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2016-2017 Out of Town Scoreboard


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All I can find in writing is this:




Mario Tremblay had said on radio that there was already a meeting regarding chemistry with management and it was in regards to Subban, but this seems to refute that.



Winning cures all, but if they continue to lose my guess is those two won't get along and it seems like there is already smoke.

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Omg CBJ is up 10-0 on the Habs. That's beyond a bad day for Montoya and the Habs in general. Do they not know how to play D?


Makes it look like the only reason they win is Carey Price.


I thought last season proved that to an extent.


On another note, 10-0, that's fucking horrible.

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I feel so bad for anyone who had Montoya in fantasy. :rofl:


That'll bust even the best goaltending stats for the week.


My stats this week are such a reverse of last week. Talbot and Dubnyk were amaze balls last week and meh this week. But oh man having Montoya would suck.



Sent from my iPad using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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