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2017-18 NHL Trade Deadline // Sell, Sell, Sell!


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Mikey, it's possible. The dick thing. I mean is Vesey being a dick when handing out menus or other greet and meets? That is not a reason to try and trade a cost-controled 2nd year kid. Entitled? I guess, but you don't get into Harvard coasting and he was liked by teammates and coaches there.


However, a bad attitude in the locker room after all this time should be dealt with by the leadership group. If that doesn't do it, then the coaching staff needs to manage it. If it is one or two guys that is one thing. Yet, if so many of the young core all developing a bad enough rep to be shunned by the rest of the league, then the problem rises to a crisis. And rises to the top, as far as responsibility.


Again, how is this AV’s fault? What I posted had nothing to do with his relationship to the coach or how he and others behave with the staff. They’re bad LOCKER ROOM guys. There’s a difference. A coach doesn’t spend nearly the same amount of time in the room than the players do. So please don’t make it look like I’m passing along info about player to coach relationships.

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I'm hearing a possible deadline day deal could be Zuc to Calgary for Bennett, one of their young Swedish D man (not sure who), and a 3rd rounder. This will depend on how other moves go.


Also, I hear they've been trying to move Miller, Vesey, and Hayes but no one wants them. Horrible locker room guys, and have bad attitudes.


To clarify further, I did not say AV wants to trade them. This has nothing to do with AV, and it was not anything he said.

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Simply need to be very wary of dumping young cost-controlled players. Not assigning blame, merely suggesting when it comes to such players better course of action would be to have fresh eyes either confirm this bad stuff or make them more professional.
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Simply need to be very wary of dumping young cost-controlled players. Not assigning blame, merely suggesting when it comes to such players better course of action would be to have fresh eyes either confirm this bad stuff or make them more professional.


Fresh eyes of whom ?

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Again, how is this AV’s fault? What I posted had nothing to do with his relationship to the coach or how he and others behave with the staff. They’re bad LOCKER ROOM guys. There’s a difference. A coach doesn’t spend nearly the same amount of time in the room than the players do. So please don’t make it look like I’m passing along info about player to coach relationships.


Mikey, I can not do reading comprehension for everyone. In no way did you say you got this info from staff. You did not say. I'm saying if 3 or more guys have bad locker room reps this long into their career and season, then there was some serious negligence going on from the head coach to Sather/Gorton. Coaches are responsible for the locker roon even if they are not present all the time.


This is not some 800 man corporation. This is a 20 or so man team, with at least as many stafff and coaches. With a Captain and 3 assistants. This shit should not be stirring about on the eve of the trade deadline. The buck stops at the top. That is not you saying it, it is me. I see you disagree. No problem.

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Fresh eyes as in the Rangers should clean house of all staff not named Benoit. New coach and staff come in with a bit of a plan, develop an identity and a good freakin culture again. Someone is not growing up, you trade them.


Ok, I know most of you are smart enough to figure this out without me revealing more than I have ....

So again, this did not come from AV or any other staff member. We good ?

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Mikey, I can not do reading comprehension for everyone. In no way did you say you got this info from staff. You did not say. I'm saying if 3 or more guys have bad locker room reps this long into their career and season, then there was some serious negligence going on from the head coach to Sather/Gorton. Coaches are responsible for the locker roon even if they are not present all the time.


This is not some 800 man corporation. This is a 20 or so man team, with at least as many stafff and coaches. With a Captain and 3 assistants. This shit should not be stirring about on the eve of the trade deadline. The buck stops at the top. That is not you saying it, it is me. I see you disagree. No problem.


Here’s the disconnect, this didn’t start stirring around the trade deadline. This is when I mentioned it. The deadline has nothing to do with it. They may have been looking to move them long before the deadline. I’m not making excuses or placing blame on the staff regardless of my opinion on how the on ice product looks. So now, mayyyybe it’s been an issue for a lot longer and no one wants to deal for those guys because of their reputation. That ties hands to a degree.

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Ok, I know most of you are smart enough to figure this out without me revealing more than I have ....

So again, this did not come from AV or any other staff member. We good ?


Oh yeah, we're good.


And I get that this issue mayyyy have been stirring for a while. All the more reason it is time for a coaching change. Mgmt is currently working on trading Holden, Grabs, Nash, DD, McD and Zuc. Can't trade the whole team.


The team has underperformed 3 straight years. Kids and young core have not progressed the way we'd hoped. Now we hear there are attitude issues that have not been fixed and are bad enough to hamper trading at least 3 full time cost-controled players. I don't care if AV, expects captains to police the team, this is unacceptable. If it was my company it would be a crisis. I'd fire the Manager and bring in someone with excellent management and development skills.

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Oh yeah, we're good.


And I get that this issue mayyyy have been stirring for a while. All the more reason it is time for a coaching change. Mgmt is currently working on trading Holden, Grabs, Nash, DD, McD and Zuc. Can't trade the whole team.


The team has underperformed 3 straight years. Kids and young core have not progressed the way we'd hoped. Now we hear there are attitude issues that have not been fixed and are bad enough to hamper trading at least 3 full time cost-controled players. I don't care if AV, expects captains to police the team, this is unacceptable. If it was my company it would be a crisis. I'd fire the Manager and bring in someone with excellent management and development skills.


