an evolution.

you can't continue to write the same thing and expect it to get better. you start trying new things and hence, develop a new sound.


when i was listing bands earlier, it occurred to me that i was listing early albums by each bands. not on purpose. not because i'm wearing my hipster glasses and liked the bands before anyone else, but mostly because there is something so raw about a band's first album. it's not exactly easy to keep that kind of energy up.


also, i stopped caring about the "scene" or whatever the fuck for a while. life got the best of me, and so my cut-off was like 2004-2005.

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