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Engagement rings and I have no idea what I'm doing


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I used blue Nile.com ... Got a $7k for like 4k because I got the stone and setting separately. It's like anything else do research first cuz after a certain point, unless you're an expert there is not much of a difference.


Yeah, I saw that site before. Could you appraise that somewhere and then let them know you don't want it?

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They send you an appraise with it. I really don't rmber what their policy was in terms of seeing the tin and sending it back but I was pretty comfortable with ordering so there has to be some kind of assurance. In sure if you read up on their website you'll find it. I had a great experience... Got the ring appraised elsewhere when it came in and I was shocked it was 3k more than I paid.


Whatever you do stay away from a big chain retailers like Kay, you'll just be paying for the brand name.

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They send you an appraise with it. I really don't rmber what their policy was in terms of seeing the tin and sending it back but I was pretty comfortable with ordering so there has to be some kind of assurance. In sure if you read up on their website you'll find it. I had a great experience... Got the ring appraised elsewhere when it came in and I was shocked it was 3k more than I paid.


Whatever you do stay away from a big chain retailers like Kay, you'll just be paying for the brand name.



Yeah, definitely staying away from them

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I don't want to troll here, but why not buy a cheaper ring? I spent $1000 and my wife picked it out. If you're anything like we were, we needed a house down payment, money to pay for wedding, new breaks on the car, student debt etc etc etc neither of us could fathom buying a $5000 ring. Just thinking about it would make me break out in hives.


Agreed, we did the same thing, I let her pick it out, spend a decent price and now we're saving up for a place of our own and to raise our child on the way. But either way, congrats, Mike, glad to hear what is happening with you and her!

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Granted I got engaged 10 years ago, but I didnt spend anywhere near $7,000 on a ring. I had bought the ring for my wife, I had picked out the round cut, and I took my wife to the store to get her ring size, and she had liked the princess cut better. When I got home, the jeweler called me and asked if I wanted to switch the rings to the one she liked. I think I paid like $3,000 for her ring. I lucked out thougb, my wife isnt into expensive things. She isnt into the expensive bags or jewelry. On the other hand, because of that, she is a pain in the ass to shop for at Christmas and for her Birthday.
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that 0.70 is pretty good for price.


Also keep in mind that a diamond with a large/flat table is going to "show" bigger than the actual carat weight.


And really, just spend how much you're comfortable spending, if it's $1k or $10k. No one here knows your g/f or your finances. The best advice is the most obvious: don't get yourself in debt over it.


I mean really, you can always sell the rock, unless someone decides that diamonds aren't going to be valuable in the next 50 years.

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Granted I got engaged 10 years ago, but I didnt spend anywhere near $7,000 on a ring. I had bought the ring for my wife, I had picked out the round cut, and I took my wife to the store to get her ring size, and she had liked the princess cut better. When I got home, the jeweler called me and asked if I wanted to switch the rings to the one she liked. I think I paid like $3,000 for her ring. I lucked out thougb, my wife isnt into expensive things. She isnt into the expensive bags or jewelry. On the other hand, because of that, she is a pain in the ass to shop for at Christmas and for her Birthday.


My wife is a princess cut fan too. I remember (11 years back) doing my research and heading to Kay's a few times to discuss things. I educated myself on the 4 C's and just rolled with things. Worked out well in the end. Got a credit card through the store and had it paid off in a reasonable amount of time.

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My wife is a princess cut fan too. I remember (11 years back) doing my research and heading to Kay's a few times to discuss things. I educated myself on the 4 C's and just rolled with things. Worked out well in the end. Got a credit card through the store and had it paid off in a reasonable amount of time.


i'm totally gonna use my kay's credit, buy my girl and ring and put it in a tiffany's box...

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My wife is a princess cut fan too. I remember (11 years back) doing my research and heading to Kay's a few times to discuss things. I educated myself on the 4 C's and just rolled with things. Worked out well in the end. Got a credit card through the store and had it paid off in a reasonable amount of time.


I did this, but with Whitehall. It was awesome, I had a year of 0% fin ace to pay it off, made it so much easier.

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