So Miller, Hayes and Vesey are bad locker room guys and it’s on AV? They were all fantastic dudes until AV became their coach? And it’s AV’s fault that they haven’t changed? On that note, I’m going to try to wake my wife up for sex. I feel like I’d get less resistance than carrying on this conversation. I still like you, but you’re in left field here. It’s ok to dislike AV, how he coaches, how he chews gum, want him fired, or whatever else, but this ain’t on him.

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Ha ha, my wife is up and I still can't get laid. In the doghouse I guess, so I stew about AV and a 2nd for Grabs.


On a 20 man team. for me, one is an exception, two is a problem and three is a trend. Yes, at least one attitude should have been fixed or one example should have been made. They let it get out of hand. 15% bad attidudes in the locker room is too much. It was time for a coaching change, before this info. How can you not understand why some of us think this makes it more likely that it is time for a change. I don't care who is the biggest blame, we need a leader to fix it and the culture.

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Ha ha, my wife is up and I still can't get laid. In the doghouse I guess, so I stew about AV and a 2nd for Grabs.


On a 20 man team. for me, one is an exception, two is a problem and three is a trend. Yes, at least one attitude should have been fixed or one example should have been made. They let it get out of hand. 15% bad attidudes in the locker room is too much. It was time for a coaching change, before this info. How can you not understand why some of us think this makes it more likely that it is time for a change. I don't care who is the biggest blame, we need a leader to fix it and the culture.


I’m all for firing AV, I’m just not looking for additional excuses to justify it.

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Maybe Joel Q is the right guy. If he is fired up to coach a fast young team and bring a highly professional culture motivated toward building a championship unit. I don't care if the players eat great and have the best weight room in the country, I'd expect it. Also expect them to be focused, driven, in shape, endlessly hard working and prone to few distractions that can effect their game, even in the slightest.
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I’m all for firing AV, I’m just not looking for additional excuses to justify it.


Ha. Neither was I, but your original post really depressed me as a fan and disapoints me as a professional. Usually, I'd be inclined to look at the player. But when it is 3 core players for this long, not fixed and it has gotten out to the league, the GM and coach are not blameless.

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Fresh eyes of whom ?


A new coach, next training camp.


You cannot trade everyone, and you should be disinclined to dump your young talent that under a cap has a relatively modest cost. And really if the head coach, whether he is or is not at fault, is not addressing this, he has failed.


And pretty obvious based on Miller's family spilling their guts to other fans in Vegas Miller and AV do not mix well. Further obvious Hayes is a knucklehead. Could speculate that 3 American college kids don't mesh with a coAch who rode the buses and got his start Quebec major junior. But really, I don't know that.


Do know from a person who worked for the Rangers the AV is very hands off, cool, stays out of the lockerroom. Same person saw Torts completely lose his shit on a player between periods to the point thought there would be a fight, but I digress. AV's hands off act is no secret. it's also no secret the team seems to go dead for long stretches and the coach to functioning eyeballs doesn't appear to change his demeanor even a bit. Grant you if he suddenly went on a Torts/Keenan screaming jag it would be laughable. But for God sake, in the finals vs. the Kings, the Bolts in the Conference Finals or last year vs. the Sens, WAKE THE F___ UP. Even last week,a team runs his goalie and AV won't lose his shit even a bit about the refs allowing it, which is HORSESH!T. And no secret he prefers vets to young players. Again, under the cap, that is no longer objectively a good policy.


In summary, they've heard everything AV has to say. Time to go. And may be the new coach can figure these guys out.

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A new coach, next training camp.


You cannot trade everyone, and you should be disinclined to dump your young talent that under a cap has a relatively modest cost. And really if the head coach, whether he is or is not at fault, is not addressing this, he has failed.


And pretty obvious based on Miller's family spilling their guts to other fans in Vegas Miller and AV do not mix well. Further obvious Hayes is a knucklehead. Could speculate that 3 American college kids don't mesh with a coAch who rode the buses and got his start Quebec major junior. But really, I don't know that.


Do know from a person who worked for the Rangers the AV is very hands off, cool, stays out of the lockerroom. Same person saw Torts completely lose his shit on a player between periods to the point thought there would be a fight, but I digress. AV's hands off act is no secret. it's also no secret the team seems to go dead for long stretches and the coach to functioning eyeballs doesn't appear to change his demeanor even a bit. Grant you if he suddenly went on a Torts/Keenan screaming jag it would be laughable. But for God sake, in the finals vs. the Kings, the Bolts in the Conference Finals or last year vs. the Sens, WAKE THE F___ UP. Even last week,a team runs his goalie and AV won't lose his shit even a bit about the refs allowing it, which is HORSESH!T. And no secret he prefers vets to young players. Again, under the cap, that is no longer objectively a good policy.


In summary, they've heard everything AV has to say. Time to go. And may be the new coach can figure these guys out.


I’m not defending AV’s job. Their behavior doesn’t necessarily have to do with their relationship with the coach. Also, not sure where you think head coaches backgrounds come from, but they all have experience one way or another. Not everyone gets to become a NHL coach without paying dues.

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